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Zepher POV

I. Am. Pissed. No, I am beyond pissed! I am outraged! I am full of hate!

I felt my claws and teeth grow! I am sitting inside my car, as I watched the woman that I declared mine!

She was with a man that was not me! I am the one who was supposed to take her out to these beautiful places! I am the one who she was supposed to hold!

I punched the driving wheel as MY woman, and the bastard went inside the museum!

From a distance, I sensed something that was not entirely human. I concentrated carefully, and then it hit me.

That bastard is a werewolf! Damn it! Out of all people, Christina had to go with a dog! I got out of my car and locked it. I fixed myself. That dog thinks he will have her, but he will get a rude awakening.

Christina belongs to me and only me. I got out of my car walked toward the museum.

I would like to have a friendly chat.


Christina had her mouth wide open when she and Darell went inside the museum.

The inside looked like an actual palace for royalty.

"Like it? Nothing you thought it would be?" asked Darell as he chuckled softly.

"It is so much better than I ever imagined! It is so beautiful! Never in my wildest dreams have I thought I would be in this museum! Thank you, Darell!" Then Christina hugged him.

He felt something in his heart; longing. He missed the feeling of someone holding him, how he missed his mate. Darell hugged her back in a gentle manner.

They both separated.

He then extended his arm again; Christina gladly took his arm.

They walked around the beautiful museum and looked at the different art pieces.

Christina loved looking at the different pieces of art.

Darell did not say a thing, for he enjoyed her touch. He felt happy.

Christina looked at Darell with curiosity. "The art here is so beautiful! Which one was your favorite?"

Darell smiled and pointed to a sculpture. The sculpture is of a man and woman, nude, kissing. "I like this one. When one looks at this sculpture, the viewer can get a sense of true love and passion."

Christina noticed a slight blush on his face. She also felt her face get a little warm.

"I think you two are getting comfortable," said a voice.

Christina flinched as she recognized the voice.

The couple turned and saw Zepher standing before them.

Zepher did not look happy, and neither did Darell.

"You again! Are you stalking me!?"

"You have no idea," Zepher told himself. "Why would I be; it's a small world, my dear."

Darell smelled his scent. "He is an incubus!" he growled to himself. "Christina, you can keep looking; I will catch up to you. I want to speak with this person alone. You don't have to worry."

Christina hesitated but nodded. She went off to look at more art.

Darell and Zepher were left alone as they were surrounded by people fascinated with the different art pieces. 

"It's loud out here. Let's go into a more quiet area," Zepher said.

Darell merely nodded and motioned him to follow him to a balcony.

They walked to a balcony and were alone.

Neither man was not deterred.

The silence between them seemed like an eternity, but Darell spoke. "You are an incubus, I see."

"You are nothing more than a mutt, I see."

Darell twitched but controlled his temper. "The name is Darell, by the way."

"Zepher, King of the Incubus, and by its looks, you are nothing more than a dog, no rank."

"Wrong, I am a Beta of the Crimson Pack, you male whore. Now, let's cut to the chase. What do you want? Why are you being such a dick in front of Christina?"

"Me? What do you mean?"

Darell rolled his eyes. "And you call yourself a king. Stupidity fits you.

The incubus king gave out a dangerous glare. "Well, I will not waste time. I will say this to you, mutt. Stay away from Christina."

Darell's eyes went a bit wide open. "Why would I ever do that? What is she to you?"

"She is my mate."

"Now that I know is a lie. Incubus do not have love ties; they only find and choose." A smirk then came across his lips. "Ah, let me guess, she rejected you, is that it?" A smirk came across Darell's face.

Zepher twitched in annoyance. "Humph, she was just confused, but she would change her mind if she gave me a chance. I am a king, after all."

Darell chuckled. "My, my, you are quite arrogant. I see why Christina rejected you. She wants a true respectable man."

"A true respectable man? Sorry, but I thought it is in a dog's nature to please."

Darell bit his lip. "You lack respect for women, for you are ahead of yourself. You are so used to throwing women away. You see Christina as a prize."

The king of the incubus began to lose his patience but contained himself. "And what about you, mutt? Haven't found your mate yet? Desperate to find any woman to hump? Perhaps you were not destined to find a mate."

A growl came out from Darell. "I had a mate, but she died. Sure, I had my ups and downs, but Christina is my new hope; I will not let you hurt and have her."

Both men looked at each other intensely.

"Well, if you will not stand back, let the best man win, mutt."

Darell was about to walk back inside the building but looked at his rival for one last time. "I will say this. I am in the lead, and I will not let Christina fall in your hands." He left the incubus alone as he went to Christina. He found her looking at other sculptures. Darell went to her, held her hand, and led her out of the museum.  

Zepher punched the wall when he saw his rival holding Christina's hand. "So you think, but I have other tricks on my sleeves. Just you wait."

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