Chapter 17

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- Thalia's Pov -

"I hope Nanna is okay?" I said as I pulled into the parking lot. Loki placed his hand on my thigh.
"Prudence is stubborn. Where do you think you get it from?" Loki smiled "Besides, Knowing Prudence, She's already up and bossing the nurses around"
"That sounds like my Nanna" I put the handbrake on and checked my phone.
"Still nothing from your folks?" Loki asked. I leaned my head back.
"Mum said unless Nanna is actually dying, Stop calling unless it's to say I have found a husband" I ran my hands over my face.
"Is that all they care about for you? Marriage?"
"Pretty much. I don't see why they should care. It's not as if I can carry on the family name" I shrugged.
"Does that put you off getting married?" Loki sighed.
"It used to. Right up until I left for uni, I always shouted at them I would never get married and keep my name just to wind them up. They would just yell back that I was a disrespectful daughter and they hoped a man would straighten me out" I shrugged.
"And here I thought Odin was a terrible father. Are all the men in your family like that?" Loki folded his arms.
"More or less. Those that weren't raised around my Grandfather are not too bad"
"The more I hear about your family the more I will encourage you to leave this country and get away from them" Loki frowned "So, What are your views on marriage now"
"I can't see me getting married. With my powers, Who wants a kid to inherit that" We both got out of the car. Loki never replied.

Loki wrapped his arm over my shoulders as we walked through the car park. He had this blank look on his face. I tried reading his mind but there was nothing in there. That, or he has learnt to put a mental wall up.

But I feel as if my marriage comment freaked him out. He seemed okay before. I'll talk to him later.

Nanna was awake as we got to the hospital. Again, Loki waited in the hall. As did Paul. She only had an Iv drip in her.
"Do I get a hug from one of my favourite people?" I flew at her and hugged her. Even though she was weak, Her hugs have never faltered.
"Nanna!" I cried.
"Oh, my sweet Tally" Nanna soothed. Nanna scooted over a little and made me lay next to her "Sorry for scaring you"
"It's fine, I'm just glad you are okay" I rested my head on Nanna's shoulder.
"I will be, Sweetie" Nanna insisted.

We just hugged for ages. The nurse did try and move me but Nanna told them to jog on and squeeze tighter. Paul had gone to get food and dragged Loki with him. When I saw this, Loki looked at me and I could him begging me to help him. I shook my head and grinned.
"So, You and the goth kid?" Nanna smiled. I sat up a little.
"I was going to tell you but I wanted you to be stronger first. I thought you would freak out" I rubbed my eyes.
"Are you kidding? I tried to set you two up together when you first met remember? Told you to get to know him in case you had to stay and work at the shop" Nanna grinned as she sat up a little herself. I helped her by fluffing her pillow a little "Though how are you guys going to work if you're moving away?"
"I don't know. Depends on what the future holds for us" I crossed my legs and leaned my elbows on my knees.
"Want me to take a look?" Nanna offered. My head turned slowly towards her.
"I thought you gave your powers up?" I whispered. Nanna smiled at me.
"Please, I'm waiting for the highest lottery ever" Nanna flapped her hand at me.
"Nanna," I grabbed Nanna's hand. My thumb ran over her knuckles "You're babbling like a monkey"
"Do you want me to see what I can see"
"Yes please," I said after a minute. Nanna's eyes changed colour. They went from pale blue to pure white. I was going to be here a while.

10 minutes had passed and Nanna was still in her power coma thing. I never did quite understand Nanna's powers. Only she can see the future but it was only a reflection in a pond. Not everything is true, Everything is permitted. (I know that's from Assassin's creed, Don't judge) The future is always changing and you gotta be ready for it. (Don't hate me for this one, I love Torchwood)

After hearing footsteps walking down the hall, I closed Nanna's eyes. I wasn't sure if Chris or Paul knew about Nanna's powers. I had also moved Nanna into a pose that made it look like she was sleeping. That way the nurses wouldn't scream when they checked her eyes.

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