Chapter 42

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- Loki's Pov -

"You would give up being a god?" Thalia frowned at me. I just smiled.
"Thalia, I would give up everything to be with you" I gripped her hands "A life without you, even an immortal life, would be... empty. I wish to be wherever you wish to be. I finally know where I belong"
"God, you are beginning to sound like a Disney movie" Thalia rubbed her forehead. Her face scrunched up "Loki, I can't ask you to give up being a god just for me"
"Why not? I've been around for over a thousand years. Give or take a few decades and I have never felt more alive when I am with you"
"Thalia, what would you do in my shoes?" I tilted my head.
"Well that's the thing, I kinda am. Do I give up my mortal life and become a Goddess or make you give up being a God?" Thalia stared at me blankly "Though I will admit, I would choose the immortal side of things just to rub it in my parent's faces"
"See? Always a silver lining" I winked. Thalia giggled a little. She then clicked her tongue before she then climbed onto my lap.
"You've lived as a mortal for the last 5ish years. Could you handle another 70?" Thalia sighed as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Could you handle being with me for another 4000?"
"How about we get this pregnancy out of the way? Only then will I consider eating the fruit of Idunn" Thalia grinned.
"I almost always forget that you know Norse Mythology" I sighed. I reached up and tucked a stray chunk of hair behind Thalia's ear. Her face becomes stern.
"About that, There is one part of your mythology that seems patchy"
"Ask away"
"Some books and websites say that you and Sigyn had a son, Narfi. Some say you took him on, What part is true or was he made up?"
"Oh, He was real" I sighed. My eyes welled up. I had been dreading this moment. I knew Thalia would ask at some point but when the question about my history came up with the other Avengers, I thought it would never be spoken about "I find it... difficult to talk about"
"It's okay. You don't have to" Thalia placed a hand on my bobbing knee.
"But I want to" I wiped my eyes on the back of my sleeve "He was this little bean with black hair and a single curl. Thor would curl it around his fingers for ages. He was only in our lives for a few hours before The Norns took him" I think I had full tears dripping down my face at this point.
"Loki, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up" Thalia wipe a few tears away "I shouldn't have asked"
"Thalia, It's okay. While it's not a time that I want to think about. It's been 800 years since Narfi and I still remember it like it was yesterday" I sniffed "I believe that you should know now"
"Thank you for telling me" Thalia kissed my cheek "You telling me this, Almost makes you human"
"When I stand before those mortals, I am a god but when I stand before you, I am a man"
"And at some point, I want to stand beside you when you face those mortals"
"Does that mean you will become a Goddess?"
"I guess so. There must always be a Loki as The God Of Mischief" Thalia licked her lips and giggled softly. I rolled my eyes.
"Now you are beginning to sound like Game Of Thrones" I sighed. I moved one of my hands to Thalia's tummy "Does that mean one of our kids will be called Loki Jnr?"
"Depends on how many kids you want?" Thalia covered my hand.
"As many as you want to pop out. It's your body"
"Let's see what happens with this little ice cube" Thalia insisted. I just blinked at her.
"Care to explain Ice cube"
"Well, You are a Frost Giant. So I named this little one, Ice cube"
"I should have realised" I pinched my lips together and nodded. We didn't say anything else as Chris stumbled through the door. And boy did he look pissed.
"Stupid pillock" He threw his coat on the ground and stomped into the bathroom.
"Uh oh," Thalia muttered as she climbed off me. She quickly kissed me before she went to deal with the drama queen.

Once Chris had calmed down (Ex-Boyfriend drama), We all settled down for the night. Since Thalia was leaving in just over 24 hours, I wanted to make a day of it. Just me and her. I wanted to take her all over London. Even though we both live here, I wanted to be a total tourist and sightsee.

