Chapter 36

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- Loki's Pov -

"Erugh" I groaned as I open my eyes and sit up very slowly. I glance around and nothing seems to be real "Where am I?" I ask, rubbing my temple. After the words leave my mouth, it immediately dawns on me that I just ask where I was while sitting on my bed "Been a while since I was this hungover" My head was pounding. I had a foul taste in my mouth. What little light could make its way through the closed curtains was too much. I buried my face into my pillow with a pained groan.

Last night was a mistake.

It was a bad idea. I knew better. But I had foolishly allowed myself to be persuaded. I was feeling utterly miserable.

I am never, and I repeat never, drinking with Thor and Chris ever again. This hungover is not worth it.
"Tea and scones with jam and butter" My head snapped up at the sound of the voice. Thalia was walking over to me with a plate of pastries and a cup of tea. I took the cup with both hands and inhaled it deeply before drinking.
"Thank you," I said, gratefully looking at the drink, I looked at the food and my head "I don't think I can eat right now," I said before taking a large gulp of the hot liquid. I wrapped my fingers around the mug and curled back up on the bed. Thalia looked over at me and smiled. shaking her head, She came and sat next to me.
"You only have yourself to blame, my dear," Thalia said, gently teasing me. She put her arm around me and run her soft fingers through my messy hair. I sighed as I relaxed into her gentle touch and closed my eyes.
"I know, I know. But Thor twisted my arm into drinking with him. As did Chris" I downed the rest of my drink and Thalia took it off me and placed it on the bedside table.
"So are we going to talk about what you said last night?" Thalia tapped her cup. I opened my eyes and sat up a little. Ignoring my headache.
"What did I say?" I spoke as I turned to face Thalia.
"Marry me," Thalia said bluntly as I choked on my drink. I pounded my chest as Thalia held my drink. She then refilled my drink.
"I said that?" I whispered as I took my drink back.
"Yep," Thalia licked her lips. I hate drunk me. he always opens his big mouth and gets sober me in trouble. I hope Thalia didn't find the ring in my jacket.
"Uh oh, where's my jacket?" I mentally panicked, hoping Thalia didn't hear my thoughts "Are you sure that's what you heard?" I said as I stared at the liquid "I said marry me?"
"There was a little hiccup in the middle of it" Thalia scrunched her nose up and wiggled her.
"I see. Does it bother you that I asked?" I scratched the side of my nose.
"Yes and no. Yes, Because you were plastered and no because if you were sober, I would have said yes" Thalia sighed. I quickly placed the cup down.
"You really want to marry me?" I replied, Placing my hands on her cheeks.
"Excuse the pun, I do" Thalia rested her head on my palms. Gripping my wrists.
"One day, I will ask you and I won't be drunk"
"I will hold you to that" We placed our foreheads together.
"I do not doubt that my pet" I grinned as kissed the top of her head.
"You really wanna marry me?" Thalia quizzed as she snuggled into my side.
"Yes, I want to marry you. I even want to make little Frost Giants hybrids with you that can shoot ice beams and throw people in the air. The 9 realms will never be more protected" I laughed.
"Are you okay with being a protector? I know from what you have told me and history, I figured  that you wanted to be King"
"Yes, I was raised to be a King. I thought it was Asgard but then Odin lied. So I thought I could rule the Frost Giants. Yeah, that went out the window. But I now know that I only need to be King of one world"
"And what world is that?" I was now hugging Thalia.
"Yours. Since you are Queen of my world, It's only fair that I am King of yours" I Eskimo kissed my dove.
"Oh, well played sir" Thalia grinned. I then narrowed my eyes at her.
"How did you know there's a but?"
"Because I know you" I smiled. Thalia climbed onto my lap "What's the but?"
"But is that truly enough for you? I don't want to hold you back"
"Thalia, Being yours is enough for me. For now and forever" I spoke softly as I kissed her. Thalia responded in kind "Right, So since I stole Chris away last night. Do you need help packing?"
"It's all done!" Thalia beamed. I raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, yeah, right!" While I have faith in my love. Complete faith. However, When it comes to packing and being organised. It is not one of Thalia's strong points.
"Honey, seriously, I did it all. The luggage that I'm taking is in the bedroom, In the hallway are the boxes that I'm having shipped and in the fridge, As long as Chris doesn't eat it, Is the sandwich that I made for the plane"
"Ok, so you've done some good work! What about your carry-ons?" I tilted my head. Feeling rather sceptical.
"Oh, well. Everything that I need is in my bag. I can show you if you want. And as for my travel documents are on the counter organized in the order that I will be needing them"
"Then I have nothing left to teach you!" I beamed proudly. Thalia blushed as I smothered her with kisses.
"Ok ok. Let me go. We need to get you packed up. You leave the day after I do" Thalia pinned my arms to the bed.
"It will take me less than you think to pack" I sighed "I am far more organized than you"
"Then let's pack it up"
"Okay, You got clothes and I got books"

