Chapter 31

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- Thalia's Pov -

Since Loki had to spend time with his mother this morning, I took a wander around Asgard. The markets seemed to be busy this morning. Things were a little crowded, but I didn't mind that. I had gotten a bit more used to crowds since living in London. Saying that I still hated when people were right on top of me when looking at the stalls.
"Get your fruit here! We got Apples fresh from the orchard!"
"Fish from the river!"
"We got chickens! Beef! And Pork!" Many traders shouted. I smiled as I walked around the stall. I remember running my own little lemonade stall back in my home town. I sighed as my arm swung by my side. I sat down on a bench and sighed. I finally got to relax. It was so nice to be finally getting out and seeing the place. Though I must have looked like a right tourist.

And I was not ashamed of that.

I decided that I needed to have something to eat and I could smell the most delicious food from across the road. Loki had given me some coins to spend (Way too many coins might I add. I sometimes forget that he is a Prince here) and I was mainly thinking with my stomach, I made my way towards it. And as per usual, I wasn't watching where I was going. Just then, a large horse-drawn cart pulled out in front of me, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, pulling me out of its way as it raced past.
"Oh lordy!" I gasped in surprise as I looked up. There was a rather large man standing in front of me with a full ginger beard "Urm who are you?"
"I'm Volstagg. Thor's friend" The man boosted.
"From The Warriors Three?? Oh my god! How did I not realise?!" I exclaimed. I think I fangirled. Yep, I looked like a tourist.
"Thor or Loki have spoken about me then?" Volstagg raised an eyebrow. I rubbed the back of my head.
"Mainly Thor" I smiled. Volstagged rolled his eyes. It was true. Loki doesn't like to speak of his time here. Even if he does seem more comfortable here.
"All bad things I expect?"
"Well..." I wiggled my head while grinning. Volstagg howled "Volstagg. I must thank you for saving me"
"Hey, it's no biggie. You should be more careful. It really is busy today" Volstagg patted my shoulder. I breathed slowly, trying to calm my nerves "You just need to watch where you're going. I'd hate for Loki's girlfriend, to get run over by some crazy loon on a cart"
"I knew Lord Odin and Lady Frigga knew about but no one else. Since we haven't made our relationship public here yet" I folded my arms.
"Once the Royal Court finds out, It doesn't take long for the rest of Asgard to find out" Volstagg grinned at me. Thor's right. He does look like the cat from Alice in wonderland "Urm, Thalia, Was it?"
"That's right. Take it Thor told you about me? All bad things I expect?"
"I asked about you when he came home one day. Claiming that Loki had found himself a girlfriend. Fandral was flabbergasted. Though, I will warn you about him. He is a self-proclaimed ladies' man. Claims that he can make any woman fall for him" I rolled my eyes.
"We'll see about that. What else has the meathead told you about me?"
"That you love Norse and have the power of a God" Volstagg muttered the latter of the sentence.
"I do to both statements" I nodded slowly. I then held one hand out and made a figure in the flames. She was a ballerina while I made fireworks appear out of my other hand "Loki taught me this trick"
"Cool," Volstagg looked mesmerized. He then shook his head. His mouth flapped open a few times. I would read his mind but I really don't want to overwhelm the man too much.
"Volstagg, Why do I get the feeling there is a question that you want to ask but are afraid of doing so?"
"I do actually. What made you pick Loki as a boyfriend?" My head snapped towards him. Volstagg waved his hands in front of him and took two steps back "I didn't mean to sound rude. I was merely wondering"
"You may find it strange, Given your history with him. You have known him for over a thousand years but I am with him because I love him. It was like this instant connection. It's hard to explain but it's true" I smiled but my face dropped as I looked over river Ifing.
"Thalia, You seem happy to be here and yet you seem sad?" I walked up to a bench and sat down. Volstagged dropped next to me. If it wasn't for the bench being wielded into the ground, I would have flown up into the air.
"I'm not always sad! What makes you think that?" I questioned. He looked surprised for a second, but when I let my shoulders sag and his head lowers "I'm sorry..." I replied.
"You don't need to be sorry!" Volstagg quickly added. He put his hand on my upper arm "I just want to help"
"It's a stupid reason" I chuckled lightly.
"You're in a relationship with Loki, Nothing is stupid" Volstagg did a side smile at me. I crossed my arms in front of me.
"I'm homesick" I admitted "I know you don't understand that. You never leave this place but I miss London"
"No, I understand. Homesick means you miss the place you call home. Whether it be a person or a place" Volstagg said while I looked at The Palace.
"That means that the place I call home is somewhere in that building" I do miss Loki but I do not need to be attached to his hip 24/7 "Home is not a place, It is it's the people that make it" I sighed. My Nanna taught me that. I miss her. I must take her shopping when I get home.
"How are you Midgardian? You sound like you should be from here" Volstagged waved his hands at the people around us.
"I am an old soul. Maybe I was born here in a past life" I smiled. I wasn't lying about this. My soul was Loki's ex-love. My soul was born here.
"Judging by your powers, I wouldn't be surprised" Volstagg smiled. He then put his hands on his belt "Now, since I saved you. I must be going. I have a drinking contest with Lief in the Tavern. I shall catch you later"
"Bye Volstagg," I said waving as the man ran off. He ain't as bad as Thor made out.

