Incubus vs Werewolf

978 33 5

Darell saw the intruders, three incubi. "Damned demons! Did your worthless king send you!" he growled.

The three incubi turned into their true forms and hissed at Darell. "Give us our queen!"

Darell could only smirk. "You weaklings have no right to order me around." With his speed, he got behind one of them and snapped their neck. The two remaining incubi saw their dead comrade. One went straight towards the werewolf. However, Darell got a hold of the upcoming incubus with his bare hand. He held the incubus by the neck, roughly and slowly squeezing the life out of him. The other, meanwhile, flew over Darell and went towards the room where Christina was in.

Darell immediately realized the incubus' intention and ran to him, blocking his way and stabbing him in the chest with his free hand. His nails grew sharp as he stabbed the incubus.

As for the other who was having his life squeezed out of him, he contacted his king through a mind link.


Zepher was flying in the sky as he felt his mind link. "MY KING!"

"Where are you!?" he asked as he felt his subject losing his life source.

"I have found her! She is here! Here!"

Then, Zepher felt where his subject's weak life source was. It wasn't far. "I now know where you are!" The link went off, and Zepher realized that his subject had died. Anger overtook him, but now, he knew where Christina was. He flew faster, and then a feeling came to him.

It was Christina's force. She was still alive; relief overcame him, but he also felt something else—a warm feeling.

As he got closer and closer, the feeling got stronger.

He saw a house hidden in the trees.


Darell looked at the three dead incubi; it angered him that the incubi found his home. He believed that sooner or later that he would be caught. Darell did not want to risk being captured to let Christina be found. He was about to open the door and get Christina.

"I found you!"

Anger took over Darell's body and slowly turned to the entrance.

It was Zepher, Zepher spread his wings out, and anger was also apparent.

Both men looked at each other and growled.

"You can just give in," said Zepher.

"I can say the same thing, you demon. I should have killed you when I had the chance," said Darell.

"Now, this is the chance. I can no longer keep my promise to Andrew and Sam; you have gone too far. You stole my mate, and that is something I will not forgive."

Darell began to take his clothes off, as did Zepher.

Both are bare.

"Now, one of us will die and will have Christina."

Zepher smirked. "I look forward to having you out of our lives."

Darell then began to transform, his body became dark and filled with fur, and his arms and legs grew, as did his nails and teeth. He turned into his werewolf form. As for Zepher, his body changed into a grayish color; his dark hair transformed into a lighter color, his face changed into a longer form, and his nails grew, as did his teeth.

Both men turned into creatures and charged toward one another.

Incubus and werewolf collided.

The collision was full of force that the house trembled. Their arms got a hold of one another by their necks; their strength was unparalleled.

Darell's wolf form punched Zepher's incubus form in the face, making Zepher go.

Darell took this opportunity and jumped on him. House furniture flew around the house, destroying them.

The werewolf above him pinned down Zepher. He tried using his wings trying to get out of Darell's grip.

However, Darell began punching and scratching him. Blood poured out from the incubus king.

Then Zepher got a hold of Darell's right arm.

Zepher's nails grew longer and sharper and made a huge deadly scratch on Darell's chest.

Darell growled in pain, and Zepher flapped his wings and got off under him. He punched Darell so hard that the werewolf went through the house walls to the outside.

Zepher flew out of the house to the mid sky.

Darell was on the ground as he looked up at his enemy, floating in the sky. "Hn, you fly as if you are afraid. Why not come down and fight, demon!?" he growled in his werewolf form.

"A dog who cannot get his enemy should not even be considered an enemy," responded Zepher.

They looked at each other with hate and intent to kill. Zepher could feel Christina, who was still unconscious. However, he also felt another presence. His heart stopped for a moment, and he realized something. "Christina is pregnant...with our child..."

Darell growled in anger deep down, but he could not deny the truth. He smelled the scent and knew that she was pregnant.

"You damn dog, you knew that she was pregnant! Yet, you still did not let her go! Why don't you admit the reality that she is not yours!?"

"Shut it, demon! I barely found out! I was in denial, but I could no longer deny the truth. No matter how much I hate to do so! I don't care! I did not expect that she would give birth to that thing. I would kill it before it breathes life into this world."

This made Zepher angry. The sudden feeling of protectiveness overcame him. He needed to protect Christina and his unborn child, no matter what it took. They went at it against one another.

The intent to kill was surreal.


Christina began to wake up. She began to regain her sight. Slowly, she began to sit up and looked around her; the house was in disarray. The walls and furniture were destroyed.

Darell was nowhere to be seen.

Slowly, Christina began to stand but felt weak; her leg was still chained. She heard a noise, and when she looked, she felt relief. "Andrew!"

Andrew landed next to her; sweat covered his face. "You are safe," he responded as he walked towards her and took off the chains.

Andrew freed her.

Andrew looked at the destroyed house and feared the worst. "I can smell them; they are not far."

This caught Christina's attention. "Zepher!? He was here!?"

The Alpha nodded. "Yes, but I also smell blood. You must stay here; I just mind-linked some of my pack members. They will take you back home safely."

"No, I will go with you! I-."

"No, it will be dangerous for you and your unborn child!"

She stilled. "What?"

"You are pregnant, Christina. That is why it's dangerous. I will go alone. I must stop this madness." Andrew went off, leaving her alone.

Christina touched her stomach; she was pregnant. However, worry and fear filled her for Zepher. She felt something terrible was going to happen. She went off to save the love of her life.

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