
942 35 46

TW: blood! [not severe just a scrape]

Credit to xXMeow26Xx For the idea

The baby pigman was still staying in the hospital for the time being, and to get it off our minds me and ranboo decided to go outside to find a distraction.

We were chasing each other around, up and down the rows of gardens in the back yard of the castle. The wind hit my face coldly as I laughed, running full speed down the grassy path.

"Slow down! I'm gonna tackle you so hard when I catch up." Ranboo said from behind me which made me run faster, laughing harder.

The air was cool but the bright sun contrasted with it, making it seem less cold. The sky was almost entirely cloudless, besides a small few here and there. The gardens were all boxed in and had stuff like tomato's and lettuce growing in it to flowers and small fruit trees. The gardens stretched on for a while, with occasional breaks in them in case someone wanted to exit without having to walk the whole way.

I turned a sharp corner and kept running, which caught ranboo off guard and he fell behind.

"HAHA LOSER IM WINNING IM GONNA GET THERE BEFORE YOU!" I yelled back at a cursing ranboo.

As i glanced behind me to look at him, my foot got caught and before I knew it I was laying face first with a face full of grass.

"TUBBO! Are you okay? Are you hurt??" Ranboo asked sitting next to me.

A grinn grew on my face as I started laughing hysterically, ranboo visibly relaxing knowing I wasn't in pain.

I sat up rubbing the grass of my chin and turned to face him.

"I think you should fore-fit and just let me win." I said smirking.

"No way you're not getting a way out of this." He said.

"Well in that case..." I mumbled looking at him up and down. I sprang up from my spot on the grass and pushed him down to the ground before bolting off towards the finish line.

"OH COME ON." I heard ranboo complain as I crossed the finish line, throwing my arms up in celebration.

"HAHAAAA I WIN LOSER." I cheered, ranboo rolling his eyes as he walked over to me.

He glanced down and suddenly his face fell. "Tubbo your knee-"

I glanced down and saw a just below my shorts was a very blood covered knee.

"Oh shit."


Ranboo had made me go back to the deck and sit down while he went to go get 'something to help'.

I sat with both my legs out and fiddling with the grass as I heard the door open behind me.

"I'm back, I got a wet rag and some bandaids." Ranboo said coming over to me, and I looked up from my spot on the grass to look at his face.

He sat down in between my legs and picked up my leg with the bloodied knee and rested it on his leg.

He took the wet rag and placed it on gently, and I winced slightly at the contact, which he quickly removed.

"It's gonna hurt a bit do you mind if I clean it? We have to make sure it doesn't get infected." He said looking me dead in the eyes.

"Nono it's fine you can go ahead and clean it." I reassured.

He placed it on again, and my leg tensed up as he slowly cleaned the blood up.

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