I don't know how but I ended up in the training courtyard. I saw some dummies on the far end and I shrugged throwing a fireball toward them. They didn't turn to dust when I hit them so I threw another one. I smirked as they remained intact. I was about to throw another one when I heard a noise above me.

I looked up and saw Odin looking down from what I think is his bedroom. He seemed to be watching what I was doing so I may as well give him a saw. I launched fireball after fireball. Made soldiers from ice and got them to attack the dummies. I was quite impressed that I hadn't passed out yet. I saw some swords to my right and using my telekinesis power, I threw them at the dummy.

"Quite a show my dear" A voice spoke behind me. I spun around and nearly hit Loki with a sword. Thankfully, My aim was way off.
"My Prince, I didn't see you there" I bowed as I caught my breath. Loki looked at me with confusion. Normally when I see Loki, I jump in his arms. But I put a finger to my lips and point up above me "Your old man is above us" Loki nodded.
"I was just watching you," Loki said with a smile. Making my heart flutter.
"I'm sure watching me throw ice and fireballs at that thingy over there is a bore. So please forgive me"
"Oh there is no need for forgiveness" Loki moved a little closer "No, Actually I am impressed. You have been studying and working hard"
"Wel, I didn't want to disappoint you and I don't fancy passing out again" I licked my lips and looked directly into his beautiful eyes.
"You could never disappoint me" Loki's voice sounded gentle as he took another two steps "My sweet, Why do you think that?"
"Because I sometimes think that you and I are a dream and one day I will wake up from it all" I rambled as Loki was now in front of me. Loki then took me by surprise by cupping my face and leaning in.
"If this is a dream then even I do not want to wake up" Loki kissed my nose as he backed off, Removing his leather jacket. He tucked his shirt into his trousers. I was slightly jealous. here he is looking flawless while I looked like a right mess. Drooling over the sight of my boyfriend. I am no better than a teenager.
"What... Are... You... Doing?" I tried to compose myself.
"I want to see what you can do" He tied his hair into a messy man-bun.
"You want to train with me?" I asked shocked. We have never trained together.
"Indeed. Let's see if you can handle a sword alongside your powers" Loki tossed me a wooden sword. I smirked at Loki as I twirled the stick around.
"I think I can learn how to" I had some basic training in combat but my powers allowed me to be a backseat fighter, not front line. Loki remained calm, waving the wooden sword around. What move is he going to do? I tried to channel some of my power into my sword but nothing happened.
"It isn't always easy controlling the power inside of you, Is it?" Loki paced around me in a circle. Guess this move answers my question "Sometimes even I find it hard to direct my power"
"Yet you make it looks so effortless!"
"It takes a lot of effort, I'll have you know!" Loki grinned at me as he disappeared from his spot and reappeared in another "Keeping my Frost Giant form at bay is difficult" I found myself so mesmerized by his quick actions that Loki had pinned managed to pin my arms behind my back "Concentrate"
"Bit difficult with you here" I turned into air and reappeared a few feet away. Stumbling a little.
"Try," he said, voice calm yet forceful. He let me go "The way I visualise my power is like water. I was told all energy flows in the same way water does. It pools more heavily in some areas than others, but it's always there, moving" Once again he paced around me "Certain parts of you will conduct the water easily, while others will act as a dam. These dams can be frustrating, but it's important not to push them, otherwise, too much power will spill out at once."
"You realize that my powers cannot be contained by a dam?" I ducked as Loki tried to grab me. I rolled away.
"You get the idea though" Loki smirked.
"I know. When you control elements or energy powers, You must ask their permission first" I folded my arms as Loki relaxed a little.
"Alright. wanna try sparring?"
"Bring it on" I spun the sword in my left hand.

