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Zepher and his guards got back to their world. The guards bowed and went back to their duties.

The incubus king walked to Christina's room and unlocked the door but lightly knocked on the door.

"Come in."

He entered and saw Christina lying on the bed, reading a book.

"Sorry, the meeting took so long."

"It's okay. I was occupying myself with a book," she answered softly.

Zepher smiled. He extended his right arm to her. "Are you ready to go? I have a surprise for you."

Christina put down the book, and she held onto his arm. Both walked out of the room and walked through the halls.

They walked through many portraits, sculptures, and many doors. For what seemed like forever, they stopped in front of two massive doors decorated with stones and gems.

Zepher looked at Christina. "I hope you like it; I made this when I found my mate." He then snapped his fingers, and the doors opened.

What Christina saw behind those doors took her breath away.


Andrew and Sammy sat on the couch in the living room, watching television, warmly embracing each other.

Andrew felt so happy. He and his wife were going to become parents. He glanced at Sammy, who was sleeping peacefully. He turned the television off and carefully carried his mate to their room. He put her on the bed and put the covers over her, and gave her a peck on the head. He closed the room quietly and went back to the living room; his smile went down immediately.

Andrew sensed a presence he knew it all too well.


He did not want his wife to hear their conversation; he could not risk her worrying too much. He didn't want to risk her and their baby's health. Andrew quickly walked down the stairs and out of his home and waited for Darell to come.

About five minutes later, Darell arrived in his werewolf form. His werewolf was dark brown; his eyes were a golden color. Darell then changed back to human form, nude.

"Have you met with the demon?" asked Darell.

"I have."


"He has the human girl," answered Andrew.

Darell said nothing, and Andrew continued. "She is his mate, Darell. Since that is the case, I will not get involved."

This sparked outrage in Darell, and he growled. "What?"

Andrew did not like when Darell growled at him. He growled back. "You heard right; I will not get involved. Zepher has kept his end of the bargain, and he assured me that the woman is his mate."

"Those demons are not like we are! He could be lying!"

"Enough! You will not speak to me in such a manner again! It is what it is. I will not risk the lives of my pack and Sammy just for your illusion. Sophie is dead, Darell. You have to move on! I am sorry, but I will not get involved anymore. If you disobey, you will be cast out of my pack. My word is final." Andrew went inside his home and closed the door shut, leaving Darell alone.

The cold air hit Darell's nude body. He felt angry and betrayed and could not accept it. He changed back to his werewolf form and ran back to his home. He thought of a way to get Christina back by any means necessary.


Christina could not believe what she was seeing.

"Do you like it?" asked Zepher in a reassuring voice. He held her hand.

The room was filled with stars; images of planets floated around the room. Christina touched a star, but it went through. "What is this place? It looks like the actual solar system."

"I made this for you. Since I am an incubus, I can go to dreams, but I also have the power to make them. I used some of my energy to make this dream room so it could make what you dream of. Dream of something."

Christina closed her eyes and thought hard. When she opened her eyes, she saw Niagara Falls. The water felt real; her surroundings felt real. "I can't believe it. It works."

"Do-Do you like it?"

Christina felt so much emotion, her heartbeat in utter happiness. She got her hand off Zepher's grip, and she jumped on him.

He did not expect the action; he fell to the wet floor.

Suddenly, Christina got a hold of his face; she put her face on his. Her lips are on his. She was kissing him.

Zepher felt so much happiness in his being that he held her body to his. He kissed her back with full force.

They kissed with enthusiasm and passion and held onto each other's bodies.

Their bodies were one. Their tongues fought for dominance; it excited them both.

Christina got into the kiss, and she pushed Zepher to the ground; he let her.

He loved the feeling of being dominated. He was so used to being the dominant one that he never thought about what it felt like. He felt his cock getting excited. He stopped the kiss.

This confused Christina, and she looked down at him. "Did I do something wrong?"

"I think we should stop."


"I don't want to pressure you, and I don't want you to do something you might regret." Zepher was about to sit up, but Christina pushed him down again, surprising him.

"If I regret this, then I would not even kiss you. I would not even want to make love to you. However, I know what the hell I am doing. I want you. I want you to make love to me," Christina declared.

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