Mirrors - Short Horror Story

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A woman named Emily Weathers was found dead in her apartment on July 10th by one of her neighbors. The neighbor said it smelled a mix of sulphur and ash, to which they called the management to investigate. Upon forced entry after repeated attempts to get into contact with Miss Weathers, management found her body on the floor, arms folded over her chest, with her eyes missing.

Reports also note a symbol of wings in what was confirmed to be her own blood was drawn around her, giving her the appearance of an angel.

This isn't the first report like this in the Northsky area, as seven other identical incidents were reported around the town. Whoever is responsible for these murders is still at large, and the town of Northsky is expressing caution to all to be on the lookout for strange behavior.

"What is it with this town and murderers?" Sam questioned while preparing the potatoes for dinner.

"Maybe it's time to move," Claire responded, "I don't like the idea of living here anymore."

"Hey," Sam said, moving over to Claire as she cut the chicken, "It's going to be okay, alright? The police are on the case, we'll come up with something soon."

"How do you know that?" Claire asked, still worried.

Sam sighed, but smiled at her, "I'm not supposed to talk about ongoing investigations, you know that."

"Come on," Claire pushed, "At least give me something. Tell me you have some good news to calm my nerves."

Hands on his hips, Sam looked down for a moment, then back up to Claire, "We have several leads, but this guy is slippery. Definitely the hardest case I've worked on in my career. But don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you, okay? You're safe."

"Not really feeling it."

"Hey, come on," Sam said as he walked back over to her and embraced her. She hugged back strongly, clear to Sam how worried she was. "You have the emergency button right?"

Claire nodded.

"Good, so if anything is wrong, you just press that button and I'll come running, okay?"


A cell phone went off, pulling the two apart for Sam to grab the phone. He answered, walking out of the kitchen for a moment to talk with whoever it was. After a few minutes, he strolled back in, looking concerned and disappointed.

"Sorry baby, but worked called, they think they got something on this case," Sam told her.

Claire nodded, this wasn't the first time he had to leave suddenly for work. Packing up his bag, Sam wished her a goodnight, promising to be home no later than midnight. Claire normally wouldn't mind, if it wasn't for the recent news keeping her on edge.


"I'm concerned," Sam said to the other cops in the meeting room at the police station, "My house is in line with this guy's likely attacks."

"As you've made us aware several times now," one cop muttered.

"I want a car outside my house," Sam continued, ignoring the comment.

"You're the boss," said the same cop, standing up and heading out along with one other.

"The rest of you, get to work. We need to stop this guy. Pattern shows tonight is the night of his next attack."


Finishing the dishes, Claire walked out of the kitchen towards the staircase. She strolled up to them, heading to the bedroom, going straight for the bathroom. It wasn't that late yet, with still enough time to read a couple more chapters in her book.

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