Jimin smirked to himself.

It will be fun seeing that blonde getting fooled everyday.

After getting a shower, Jungkook decided to pay a visit to the blonde.

Taehyung was already sitting on his bed, his back resting on the headrest as he bite on his lips thinking about what happened just an hour ago.

He was on the verge of getting killed. If Jungkook had believed that guard, he would have been dead by now. But why did Jungkook trust him?... Why did Jungkook didn't even ask him anything and let him go without any question...instead, he killed his own man?

It was messing with Taehyung's sanity.

Why would Jungkook trust him more than his own guard?

He was still thinking about everything when Jungkook came inside with his hands  deep in his pocket....what?...its his habit.

Taehyung flinched when the ravenette cleared his throat and immediately sat up straight, his face showing hesitancy and nervousness.....his brown eyes clearly showing the vulnerability he was in.

''JK?'' Taehyung whispered making the mafia leader raise his eyebrow in delight.

''That's not the tone I like, doll....I love it when you are confident.'' Jungkook said standing beside the bed as he looked at the blonde sitting on the bed with crossed legs, looking up at him with emotions that wanted Jungkook to smile at him assuringly but he stopped himself.

''I am sorry.'' Taehyung apologised, not for breaking into his office, but for making him kill his own man.

''That was not your fault. That fucker deserved it.'' Jungkook said sitting down on the bed.

''But he was just doing his work?'' Taehyung need to know why Jungkook killed his guard in place of Taehyung.

'' That motherfucking asshole touched you.'' Jungkook replied honestly, his eyes looking into Taehyung's nervous ones making Taehyung's heart race.

He killed his man because he t-touched me?

''So you believe that I was lying?'' Taehyung asked biting his lower lip in anticipation.

You WERE lying princess...

'' No....I trust you....why would you go through my things after all?'' Jungkook asked smiling....smiling...he was S.M.I.L.N.G.

'' Y-Yeah...right.... why w-would I go through your things?'' Taehyung asked weakly, avoiding Jungkook's observing eyes.

'' Yeah...'' Jungkook agreed....sarcastically. He scratched his chin as he thought something.

''W-What happened to your hand?'' Taehyung ask holding Jungkook's hand as his eyes roamed on his bruised knuckles and Jungkook smiled when he noticed the concern in Taehyung's voice.

''You are worried, doll?'' He teased making Taehyung look at him with wide eyes and when he understood what he did, he immediately left Jungkook's hand and clasped his both hands together nervously.

Yeah Kim Taehyung!!.What the fuck you think you are doing?

He mentally scolded himself but couldn't help his eyes going back to look at those knuckles.

''That must be hurting.''

''Not so much....I am a mafia, you know.'' Jungkook replied cockily.

''That doesn't mean you don't feel the pain.'' Taehyung replied mockingly.

''I don't feel anything, princess!!'' And suddenly, Taehyung started liking the nick names Jungkook gave him.

''You really don't?'' Taehyung asked, looking into Jungkook's dark eyes with his innocent brown ones and Jungkook again felt his heart beating. He felt happiness bubbling inside him that Taehyung cares for him....He really felt.

Jungkook was tongue tied because he has started to feel things. He kept looking into Taehyung's eyes, both of them not realising that they were staring into each other's soul trying to read what was hidden inside them, conveying what they don't know themselves.

''I think I do.'' The mafia leader whispered, too lost in Taehyung to realise what he just confessed.

He confessed that he feels things...something he had promised that he will never tell anyone.....heck, he didn't even wanted to confess it to himself....but he was late.

Taehyung averted his eyes when he realised that he was in a trance. He looked here and there making Jungkook chuckle.

''Do you want me to bandage t-them?'' The blonde asked, that's the least he can do to make it upto the ravenette for what he did today....that was his reason to his actions.

'' If you want to.'' The ravenette gave him an option, amusement dancing in his eyes. Taehyung smiled weakly at the mafia leader and stood up.

''Where are you going?'' Jungkook asked when he saw Taehyung walking away.

''To get the first aid box.'' The blonde replied innocently making Jungkook smile again. Suddenly, Jungkook was smiling too much.

Taehyung came back with a first aid box in his hands and sat beside the ravenette who kept following his every move.

The blonde took Jungkook's rough and bigger hands in his soft and small ones and looked at the bruises, his face immediately morphing into painful expressions. Jungkook kept his eyes glued to the angelic face of the blonde.

As the blonde bandaged Jungkook's knuckles, the mafia leader kept staring at Taehyung, taking in his every feature, every little detail....he felt so good when Taehyung cleaned his wounds while blowing air on them like it was hurting Taehyung more than Jungkook.

''I-Its done.'' Taehyung said when Jungkook kept looking at him unblinkingly making the blonde nervous. He don't know why he was feeling this way but he was feeling giddy.

''Thanks....I guess!!'' The ravenette said looking at his bandaged hands and Taehyung couldn't stop himself from showing his wide boxy smile.

''So Jeon Jungkook, the ruthless mafia...the king of underworld is THANKING ME?"' He asked excitedly making the ravenette raise his eyebrow in warning.

''We are not talking about that again, doll.'' Jungkook warned.

''Why?... You THANKED me, that's hell of a big deal.'' Taehyung jumped in excitement forgetting that he was talking to a person he wanted to destroy.

''Are not they good manners...to thank someone when they help you?'' Jungkook asked.

''But you are not anyone...You are a big bad Mafia, JK.'' Taehyung said in awe.

'' Doll...don't.''

''Why not?...I will tell everyone that you thanked me.'' Taehyung said now jumping on the bed in excitement.

'' And then I'll fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk for days.'' And just like that, Taehyung was muted. The blonde blushed furiously and Jungkook wanted to pinch his cheeks.

Taehyung didn't meet Jungkook's eyes as he was flustered, But he couldn't understand why this topic was making him blush. They have done it before too.

''I'll see you later.'' Jungkook said standing up and Taehyung nodded. The mafia leader walked upto the door and Taehyung looked at his retreating back.

Jungkook stopped and turned around. He smiled when he saw Taehyung already looking at him with innocent eyes.

''You look beautiful when you smile....'' The ravenette commented and left a blushing red tomato sitting in his bed with thousands of feelings to sort out.

Was it a game of chase anymore??


So, something something is happening with TAEKOOK..

Tell me what you think will happen next.

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