As I packed up the books, Thalia ran back and forth, dragging t-shirts out of the closet, Stuffing them into the suitcase and took a deep breath, frowning slightly as she pondered what else to pack. It was quite funny to watch her flap around, Muttering to herself. It was adorable to watch her cute little button nose scrunch up.

Thalia found some bin bags and walked over to my standing wardrobe. I watched as she counted each of the hangers. I think there were 30 hangers which got divided into 6 sections. She opened one bin bag up and covered the section with it. She then used her powers to fling them out into the hallway.
"Thalia!" I said as I ducked.
"What? Do you want to take the blue jacket?" Thalia held the jacket in question up.
"I still own that?"
"Charity box then"
"Also, Can you watch where you are flinging things?" I asked as I taped up another book box.
"You should have ducked quicker" Thalia smiled as picked the box up and took it out into the hallway.

A while later, I heard a loud squeal and a large thud. I dropped my books on the bed as I ran out of the room.
"Thalia? Are you alright?" I rushed over to where Thalia was hopping up and down on one leg "What happened?"
"Fucking suitcase!" Thalia glared at it.
"Stubbed toe?" Thalia nodded and I did have some difficulty not laughing. Only Thalia could place a suitcase on the floor, knowing exactly where it was and still stubbed her toe at it "Sit down, let me get some ice"
"Bloody kills" Thalia sat down on the floor, pulled the sock off her foot and examined the toe that had ungently connected with the suitcase. I quickly came back in, the ice cubes wrapped in a dishtowel.
"Then I am sure with your powers you could grow a new one" Carefully, I examined the toe, ignored Thalia's hissing and further ouch-ing and then placed the dishtowel with the ice on it.
"Surprised that you didn't use your Frost Giant powers to make the ice" Thalia complained "Are you sure my toe is still attached to my foot?"
"I could have done. As could you but what would be the point? It's a goner anyway" I grinned.
"You're mean!" Thalia went into pouting mode "Big old meanie!" Sitting down next to Thalia, I leaned over and pressed a kiss on Thalia's temple.
"Come here, you injured, fragile, little mortal, let me take care of you and make the pain go away"
"But we need to pack" Thalia leaned against me.
"It can wait a little while. We need food. Uber eats?" I waved my phone in the air.
"God yes" Thalia clapped.
"Two Subways coming up"

As we sat and had food, I was on my laptop while Thalia was on her phone.
"Darling, Why did you pick the roughest neighbourhood in town?" I asked as I Google Maps Thalia's address. She was only going to be 20 minutes away from me. My house was closer to her work than where she was going to be living.
"After how many years of being told that I was worthless by my lot. I thought that's where I belong. In the gutter" Thalia hugged her arms.
"You are worth way more than that" I insisted. I will forever hate Thalia's family for how they have treated her,
"You are only saying that because you are dating me"
"No, I ain't" I frowned and grabbed her hand "Come live me"
"Wait, What?" Thalia's mouth dropped.
"Come live me. It makes sense, It's closer to your job and we would have lived together eventually" Thalia pouted as I could see the cogs turning in her head.
"Okay" Was all that I heard Thalia say.
"Wait, What?" My mouth dropped. Thalia placed her fingers under my chin and shut my mouth.
"I'll live with you" Thalia nodded as I grabbed her by the waist and spun her around. Thalia squealed "I will say this though, I need to give the housing people at least a month's notice" I was beyond excited. I was going to live with my best friend and the person I was hopelessly in love with.

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