Kohlbeck Academy - Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

     "Is that right?" She said, her voice polar opposite to the way it had just been. I said, 'mhm' into the phone. "Well, they know there punishment. Danny recently got a girl pregnant and we are being sued. So I told them if they were to have, or talk about sex, they would be dealt with. Thank you for calling, I appreciate it. I knew they had problems, but I can't handle it. Have a nice day, and once again thank you." She said, and I smiled and put the phone down.

     I got up from my desk and walked of the classroom, Hunter followed me. "Did you really have to do that? Do you even know what is going to happen to us now?" He asked exasperated. I smiled smugly when I turned around and he was just staring at me with wide eyes. I poked his chest, and pushed him back a little bit. 

     "Don't worry about it, you will have another girl-that isn't me-to harass. Consider this your big break." I said and started walked away. I felt arms wrap around my waist. Hunter. I automatically knew it. He put his head in my neck, and exhaled. I shivered with a feeling somewhat of ... lust? No. I can't think that about Hunter. I won't, and never will. Plus, he is being shipped away in a few days, tomorrow if I am lucky enough.

     "Oh Ms.Conah. Your life will be just as miserable as mine you wait and see. You just wait, and you ... just ... see." He finished with his head right next to my ear, and his hand on the lower of my stomach. I groaned, while he smiled, and kissed my neck. Then, he just left. I turned around to an empty hall way. I sighed and let my head hang low, as I walked out of the school.


     I couldn't really sleep, either my stomach started to hurt or my dog kept whining. But finally, I got up and walked into the kitchen. In search of a glass of warm milk. I took a glass out, and also the milk. I poured a glass, and put it in the microwave for 25 seconds. I leaned against the counter thinking of how different everything would be if the Jones' got sent way. No more harassment from Hunter. No more paper balls being thrown at the back of my head. No more .. no more Jones'. It kind of made me sad, because sometimes-very rarely-they were actually good company to keep.

     Just as the microwave beeped, the phone rang. I looked at the clock, 11:36, who the hell would be calling at this time? Obviously a drunk person with the wrong number. Way wrong number. I picked up the phone and said an annoyed, "Hello?" There was shuffling in the background. 

     "Hello, is this Ms.Conah?" I heard a familiar voice ask. 

     "Yes, this is she." I said. My curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to keep this person on the phone. 

     "Ms.Conah, this is Roxanne Jones, and I was calling you about a deal. Since my boys are going to be sent away to Mill Valley, California with a girl, for taunting and teaching purposes. As you may already know. But, I was calling to ask you a favor more then a deal. If you are willing to listen?" She asked sounding hopeful. I was just shocked more then anything. Why would the Jones' mother be asking me for a favor?

     "Yes, well, I guess. Go ahead and ask me." I said with hesitancy. 

     "I need you to be the teacher and taunting girl. My boys said, that they always talked to you about their problems and what was on their minds, so I thought you would be the perfect person. Plus, I did a background check on you and you haven't been to jail, you aren't a registered sex offender, and you are well educated in all subjects. So, I just thought you would be perfect. But, I won't tell my boys until you have agreed and are there and settled. The job pays, 4,000 a week, because I already know you will be harassed and in a house full of boys with very different problems, and I thought well I ought to give the girl a little play money." She said, and I almost laughed out loud. The boys haven't once ever came to me with their problems, ever. They do have problems, but the money was the most I had ever made in a week. I thought about it, and I decided that I would give it one shot. 

     "Mrs. Jones, I will give it a try. But, I do not have the money to fly to California today. I have enough for paying my house, electrical, and more. But not enough to get on a flight, tonight." I said flabbergasted. 

     "That's what I thought you would say, go to your mailbox." She said, and then said. "Pack all of your stuff, and get on a flight. The address is 2038 Nestor Drive, there is directions in the folder in your mailbox also. The boys will be there tomorrow sometime around 5pm. Okay. I am so glad that you agreed. Have or try to have a nice time. Goodbye Mercedes." After that she hung up without another word. I went to my mailbox, and as she said, there was an orange package in it. I pulled it out, and brought it to my bedroom. 

     I opened it, and pulled out the folder. I opened it and it was a picture of a gorgeous house, and directions, and people I needed to talk to before the boys got there and things I needed to buy for the house. I squealed and then was confused. I was still broke. I looked in the orange package and my eye widened, I dumped the wads of cash onto the bed. There had to be about 10K right in front of me. I have never seen this much money in my entire life. Ever. 

     I went to my closet and pulled out my suitcases. I packed winter clothes, fall clothes, spring and summer clothes. I packed all types of shoes. I packed my hair care products, toothpaste, and toothbrush. I packed a few teacher books,and text books, 20 in total. 1 for each of the boys in math, science, social studies, reading, and writing. It was super heavy, and I could barely carry it, thank god it had wheels. I packed a few workbooks. Five in total, for copying there pages, for homework. I packed pajamas and all of it, make-up, everything, the whole giddy up. 


     I called a taxi, and it arrived 20 minutes later. I wished my house a goodbye. A single tear fell. All of my memories were here. But, I couldn't wait for the new opportunities to arrived at the new house. But then it hit me, I was going to be at the house with Jeffery, Hunter, Kylan, and Danny. The four who were the worst in the school, with the worst problems. Then I kind of regretted my decision, because I hadn't really thought it through before I agreed to go. But, then my heart stopped we are going to be alone, not like in school, but alone in a house.

     I got to the airport, and paid for my flight with cash. It would be about 6 or 7 hours to get there. "Flight 554, now boarding." That was my flight and I went on. Since it was going to be a long flight, I decided to turn on some music and past out. It was like 12:36 when I boarded, it will be 7:36. I forgot to request a sub. I pulled out my IPhone 5 and dialed Mr.Totoyaa's number. After 7 rings he picked up.

     "Hello?" He asked in and annoyed and groggy voice.

     "Sorry if I woke you, Mr.Totoya. I am quitting, and you need to find a replacement for tomorrow and the next day, but if you could. Jut tell the sub that I was sick, then break it to my students on Friday, that I quit. Thanks bye now." I hung up, he was protesting when I hung up, but I had a reason to. I just laid my head on the seat, and closed my eyes. 

Blissful Sleep.

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