Chapter 1

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- Thalia's Pov -

*Alarm rings*

It was early. Far too early even for me and I am a morning person. I put a pillow over my face to fight the blaring morning sun. I didn't have an ounce of energy to pull my body out of bed. I had been tossing and turning all night. Part of me was dreading the day. I was going to University today for the final time for my final exam. I was studying Ancient Egypt. I wanted to be an egyptologist.

The whole reason I was in Uni was because of my father, Doesn't believe that I am worth anything because I am a girl (I have 5 older brothers and he treats them so much better). To my father, The sun shines out their asses and they can do no wrong. Even my mum thinks they are angels. The only person in my family I get on with is my Nanna. She has always had my back.

I don't know if I will go back up north, To where my family home is. I like living in London. There's a cafe around the corner that offers a decent cup of tea and iced buns.

The only other decent thing in this town is the little bookshop around the corner. I love books. I love Shakespeare. The way his words flow on the page. Yes, I am a fangirl. Don't judge me. I love all his plays. I am also partial to a bit of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I do in fact own a complete work The Sherlock Holmes. Ian Fleming ain't that bad but James Bond is totally unrealistic. I mean that Martini he drinks will give someone liver failure in a week but I do enjoy the films, Well some of them. I mean there are 3  films that I shout 'turn the telly off' when I see them. JK Rowling writes half-decent books but I don't enjoy the movies and don't get me started on Twilight. I don't understand Twilight and frankly, I don't want to. I mean, Vampires burn in the sun, not sparkle. Would make a great disco ball though.
"Thalia! Wake up. You need to get up and get ready for the day!" My roommate Chris bellowed as he banged on my door. I swear that man only calls me by my full name when he can be arsed "THALIA! You're the one who told me not to let you sleep in!" That idiot has way too much energy for me. He kept banging on my door.
"ALRIGHT! I'M UP!" I bellowed. Something stupid came out of his mouth as he walked away. I wasn't listening to him. Think I heard the word breakfast. I groaned as I dragged my body out of bed.

I feel around on my nightstand for my glasses, still too tired to move. I curse as I knock over my book, which I had hurriedly started and finished the last night, going to sleep at 2 am.
"This is not shaping up to be a good morning" I sighed as I roll out of bed. Nearly standing on my glasses "It's 7 in the morning" I remind myself. I gather up the items from the floor and head to the bathroom.

It doesn't take long to get ready. My outfit is pretty simple. Black jeans, Trainers, and a Green T-shirt. My favourite colour, and a black denim jacket. I don't really own any other colour than black. My curly brown hair was half up, half down. My hair seemed to be behaving today. Normally I look like I have been dragged through a hedge or two. I never understood my hair. It's brown officially but when the sun hits it, There are bits of red and blonde in it. And I have never died my hair.

Since I owned two pairs of glasses. I left my skinny silver frames in my room and put my black ones on. I never bothered with makeup. I was only going to uni, Not a fashion parade.

Besides, It's not like I am ever going to find a partner in this town. Most men are idiots and the females avoided me. I wasn't girly but I wasn't a tomboy. I think the phrase is tomgirl. I like nails and hair done but will be quite happy to play in the dirt.

I left the flat before Chris could give me any food. That man cannot cook, I mean how can you mess up bacon when you have a George Foreman? Saying that I shouldn't be surprised. Chris once burned salad. Don't even ask me how. Man is an idiot.

I had a couple of hours till my exam so I went to my favourite coffee shop and ordered a tea and a bacon sandwich. I know it seems blasphemous to order tea at a coffee shop but I am British, and I like tea.

I also got some extra study time. Not that I needed to study. I spend my life with my head in some sort of book. But I like to be over-prepared. It's a painful trait to have.

A short while later, I looked at the clock. I had 20 minutes to get to my exam. Cursing to myself, I grabbed the straps of my bag and my drink and I ran out of the shop. Also forgot to watch where I was going and walked into a young man with raven hair.
"Hey!" The man raised his voice but not in a vindictive way. Thankfully my tea didn't spill all over him. That would have been awkward.
"Oh My God. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention. Sorry" I apologized again.
"No harm done" The raven-haired man spoke. I apologized again and I ran off towards the school. Oh my days, I'm so embarrassed.

I sprinted across campus and I got to my exam with 5 minutes to spare. The teacher looked at me funny. I sat at my desk. Wheezing like a deflated hot air balloon.
"Miss James, I take it you were at the coffee shop again?" He said. I nodded.
"Last minute studying" I smiled.
"Well it nearly caused you to be late"
"I still have 5 minutes Mr Oak" I panted.
"And I like my students to be at least 15 minutes early if they have no other project or class" Mr Oak was a pompous prick. He was a stickler for timekeeping and if you were 10 seconds late to class. It was either detention or you failed the whole class. I think he was from the dark ages where women should be seen and not heard. Makes me hate the man even more. He might possibly be worse than my father.
"At least I am still on time" I smiled as I drank the rest of the tea (Which somehow was still hot). I flew through the test. I was confident that I knew enough to pass. I'd hoped anyway. I don't find out till tomorrow. Mr Oak will probably fail me because he feels like it.

