siblings and dance practice

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Bare with me for this part with dancing, I can't dance, and I'm sleep deprived so this is gonna suck I apologize.



Tuesday came rolling around the corner, and now tubbo and sapnap would be here soon to take me and Karl back to the castle.

I was wearing jeans and a plain white shirt with a brown zip up hoodie overtop. Karl was in a sweater I'd never seen before, it was a little big but it looked nice on him.

"Ranboo! Karl!"

I turned my head and saw tubbo and sapnap walking toward me with a smile. Tubbo had a brown sweater vest over a collared white shirt and blue cuffed jeans. He looked stunning as always. And I think sapnap is wearing one of Karl's sweaters but I'm not focused on that at the moment.

"Hey tubbo!" I smiled, walking toward him.

Once we had gotten close enough I took him in my arms and hugged him. His head can perfectly fit under my chin and it's the best feeling in the world.

I saw Karl and sapnap hug infront of us, sapnap kissing Karl's cheek.

After we had both separated, we started walking toward the castle, chatting.

Tubbo was talking about his cousins who were over. I was desperately trying to pay attention but I kept getting distracted by just the pure excitement and joy on his face.

The way his eyes go larger and his smile wider. My eyes stopped on his mouth, he was ranting on and on about something now, but that stunning face is just too damn distracting.


I love it when he lets me rant. He doesn't seem to mind. I don't even care if he's listening, I just like someone to care enough to at least try to listen.

He had been gazing at me and smiling for a good while now, I tried to pretend not to notice, but the occasional blush crossed my face.

We made it to the gate and I looked back over to ranboo, who was looking up at the large white brick walls.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked.

"Hm?? Oh, ya I'm fine," he glanced at me. "just kind of...nervous."

We both stopped to see if sapnap and Karl had caught up to us, since they fell a bit behind.

They were holding hands and talking, both faces flushed. I just realized Karl and sapnap were wearing each other's sweaters. God I crave that so much.

I looked over to ranboo. "So are they a thing now orrr..?"

"I think so. When I went to work the other day sapnap and him just kissed right in front of me." He said chuckling.

oh my god that laugh.

They had caught up to us now.

"Hey uh are you two, like, dating...?" I asked gesturing to them.

"Uh ya. Ya we are." Sapnap grinned and Karl just blushed at the ground.

"Awesome. Good for you guys." I smiled turning back towards the gates. "You guys ready to go in?"

"Yep." Sapnap and Karl said in sync.

"Yep. I'm ready." Ranboo said grabbing my hand. I interlocked our fingers and we walked in the gates.


The front entrance to the castle was crazy. High ceilings, giant pillars and statues carved into the walls, rooms and staircases going in every direction, the crazy marble floors, the sculpting on the celling, it was beautiful.

meet me at the swing |  beeduo royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now