Chapter 22

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- Loki's Pov -

Thalia soon fell asleep after the phone call with her mother. I will never understand her family and frankly, I don't want to. How can anyone treat their child like they do? I mean, Odin was no picnic but even he wasn't like them.

Part of me wants to go to Thalia's home town and confront them. Maybe even torture them. Thor would definitely help me. Hell, I would even swallow my pride and ask the Avengers for help. But I know Thalia doesn't want that. Deep down she truly loves her family, Even if they don't love her. Their love is false and misplaced.

I looked down at my sleeping love and my heart breaks as I see her tear-stained face. I hate this. I thought about joining Thalia for a nap when I heard the door open. My head whipped around and saw Chris walk in. I immediately shushed him and pointed to Thalia. He nodded and tiptoed closer.
"Did you have a good time at the fair today?" Chris asked as he sat in his chair. He then frowned and squinted at Thalia. His face changed from this happy-go-lucky man to I want to kill you "Why has she been crying? What did you do?"
"I did nothing. She spoke to her family" I sighed. Chris's jaw dropped.
"Spill" He sat forward. Hands pressed together. He listen carefully as I told him what I know. I only heard so much of the conversation.
"Her last spoken words to them were 'Oh Well, That's good to know. I hope you have a nice life. Fuck you and bye'. Then, they had the nerve to text her and still ask her to contribute to her brother's wedding but she isn't allowed to go" I sighed. Thalia had shifted a little so she was more on the sofa than me but I still held her close.
"I knew I disliked them but now, I hate them" Chris's face scrunched up in anger, His dropped as he ran his hands through his hair. He shot up out of his chair and started pacing "I don't get them. I really don't. And they couldn't even pretend to be happy for her" He shouted in a whisper.
"I know. But soon she will be away from them and out of their control" I sighed.
"I can't wait but I feel as if they are going to do something that will force her hand or worse, Yours" Chris looked straight at me.
"I will not lie, I want to intervene but I don't want to ruin Thalia's chances of getting away from them. I'll bide my time. For now" I ran a finger up and down Thalia's back.
"What did you have in mind?" Chris tilted his head at me. I frowned at him "Don't look at me like that. I got a lot of free time so I am in the mood for trouble"
"I didn't take you for one to want to cause... Mischief" I smirked. Chris smiled at me.
"I don't have a job so I need something to do. Being a pain in the ass is my favourite family trait"
"I know, I have met your uncle. Thrown him through a window once or twice" I sighed. Thalia started moving a little more. She yawned and her eyes fluttered open.

"Why did you let me sleep?" Thalia rubbed her eyes.
"You just dropped and I didn't want to get blasted" I bent my neck slightly and kissed the top of her head "Hey sleepyhead"
"Hi" She mumbled. She spotted Chris and waved "Hiya"
"Yo, You okay Tills?" He scooted off the chair and knelt on the floor. He held Thalia's hand and patted the top of it.
"Yeah, I take it, Loki told you what happened?" Thalia rubbed her eyes after Chris let go of her hand.
"Yeah. He did. Do I have permission to cause trouble?" Chris put his hands together in a sort of prayer way.
"If he prays to me, I'll grant him permission" I mentally thought. Thalia then lifted her head and glared at me. Her eyes were glowing "What?" I asked innocently. Thalia just shook her head.
"Do I even want to know what he thought?" Chris raised his hand.
"It wasn't anything bad. Promise" I rolled my eyes "That is for later" I spoke to Thalia in my head (I am still not used to it) and I thought about the other night, that morning and what happened in the alleyway earlier in great detail. Thalia blushed. I did a little hehe. I love winding her up. Will teach her not to read my mind.
"God, Your thoughts are loud" Thalia rolled off me and walked to the kitchen. She started rifling through a drawer. She pulled out some menus "I am in the mood for takeaway, Who is in?"
"God yes!" Chris clapped his hands "What are fancying?"
"There's pizza, Thai or good old fish and chips" Thalia waved the leaflets.
"Oooh... Fish and chips" Chris drooled. I nodded.
"Right, Since they don't deliver, I shall head down the road and go and order it. You boys wait here" I tried to stand up but Thalia pushed me back down, "I said to wait here"
"Absolutely not!" I frowned "I don't want you walking by yourself"
"It is 5 minutes down the road, I will be fine. If I ain't back in 20 minutes, Ring me and then send a search party"
"20 minutes or I am finding you myself" I huffed. Thalia smiled as she leaned over my shoulder and kissed me.
"Okay, Get a room" Chris pretended to hurl. Thalia and I both glared at him.
"We are in one" I wiggled my eyebrows as I pulled Thalia over the back of the sofa, onto my lap and kissed her. Chris gagged and ran to his room. I pulled away from Thalia and we both laughed. 
"You didn't have to gross him out like that" Thalia sat up.
"Yes, I did. Perks of being The God Of Mischief. And I didn't hear you complaining" I wiggled my eyebrows. Thalia licked her lips and smirked.
"Bit difficult when my mouth was attached to yours" Thalia cupped my face and stood up "I won't be long"
"I love you" I winked. After Thalia replied that she loved me too. She kissed me gently before walking away. I tilted my head as I watched her form.

