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"Christina." Darell looked at her; he felt uncertainty and happiness simultaneously. He looked for her for a while, and slowly his right hand lifted and touched her cheek. "You are here."

Christina heard the sound of his voice, weak but filled with joy. She touched his hands. "Yes, Darell, it is me. I am here."

Then, Darell pulled her to him and hugged her.

Christina felt his warmth in his embrace but also a hint of possessiveness. It almost frightened her.

About a couple of minutes later, Darell stopped the hug. "I was so worried about you! I tried to find you! I knew that that incubus kidnaped you! How did you escape?"

"I didn't; Zepher brought me here to visit."

"What do you mean?"

Christina sighed. "Darell, it's true that Zepher kidnapped me, and I was beyond pissed off, but over time, I..." She felt that she could not finish the entire sentence. After what Sammy told her about Darell and Sophie, she felt terrible. However, she realized that Darell didn't love her but for the resemblance to someone he loved.

"You what?" he asked.

"I am Zepher's mate, and I accepted him."

Darell felt utter rage and betrayal. He grabbed her shoulders with such force that Christina thought he would have broken some of her bones. "You love him!?"

"Stop! You are hurting me!"

Sammy saw everything unfold and immediately went to them. With her strength, she got Christina away from Darell. "That's enough! I told her the truth about Sophie and why you wanted her! Admit it; you don't love Christina; you love Sophie!"

When he heard Sophie's name, he felt his heart clench tightly. "Stay away from this, Sammy! This does not concern you!"

"This does concern me. You are by my home and are scaring Christina. She is mated with Zepher. You must come to terms with it! You are hurting yourself too! Christina is not Sophie; you are blinding yourself from reality!"

Darell felt anger, betrayal, and confusion. All emotions were one. He held his head and screamed. Without warning, he punched Sammy in the face.

Christina screamed in horror as Sammy fell to the floor. Christina knelt and held her. "Sammy! Please wake up!" She looked at Darell, furious. "She's pregnant, for christ's sake!"

He looked at both women; tears fell from his eyes. Without warning, he then grabbed Christina by her waist.

"Put me down!"

He did not listen; he ran with her in his arms. She screamed for Zepher.

It was futile.


Moments Later...

Andrew and Zepher drove back to the house with the subway sandwiches. "Since Sammy is pregnant, I have to buy her extra food. She has to feed our pup too."

"How exciting for you both. I can wait for Christina and me to have our own family."

Both men walked closer to the house and noticed that the door was open. Andrew smelled a scent he knew all too well. He went to the open door and saw Sammy on the ground; an ugly bruise was on her face. He went to her and carried her to the sofa.

 Zepher followed pursuit.

"Sammy! Wake up, please!"

Little by little, she began to wake up, moaning in pain as she touched her face.

Andrew touched her face, but she winced. "Who did this to you!?" He felt pure rage that his mate got hurt. "Whoever did this to Sammy will die a horrible death!" he told himself.

She cried. "Darell! Where is Christina!?"

Zepher felt fear overtake him; he looked all over the house.

Christina was nowhere in sight.

"Darell took Christina! He took her, Andrew! I tried, but I-!" Sammy couldn't stop crying.

Andrew hugged his wife with all his might. It broke him to see her sad, but it also angered him that she was hurt! It pissed him off beyond belief. Darell was a good friend, but now he has become his enemy. He looked at Sammy's face again; the bruise covered parts of her face. He wanted to explode but contained himself. "It's not your fault, my love!

There was nothing that could be done! I promise you that he will pay!"

As for Zepher, he stood still. In his mind, he was still processing what had occurred. The love of his life has been taken away from him. The confusion then changed into anger. He could feel his heart beat in rage and intent to kill. He then punched the wall so hard that a hole was made. "I should have killed that damned dog! He kidnapped the love of my life!"

Sammy sat up and slowly began to stand and walked towards him. She gently put a hand on his shoulder. Andrew growled, but she ignored her husband. "I know you love her, and I am sorry that this happened, but I know Darell will not hurt her."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Darell sees her as Sophie. I know he will never hurt her; it will break him apart if something happens to her. When he came here, I noticed he was not in the right state of mind."

Zepher chuckled sarcastically. "Still giving excuses for him? I don't care about that stupid dog! He took Christina! No matter what you do or say, nothing will stop me from killing him! I will make sure to skin him alive!"

Sammy was about to protest, but Andrew interrupted her. "Sammy, I know you worry for Darell, but what he has done is inexcusable! He hurt you and could have hurt our pup! I gave him too many chances, and this is something I will not forgive!"

"You guys, please! How would you be if you lost your mate!? How would you live!? How would you feel? How would you react? If I were Darell, I would go insane!"

Andrew and Zepher did not say a thing; they couldn't. They did not want to admit that Sammy was right. If they lost their mate, they would feel hopeless and have no reason to live.

Andrew sighed and went to Sammy, hugging her. "I will never forgive him for what he has done, but our main priority is to capture him. I will follow the laws of the pack and will give him a trial."

"Really? A trial?" asked Zepher.

"Yes, I will make sure that we find your mate. However, Darell is part of my pack and my responsibility. The law of my pack will hold his fate. Either you agree to my terms, or you look for her on your own. What is your decision?"

Zepher shook in frustration, but he knew he needed help. The more help, the faster Christina could be found and be in his arms again. He swore he would never let her go again. "Fine, I agree with your terms."

Both men shook hands and knew they had a mission.

Sammy kissed her husband, and her hands were on his face. "Please be safe and prevent bloodshed.

"I promise, my love. I will mind link some of our pack members to protect you."

Sammy looked over Andrew and realized something. "Andrew, Zepher left."

Andrew looked behind him. "Damn it! He's fast!" He closed his eyes, used his mind link, and spoke with all his pack members. He ordered five members to protect Sammy while the others were to find Christina; he gave them an image of her appearance. He explained that Darell was responsible and that they needed to find him unharmed. Many of them were surprised but agreed to their Alpha's orders. The mind link was over.

Andrew left the house, closed the door, and went on his way. He hoped that he was not too late. 

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