Since I was free for the rest of the day. I decided that I would go to this little bookshop I have grown quite fond of and it does help that my Nanna works here. She got a little part-time job here so she can be near me if I needed her. If my Nanna is here, I help out with customers. Her boss, Paul Tanner, doesn't mind since he is kind of family. He is dating my Nanna. So he is my Step Granddad? I don't really know. But after 15 years with my Nanna, He may as well be my granddad since my full one doesn't care about me. Pretty much like his son.

This little shop was full of second-hand books. Nearly every wall was full of old classics. While they have hardly anything from the last twenty years, It never stopped people like me from coming in. Not that there are many people like me. I love a good paper book but there are so many people that prefer to look at a screen.

I walked in and the little bell let the staff know I was in the shop. After calling out for Nanna or Paul. I grin as my Nanna pokes her head around the door.
"Tally!!!!" She squeals as she runs over to me, Embracing me in a hug.
"Nanna, You said you would stop calling me that from the moment I went to Uni" I squeezed back.
"I said I might stop. I'm old. Let me have my fun" Nanna smiled "So how did your exam go? Did Mr Oak behave or do I need to stick my cane where the sun doesn't shine?" I love my Nanna. She doesn't like my professor. (No woman does) The first time I had a problem with him, I had asked a simple question about something and he told me to shush because a woman doesn't have a say in his class (I was the only woman at the time) My Nanna told him calmly in front of the entire class that she would snap her wooden cane in two and stake him till he turned to ash. Mr Oak's tried to be rather pompous to her and when he saw Paul behind her (The man is like 6ft plus. I'm only 5.3 as is my Nanna) Mr Oaks backed down.
"No Nanna. Not today" I smiled as I went to sit at a round table "Hopefully never again. As long as I pass my exam"
"You will pass it, I have faith in you" Nanna smiled as patted my arm "Now would you like a cup of tea? And a biscuit? Or maybe two?"
"Sounds lovely Nanna" I nodded.
"Ok love. I'll just be a few. Watch the floor for me" Nanna toddled off as I went over to the register.

I sat with an Ian Fleming book as I heard the little shop bell go. My face reddens in colour as I notice that the men from the coffee shop have walked in. The ones that I nearly soaked with my tea.
"Brother, Why are we here?" The blonde tank speaks. I move the book higher up my face. I'll help them when I can compose myself and I don't look like a tomato.
"I told you, there is a Shakespeare book that I am after. It is the only one I don't have" The raven haired man replied.
"And you are sure it's here?"
"Well no. But this is an old book store. They have a lot of old classics"
"Looks like it belongs in the dump" The blonde mumbled. I felt like getting up and throwing the blonde one out but I kept my tongue. I might wait till my Nanna comes out. The raven's man cheekbones are quite prominent adding to his charm. The way his blue eyes shine with excitement as he walks by the bookshelves "Brother, Can we go already?" The blonde man speaks.
"I didn't ask you to come with me. I don't plan to leave till I have found my book" The raven-haired man scans a shelf "And there are a lot of shelves"
"Why do I have such a nerd as a little brother?" The tall blonde man spoke. He looked like he could snap me in two if he hugged me.
"The same reason I got a jock and an oaf for a big brother" The lean raven hair man groaned "If it bothers you being here, There go sit in the pub with your other jock friends. I will be quite happy in here"
"I will take that offer. See you in a while" The blond waved his brother bye and walked out of the shop.
"Don't say bye then" I mumbled. I put my book down.

I looked around and saw the Raven hair man had his back to me so I bent down under the desk and pulled out this antique cash register, which my Nanna of course HAD to salvage from an antique shop. This thing weighs a ton. I struggle and can't move it more than a few inches at a time "I just want it... *grunt*... at...*grunt* ... the... other... the end... *grunt* of... the... counter"
"May I be of assistance?" I just about jumped out of my skin when I heard the warm voice.
"You scared me!" I shout in grumpy irritation.
"I'm so sorry!" he gushes holding his hands up to mirror his apology "Heu, are you the girl from the coffee shop this morning? The one that nearly soaked me with coffee?"
"1, yes I am and 2 it was tea"
"Tea in a coffee shop? Isn't that a crime?" I shrugged "Sorry for scaring you"
"Sorry for nearly knocking you over. Call it even?" I folded my arms. The man nodded "How can I help you?"
"I saw you struggling. Would you like some help?" The Raven man offered.
"Yes, that would be lovely. Thank you" I laugh lightly.

We wrestle the register to the far end of the counter. Once it's in place, I realize it isn't where I want it, but don't dare say that to the man who had just helped me.
"That thing is heavy"
"Blame my Nanna. She wanted it" I smiled as I got a wipe and clean the front desk.
"So what is your name miss" the man finally spoke.
"Thalia James" I held my hand out for the man to shake.
"Lovely to meet you Thalia, beautiful name" he smiles. He takes my hand and kisses my fingers. What? I didn't think men even did this anymore. I thought they were all jerks "My name is Loki"

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