Despite the early wake-up call, Thalia's face of full of smiles. She looks so at home. We had just got on the London Eye.
"I remember when my folks did something nice and brought me to London with my brothers. The only time I was ever included in anything. My oldest brother, Harry had complained the whole way, whining about how he was bored and tired of walking. And demanded that Dad carried him. I kept silent and stared in wonder at everything around us. I didn't want to leave when we had to go home" Thalia sat on the bench and look out of the pod. I, of course, sat next to her, My arm wrapped around her "Growing up, We made many trips to London for Dad's work, and with each visit, I had fallen in love with the city even more. So when it came to picking a Uni, it only made sense that I should pick London" The noise and the bustle calmed him, and he could just walk around the city for hours.
"You do look so at home here" I sat next to her "If you love this place so much, Why are you leaving?"
"I feel the pull to Egypt. Like I feel the pull to Norway but Norway is because my soul is a Norse Goddess" I wiggled my head as I nodded.
"I wonder why you have a pull to Egypt then?"
"No idea but either way, I get to enjoy my life with you there" Thalia cupped my chin.
"Have you told your work that you are pregnant?"
"Yeah, Waiting on the response, If I get one" Thalia raised her eyebrows.
"Hey worst-case scenario, We stay in London" I shrugged my shoulders. It wouldn't be the worst-case scenario. My home is wherever Thalia is "We both know that Prudence would love it"
"What about your job?" Thalia tilted her head at me.
"Screw it. If you had to stay, then I stay. I will go where ever you go. You ain't getting rid of me that easily" We weren't even halfway around when the wheel had to stop "Looks like either someone needs help getting off or on" Thalia then stood up and looked out at the view "Darling, Are you okay?"
"Yeah, Just soaking in the view. Don't know when I will next see it" I walked up behind my love and hugged her tightly and as gently as I could.
"We don't have to go. We can stay" I kissed Thalia's temple as she turned to face me.
"But everything is set in place"
"But it is not set in stone. Ink can be burned away. The pencil can be erased. As I have said before I will follow you wherever you want to go"
"But our jobs, Everything we worked for at uni, Would be for nothing" Thalia looked away. Sighing, I used my finger and thumb to bring her gaze back to mine.
"Our life is wherever we are. You want to stay. We stay. You want to go, We go"
"I... I... I don't know"
"Thalia, Where does the pull call to you the most"
"I don't know" Thalia muttered.
"Close your eyes. Listen to your inner voice. Drown everyone out. Where does the pull call to you?"
"The pull?... It's leading me... To urm" Thalia looked out towards London. Neither of us had realised the eye had started moving again "I wannastayhere" Thalia spoke a little too quickly.
"Thalia, try saying that slowly. I didn't quite catch that"
"I'm trying to say is our life is here" Thalia nodded "I'm okay with that"

Before I could respond, A sudden jerk caused Thalia to cling to me in a rather adorable way.
"hahaha" I chuckled as I wiggled my arm out of her death grip and wrapped it around her shoulders "You're adorable"
"I am not" Thalia lent her head on my shoulder.
"You are to me" I pulled Thalia into a kiss and I didn't wanna let go but I had to. You know, so I could get some air in my lungs. I looked around and saw that we had passed the top of the eye "Huh, I just kissed you at the top of the London Eye"

Once we got to the bottom of the eye, We decided to go home so we can ring our companies and housing associations and tell them that we can't move to Eygpt. We were going to ring the VISA Company in the morning.

We got onto our street and saw someone stumbling up against some concrete stairs. She was obviously drunk.
"LEWIS!! OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR RIGHT NOW!!" Some drunk woman shouted as she banged on the door.
"JASMINE, IF YOU NEED A PLACE TO STAY THEN I SUGGEST THAT YOU WALK 10 MINUTES DOWN THE ROAD AND GO TO THE ANIMAL RESCUE CENTER! THAT'S WHERE ALL THE DOGS GO!" A voice bellowed from inside the building. Thalia and I laughed as we walked past. It did result in us getting some dirty looks. Like we cared and carried on home.

As we walked into Thalia's flat, We found Chris passed out on the sofa. Thalia smiled at her friend. Once her shoes were off, She covered him with a blanket.
"Come on, Let's go in my room and make some calls or emails"

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