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Christina sat on the bed. Once in a while, she would look out the window, looking at the dark world she was taken to. Christina felt a sad vibe and the feeling of longing. She also saw many of the incubus flying in the dark sky. She felt pity for them.

Then, the memory of Zepher in the shower came back to her. She blushed at the memory. She had never felt pleasure like that before. She'd never been with a man before.

Christina could not lie to herself, but she liked it.

When Zepher touched her, she felt his emotions by his touch alone. Love, happiness, longing, and want. It was strange to her. Considering Zepher is an incubus, there seemed to be more to him that she did not know.

She heard a knock, and the door opened. Christina turned and saw Zepher.

"Good afternoon, I-I hope you had a good breakfast," he said gently.

Christina could not look at him. She felt her heart pounding. "Yes."

"I am so happy that you ate; I was worried that you would not eat. I came here to ask if you would like my palace tour. I know that it must be boring to be in the bedroom these days. Would you like that?"

Christina became thoughtful. She couldn't deny that he was right; she was getting tired of staying in just one location in the palace. "Okay."

He smiled and extended his right arm; Christina walked to him and took hold of his arm.

They got out of the room and began to walk throughout the palace.

Christina was amazed at the structure of the palace; there were portraits of previous kings of the incubus and portraits of women. "Why are there little portraits of women?"

"They were the mates of my ancestors; not many of them found women to share their lives with. 

"What about your parents?"

The incubus king was silent for a while as they walked. He sighed. "My mother was human and lived in Portugal. My father traveled throughout Europe for fun until he met her."

"Did your mother know he was an incubus?"

"At first, she didn't, but he told her the truth eventually. To his surprise, she did not fear him. She accepted him, and they married. My father brought her here, and all incubus loved and respected her. When she became pregnant, she wanted to give birth to me in the human world. My father refused the idea, for he was overprotective and jealous. They both fought, and it caused a strain on their relationship. My mother died when she gave birth to me."

Christina gave out a little gasp. "I'm so sorry..."

He shook his head. "It tore my father to pieces. He blamed himself for her death; he believed that not letting her go home put too much strain on her. My father raised me until I was fifteen years old. He died of a broken heart." Zepher could feel Christina flinch, and both stopped walking; both faced one another. "I know you still have ill feelings toward me; I can't blame you. I will be honest; I always wanted someone by my side. I get tired of laying with nameless women. I only want to make love with the woman I love for the rest of my life. What I did to you in the shower was my love for you, not out of pure lust. I am an incubus, I know, but I can wait an eternity for you to give me a chance, to show you that I am not just a demon, but a being that can make you happy."

Christina felt her face burn up and her heart skip a beat.

His expression looked sincere.

Zepher then hugged Christina. "Do you hear my heart? I feel this way whenever you are with me, and I do not want it to stop."

Her ear was on Zepher's muscular chest, and she could hear his heart.

"Well, I think it is time that we both have lunch, don't you think?"

Christina's stomach growled in agreement.

Zepher chuckled.

Both walked to the dining room, where the food was already in place, Zepher let Christina sit first, and he sat beside her. There were many types of food: pasta, soups, bread and salads and they served themselves.

Both ate. As they were eating, a servant came by Zepher's side. "My Lord, forgive me for the interruption, but this letter came for you."


"Alpha Andrew."

The king became silent and opened the letter and read it. Alpha Andrew wanted to speak with him.

Christina looked at him. "Are you okay?"

Zepher smiled. "Perfect, love. Eat up; you must get your energy."

She merely nodded and ate her fill.

Zepher ate as well, but he could not get the letter off his mind. He knew Andrew well.

Many of his incubus subjects tried to seduce the female mates of Andrew's pack, and a war was about to take place. However, Zepher did not want war. He and Andrew came into an agreement. Zepher ordered his incubus not to enter the dreams of any werewolf pack.

Since then, both have been at peace, until now.

Christina finished eating.

"Christina, how about you rest for a bit, I have an important meeting, and after it's finished, I would like to take you somewhere special. What do you say?"

"Oh, okay. Sounds great." Zepher led her back to their room and he locked the doors.

He then went to his throne room, where two of his men stood waiting for him. "My king, the Alpha awaits you in his office," one of them answered.

Zepher nodded and lifted his right hand. A dark portal opened.

He, along with his guards, entered the portal. All three were no longer in the palace but in a plain office.

There were cabinets, books, papers, a television, and a desk in the office. "Welcome back to the human world." Andrew sat, and two bodyguards stood beside him as well.

Both men shook hands.

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