After 45 minutes, Thalia got back with more food than she should have been able to carry. Stupid Chip Shop was backed up with orders. If she hadn't rung me, I was about to go searching for Thalia. Chris poked his head out of his door. He had his eyes covered as he stumbled out the door. He walked into a wall. I rolled my eyes.
"Chris, It's safe. It's no longer over the PG13 rating " Thalia called out as Chris rubbed his nose. "It is in my head" I smirked as I had some very dirty thoughts. Thalia blushed again.
"Did you rob the place? There is a lot of food" Chris licked his lips as he stared at the food.
"obviously" Thalia grinned as she eat a handful of chips "Oh, come on. Having an insane amount of power allows me to eat a lot and thankfully not put any weight on"

Once we got our food (There was still loads of food), We sat in front of the TV and Chris decided to start talking about James Bond.
"Who's your favourite, then?" Chris asks "Mine's Connery. You can't beat the OG James Bond"
"Mines Moore" Thalia grins.
"Mine has to be Daniel Craig" I spoke up.
"Which is odd, if you think about it" Thalia continues, Chris frowned as he looked into his pint glass.
"Care to explain?" Chris said as he twirled the ale in the glass.
"Because when we watched Skyfall the other night, he ranted nonstop about how they had spoilt a perfectly good bad film with all those emotions"
"Craig's Bond has emotions?" Chris spoke.
"I may have complained about it" I looked away, Scratching the back of my head "He doesn't suit emotions. Not after what happened with Vesper and Bond was always written to be an emotionless, womanizer imbecile" 
"So the blond version of my uncle?" Chris grinned. Thalia chuckled while I nodded "So? Moore and Craig, eh? Well, no surprise there, I suppose."
"What do you mean?" Thalia blinks.
"Well," Chris finishes off his Guinness "Don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to work that one out, do you?" Chris said, Hiding his own grin "Well. Bit obvious, ain't it? Moore's the one most like you Loki, and Craig like you, Thalia"
"Don't be absurd?" I said "I am not like Moore. He was a weird man. I am like Craig. Brooding and cold"
"And hot, Don't forget that" Thalia pointed at me.
"I can agree with that" Chris replied. Thalia stared at Chris in amusement "I meant Craig is hot, Not this bean pole"
"I don't whether to be insulted or feel relief" I huffed as Thalia snuggled up to me.
"Both" Thalia and Chris spoke.
"Charmed" I huffed "So what torture are you two going to make me watch tonight?"
"Doctor Who?" Chris sat up. he looked like a kid in a candy store.
"Never watched it" I shrugged. I heard Thalia gasp to my side. I looked at her and her mouth was hanging open so I closed it "What?"
"You've never watched Doctor who?" Chris said in disbelief. I shook my head "Okay. We are changing that" Chris fumbled around till he found the controller for the PlayStation.
"I have never seen him so excited over something" Thalia mumbled in my ear "He will make you watch from when Christopher Eccleston was the Doctor"
"Is that the leather-wearing one?" I asked. Thalia nodded.
"So you did watch Doctor who?" Chris raised his voice.
"I know of Doctor Who, I mean who doesn't and when I am online, I see some posts about it but I never watched an episode"

As Thalia went to get some snacks for movie night, I was ordered to stay on the sofa.
"Okay, tell me if I got this right," I said as he set up Netflix "You're making me watch a show where an alien travels in time and goes on adventures?"
"It's a bit more complicated than that, Loki" Chris sighed, looking over his shoulder at me.
"But that's basically the overall plot, right?" I folded my arms. He just rolled his eyes as he got comfy in his chair. Just as he went to start the episode, I stopped him "This show has been on since the 60s. Am I gonna be lost and confused?"
"No. You just need to know that the Doctor regenerates instead of dying" He explained, "Now, can I start the show?" Chris looked between me and Thalia. Thalia just chuckled before turning her attention back to the television and I nodded just as Chris started the first episode.

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