Chapter 13 - My Guilt

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My eyes, follow to where is was pointing and so vividly on his neck was a Hickey, in that moment my heart sunk. Sana wasn't stupid and this is what I know very well. It was one of Sana good qualities. As Jungkook and her continued to argue, I feel as if I drifted into a different time and space. The screams, that we are so deafening, were being drowned out from the loud pounding from my heart. She knows and there is nothing I can do or say to somehow fix this. I didn't think that our dirty secret would be uncovered this quickly. But that was my fault for leaving a mark in the most obvious of places. I know that Sana has the right to know and I would eventually confess my sins. But I just thought I might have more time to process and assess things, before actually coming clean, or maybe that was my way of somehow coming up with a more excuses to justify my wrongs. 

Do I just blatantly deny everything? Do I say I have no idea as to what you are talking about? But as I ponder of every possible excuse. I can see that the more I stand here in silence and just stare blankly, her suspicious are growing more and more true.

My heart racing and my breathing more erratic, I subconsciously go into a trance. "It was me!" I confess, and the moment I utter those words, silence filled the entire room and the tension grew more colder and thicker. People say that they would be able to cut the tension in the air, but if that saying were true, there wouldn't be anything strong enough to even make a dent.

 "I'm-" Suddenly before I could finish and without, a sudden flush of immediate pain and stinging sensation snaps my head to the side. "How dare you!" Sana voice shaking, as her anger boils over. 

 The truth of my words, hit her like a bus and every single emotion that she was experiencing was so evidently written all over her face. Pain, confusion, anger, sadness and the realisation that what she possibly thought at the time would be absurd, is actually reality, and I can tell. Because what she is going through is exactly what I experienced when I caught Mono and Jimin. Making my betrayal towards Sana more mercilessly deceptive.

I betrayed person that took me in at my most vulnerable, I betrayed her trust and most of all, I literally destroyed the person that I consider my sister. I feel the weight of my sins pressing down on me. "How could you?" Sana weeps, as she glares at me in disgust. "I trusted you!" Her voice gradually getting louder. With every single word that seeps from her mouth, I could feel and hear the hurt and utter disgust her words carry. 




My blood boiling, my body shaking from the anger that is burning inside me. I feel used, I feel betrayed, I feel like hitting the both of them, I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs, I feel, I feel so much anger that I just want to explode. My glare switching between Jungkook and Mina, the both of them standing just a few feet in front of with apologetic eyes. "I hate the both you!" I seethe with anger, wiping away the stray tears trailing down my cheek. "You both played me like a fool. I can't believe I was so blinded~" I feel like a could snap at any given moment. 

My vision zeroing in on Mina, as I watch her hide pathetically behind her knight and shining amour, like the coward she is. Without even realizing my whole body lunged towards the both of them, with my main focus on Mina. I just want her to physically feel the emotional pain that is coursing throughout my entire being, the pain that the both of them caused. With clenched fists and only inches from her, Jungkook quick reflexes, quickly steps in front of me, as I charge like a raging bull towards Mina. 

"Let me go!" I scream, as Jungkook tightly wrapping arms around me. "MINA STOP IT! CALM DOWN!" But his words, were doing the opposite of calming me down, his words, are just infuriating me more. LET ME GO!" as I kick and scream. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME JUNGKOOK! Why are you protecting her?!" Gritting my teeth. "Sa-Sana, S-stop, Stop!" Jungkook pleads. 

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