paper crown

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"Tubbo? You in there?"


I had woke up once again to an arm around my waist, but this time I was face first in someone's chest.

This is not going to end well.

I sat up quickly.

"Uh ya I am! Just got up!" I yelled back which woke ranboo up. Before he could say anything I put my hand over his mouth.

"Ok, just checking. I have a lot of work to do today so you probably won't see me around! A lot if the gaurds have to come as well, it's for the law thing. also Dream and george are going on there picnic so the castle will be pretty much empty!" My mum yelled back. "Drista and lani are hanging out with XD if your looking for them, have a nice day! Oh! And there's pancakes in the kitchen."

"Alright thanks mum! Have a good day!" I replied as ranboo removed his arm from my waist, I could feel his cheeks get warmer.

"Love you!"

"Love you too!"

I waited untill I couldn't hear any more foot steps before removing my hand from on top of ranboos mouth.

"Holy shit that was a close one." I sighed falling back down on the bed. "I guess we slept in a bit."

Ranboo laughed. "A bit??"

"Ok we completely slept in." I said laughing. "Want some pancakes? I can go down and get some."

"Sure." He agreed sitting up. "My aunt never really questions were I go so she probably won't be worried about where I am."

"Ok, I'll be back." I said "don't leave my room."

"Trust me, I don't have a death wish." He reassured laughing.

I opened and shut the door, running down the stairs and into the kitchen. I took 6 pancakes in my arms and one I put in my mouth.

"Good morning prince tubbo!" The chef greeted.

"gOMORNIFG-" I replied as I ran back toward the stairs and right up them.

I opened the door and closed it shut behind me. Ranboo was looking at the drawings taped to my wall.

"I broughf foob" I said mouth still full of food.

I set the pancakes down on my desk and took the one I had out of my mouth.

Ranboo took a pancake and ripped a piece off to eat.

"So you like Greek mythology?" He asked looking up at me.

I gasped. "Oh my god how'd you know? Can you read my mind?"

"No idiot I just saw the drawing you have of Icarus on your wall." He laughed ripping another piece off and eating it.

I let out a disappointed 'oh' and continued to eat.

"so wacha wanna do today?" I asked taking another bite.

"I don't know- ooo wait I do know I have an idea." He said. "There's this cool spot in the forest I could show you, it's awesome."

"sounds dope I'm in." I replied, mouth still full of food.

After I finished my pancake I walked over to my desk and pulled out a pad of yellow paper. I started to cut and fold certain pieces until I made a crown.

I walked over to ranboo and placed the crown on his head.

"Look, you're a prince now." I said smiling.

He smiled back as his face blushed a bright pink.

"I should probably change, I've been wearing this for 2 days now." Ranboo said looking down at his white t-shirt and black jeans.

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