Chapter 40

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- Loki's Pov -

"So what did the doctor say?" I asked the moment I saw Thalia. Pushing past Thor and Chris, I sighed as she handed a prescription note over at the desk.
"Just a sickness bug. Should pass soon. These tablets should help ease it but won't get rid of it" Thalia smiled as the receptionist handed a brown bag over "Thanks"
"Hometime. You need to rest"
"It's only sickness. People throw up all the time"
"Well, some people ain't moving in a couple of days" I wrapped an arm around Thalia's shoulders. She then leaned into my side.
"I guess your right"

On the way home, We stopped off at the fruit shop and got some strawberries. Thalia suddenly had a craving for them. This wasn't out of the ordinary, Thalia once walked down the street and demanded that she buy a 6 pack of doughnuts once.
"These are so sweet" She exclaimed as she happily munched on a big strawberry. I simply chuckled.
"They do look rather nice for this time of year" I took one and ate it "Hmm. These are sweet. Maybe we should have got more"
"At least I can keep it down"

Back at Thalia's flat, Thalia laid down on her sofa and just wanted to sleep. It worried me. Chris sent a text to Prudence and let her know that Thalia was ill.
"Tills, Are you sure you are okay? I am not used to seeing you so ill" Chris spoke as I walked over to the couch. Thalia was curled up in a ball. She let out a grunt and nodded her head. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to my chest. Pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. She didn't feel warm but she didn't feel cold either.
"I'm okay," She whispered. I stroked her wild hair "Just tired. Throwing up really takes it out of you"
"Why don't you go lay down for a little bit?" I nodded slowly as I brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled.
"Gonna have to agree with Lokes here, You look like death warmed up" Chris placed a cup of water on the coffee table. I scrunched my face up at the new nickname. Chris's uncle does it better.
"Will you join me?" Thalia looked up at me with a half-smile.
"I just have a few more emails to send and I'll join you. Sound like a deal?" I chuckled, nodding my head. Thalia agree and slowly pushed herself off the sofa.
"Deal" She sighed as she made her way over to the bedroom, taking a slight detour to the bathroom.

I made sure she was asleep before turning back to Chris.
"Does she suspect anything?" I whispered, Just in case Thalia woke up. That girl can be like a ninja sometimes.
"Nope. All was going to plan before she started throwing up" Chris folded his arms. I put my hands in my jacket pocket and felt the box "Guess the proposal is out the window tonight?"
"I'll see how she is tonight. If she is no better then, I'll put it off"
"I'll let Prudence know" Chris grabbed his phone and got to texting. I simply nodded and sat on the sofa. Fiddling with the white box. I put my fingers to my lips as Thalia walked out of the bathroom and into her bedroom.
"I hope she says yes" I sighed.
"Of course, she will. You've already asked when drunk and she said when you ask her, sober, she will say yes" Chris started tidying up.
"You have a point but she could always change her mind" Until this ring is on her finger, I will always have self-doubt.
"Lokes, You are not a McDonald's order. She will never change her mind about you" Chris scratched his cheek "That is Pru updated. Now go and keep that sick thing company so I don't have to"

I snuck into the bedroom and Thalia was still in the same position I left her in. She looked so peaceful. I slid under the covers and wrapped my arms around her. Nuzzled my face into her shoulder and pretty much crash out next to her.

I woke up and my arms felt cold and light. I rubbed my eyes as I looked around. I looked at my phone and saw that Chris had gone out with his uncle and most likely wouldn't be back until tomorrow unless I had other plans. If Thalia was feeling better, I might still take her to dinner, Just no proposal. That will have to wait till her birthday.
"Thalia?" I called out sleepily. I walked out of the bedroom to see the bathroom door closed and the tap was running. I gently knocked on the door "Thalia? Are you okay? Have you thrown up again?"
"No, darling. Just peeing" I heard Thalia reply as she quickly flushed the loo. She unlocked the door and was smiling at me. She looked a lot better than earlier "You should go back to bed"
"I wanted to make sure you were okay" I yawned. Why was she rushing me out the door?
"If I wasn't then I would have woken you" Thalia grabbed my hand "Now come on. We still have some time before dinner so more sleeping" Thalia grabbed my hand and dragged us both back to bed.
"I won't argue with that" I grinned as we snuggled up together. I love being the taller one, I can wrap myself around Thalia. The only downside is her hair chokes me but I sometimes use it as a pillow.

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