"My sweet, would you like to stop?" Loki asked as his sword connected with my leg again during our training session. We were both dripping with sweat and I was yet to land a hit on Loki.
"No, I'm okay" I paused, shaking my head "I can keep going"
"Very well, My love," he said, assuming a combat stance once again. How is this man not tired? Is it a God thing? Or am I just that unfit? I took a swing at him with my sword. He stepped out of the way of the blow. I swung again, completely missing him.
"Oh bollocks," I cursed. I had to think of something. It then clicked. I remember Black Widow telling me about a move that I should try for moments like this.
"Such a dirty mouth" Loki smirked.
"You love it" I braced myself as Loki swung his sword. I couched down and swung out a leg, and managed to catch his ankle, knocking him off balance. He landed on one knee. I placed my sword under his chin. He glared at me and then grinned at me.
"That was very good, Thalia. Very good" He praised.
"Thank you" I smiled. I removed my sword and held out my hand to help my man up.
"Looks like you beat me darling" Loki kissed my hand as he stood up. He then dropped his sword and pulled me into his arms and kissed me.
"Let me go. I'm all sweaty" I giggled as Loki kissed my cheek repeatedly.
"And so I am" Loki stopped kissing me "And since we are very sweaty, We should go have a shower" Before I could respond Loki picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, making me squeal. I could have gotten out of his grip but I was too tired from the training.
"Loki put me down" I tried to wiggle out of his tight grip, chuckling.
"I'm sorry but I can't do that" Loki chuckled along with me "Come on, We need a bath"

We were chilling on Loki's giant bed when all of a sudden, Loki stood up. Went over to his jacket, reached into his pocket, taking out a small pouch "Hey... Uh, Thalia?" Loki spoke as I looked at him "I... I got you a little something"
"Oh? What is it?" I turned my head, raising an eyebrow. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed.
"Close your eyes," Loki instructed. For once I did as he asked as he took out his gift from the bag. I could feel his icy fingers as he placed something around my neck "Okay, you can peek now."
"Oh my gosh!" I gasped in surprise as I opened my eyes and looked down at my neck. It was a beautiful silver necklace. It had a snowflake pattern on the pendant and practically glowed in the light "Loki... I... I... I don't know what to say," I stuttered slightly "I-it's beautiful. I've... I've never seen a necklace as beautiful as this" Loki put his hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
"I wanted you to have a reminder of your time here" Loki licked his lips as I wrapped my arms around Loki's neck, I sighed softly, kissing my boyfriend while he held me close.
"I love it. Thank you"
"No, Thank you. you have given me more than you could ever imagine. You see me as I am. Even after all the stories that people have told you. Even after you know what I have done. You still accept me for me. For this my love, I will kneel for you and only you" Loki placed a hand on my cheek "Because of you, I've realized my wrongs and I want to be a better person. Please don't ever leave me. I beg you. I can not bear a world without you. I love you"
"There's that silver tongue I know and love" I smiled. even that speech sounded like he was going to propose. Which I wouldn't of minded. Might have even said yes "And I love you" I let out a little giggle. I covered my mouth once I heard the sound "I hate my giggle"
"Why? It's so adorable and cute" He hugged me close to him and was gently poking at my sides, making me squeal.
"AAAHHH!! Stop it! That tickles!" I protested.
"Oh really?" Loki grinned mischievously.
"Don't even thi-" I was thrown into a fit of giggles as Loki pinched my sides. However, Loki's fun only lasted for about a minute because I managed to squirm my arms out from under his tight clamp on my body and was now playfully punching his arms "You win! You are so going to regret that" I said breathlessly, Loki released me.
"Whatever" Loki rolled his eyes. He made a 'w' hand gesture, still smiling. Little did he know but I was right. I loved his rare laugh and would do anything to hear it. He was going to wish he didn't mess with me "You ain't got nothing that makes me squirm like you just did"
"Oh yeah?" I started tickling Loki's stomach, The same move as he just did to me. Loki was just as ticklish as me. I then reached over once again and tickled Loki.
"Stop it! I can't breathe!" Loki started to snort with laughter. My revenge lasted much longer than his attack. When I was done, Loki was gasping for breath on the bed.
"I forgot what your laugh sounded like, it's so dorky, but I love it so much" That was my defence. Loki glared at me as I keep laughing, Making Loki facepalm. He tries to get up and hide away.
"This is torture!" He panted. We fell to the floor in a fit of giggles before Loki hid his face.
"Honey, are you all right?" I asked him. Feeling slightly bad.
"Not really..." Loki replied.
"Why? Was it me? I'm sorry" I hugged him.
"Oh, don't worry pet. I just hate my laugh" He smiled and we lay on the floor cradling each other "Can we just agree that we love the other's laugh and giggle"
"Fine. Truce?"
"Truce" Loki sat up and pulled me up as well. I grinned as Loki placed both hands on my face.
"What did I do to deserve you?" He whispered. Our foreheads touched.
"I have no idea. I always wonder the same thing"

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