meet me at the swing [epilogue]

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[2 years later]

"MICHEAL! Get back here you little squirt!"


I sat on the couch watching as Ranboo chased micheal around the couch in our living room, micheal screaming, and ranboo pretending he was a monster.

"RARRRR! I'm gonna get you!" Ranboo yelled out at Micheal squeaked.

"DADA NO!" Micheal giggled, flopping onto the couch.

"RAHH!" Ranboo said jumping on-top Micheal and tickling him, Micheal squealing and kicking his feet in the air as he laughed.

I smiled as I watched them play around. The man I love, and the boy we're raising.

I stood off the chair and walked to me and rans bedroom, sitting down on the bed and looking out the log window.

We had fixed up the old cabin at the start of this year, about a year after ran moved into the castle. It turns out this is actually royal property, but we don't need a guard out here because no one else but us know it exists. It took awhile to make this place feel like a home, but we had no where else for Micheal to stay close to us in the castle, so it was our only option.

Last year my mum resigned from her place on the throne, and Dream took it as his own. Him and George now being the two kings. Everyone loves them. Of course, there's the odd few who think two men shouldn't be on the throne, but really who gives a shit about them.

I lay there for around 30 minutes, just thinking about everything that had happened in the past years, like when Tom got his first girlfriend, and when techno sadly passed away in battle, which destroyed all of us. Just as I thought I might drift to sleep, I heard a knock at the bedroom door. I stood up off the bed to open it, stopping after I saw a piece of paper that had been slid under the door, and I carefully picked it up and opened it.

'meet me at the swing'

A smile spread on my face as I grabbed my coat off the back of the door and walked to the front door, opening it and stepping out onto the stone steps and into the light.

The sun was just setting, the sky being a soft orange that faded to purple. I walked past the treehouse and the pond, seeing blue hanging his head off the bridge with benson in the water floating in front of him. Blue carefully stuck his head out farther and touched his nose gently to bensons beak.

I kept walking down the path, and I found my way to the swing.

As the clearing came in view, I noticed how gorgeous is was this time of year. All the wild flowers abloom, and the foliage a softer green, and birds chirping in the background.

As I glanced around,and then I saw him. ranboo, leaning up against the tree I had seen him against the first time we met.

I smiled gently as he looked up from his lap, his facial expression softening.

"Hey pretty boy." Ranboo smiled up at me.

"Hey sexy." I grinned, walking over to him, and looking down. "Where's Micheal?"

"I took him to the castle to hang out with XD so it could just be us." Ranboo spoke, blushing slightly.

I met his eyes with a flushed face. "How romantic." I smiled, sticking my hand out for him to grab.

He grabbed by hand and pulled himself up to his full height and looked down at me.

"Woahhh you're short." He said smirking.

"Fuck off." I said lightly punching his arm. And he laughed as we both remembered our first interaction.

We fell silent for a minute, before I spoke up.

"It's very pretty out here." I commented, looking at the wildflowers and seeing the sun setting through the trees.

"Yeah, yeah it is." Ranboo said with a smile, though he wasn't looking at the scenery, his eyes were on me.

I met his eyes with mine. "Is there a reason for bringing me out here? Or is it just because?" I asked lightheartedly.

"Uh actually, there um. There was a reason." Ranboo said gulping, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Are you okay...?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah- yeah I'm fine. It's just-" he started, before taking a deep breath. "Here goes nothing."

"Tubbo, The day I met you, I loved you. The days after, I fell for you. I fell hard. You saved me when I was going through a dark time, and gave me a place to stay, even though you had just met me. I love you with all of my heart, with words not invented, i love you. I love how we spend countless hours just laughing with each other, I love every moment Ive ever spent with you. You're my best friend and the best partner i could ask for, and-" he pulled a small box out of his pocket, kneeling down on one knee, my eyes swelling up. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. so, will you, prince tubbo,"

"Will- will you marry me?" He asked opening the box revealing a gold ring, tears filling both our eyes, one of my hands gripping the fabric of my shirt.

I smiled, a tear falling down my cheek.

"Yes dumbass, I'll marry you." I accepted, pulling him up off the ground and kissing him as he sighed in relief into the loving kiss.

"I love you so much." I said with a grin after we pulled apart, and the ring was slipped gently on my finger.

"I love you more."


I had all
and then most of you
and now
none of you,
take me back


[the end]
[983 words]

meet me at the swing |  beeduo royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now