Chapter 33

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- Thalia's Pov -

After having a lovely bubble bath, I put on a white robe and started to tame my hair. Since the ball was rather formal and I didn't want to show Loki up. I decided that my hair would be a side parting with a bun to the side. Though I would need a lot of pins to keep it in place. thankfully. I put my make-up bag in my suitcase. Not that I owned that much make-up. Which I made a start on. I heard a knock at the door.
"Yes?" I spun around to see Loki holding a purple A-line dress. The top half of the dress was covered with this matching purple embroidered pattern and the bottom was like this satin-type material. The whole outfit was complete with some very sparkly accessories and silver shoes.
"One fancy pants dress" He hung the dress on the back of the door "With silver accessories"
"You really think I can pull this off?" I raised an eyebrow. He has been on about this dress for a few days now. Loki rubbed the back of his neck.
"I need you looking fabulous" Loki replied "So when you walk up and kiss me, The Lords of the nine realms will be thinking about you and not about how they want to kill me"
"I could have worn my good black jeans" I folded my arms "And worn a fancy top"
"And while I love you in those jeans, You can't wear jeans to a formal party. Black tie only" Loki leant on the doorframe "Thalia, I need to show them I have changed. Do you think you can do this for me?"
"I'll do my best" I poked my tongue out at him and went back to doing my make-up.
"Thank you my sweet" Loki grinned as he looked at me, tilting his head sideways. He was about to speak when he heard a knock at the door "Be right back" I didn't hear the conversation (Mainly because I wasn't listening) but Loki came back quicker than I thought he would.
"Who was it, darling?" I looked at him in the mirror.
"A guard. He was just letting me know that my mother wishes to speak to me. I will go and see. Meet me at the bottom of the stairs?"
"Sure" I smiled as Loki disappeared.

I must have checked my appearance several times in the bathroom mirror, turning this way and that to make sure everything fitted my frame. Even though Loki had helped pick out the dress, he hadn't actually seen it on me yet. I wasn't worried, though, He did have an exceptional eye for this kind of thing. I added a few extra pins and hairspray and my hair as gently as I could to make sure everything was in place. Once I was satisfied that it was, I took a deep breath and grabbed my clutch.

I think Loki said he will wait for me at the bottom of the grand staircase. It was the custom for the men of royal Asgardian blood to do so if they had a date. I peeked my head around the corner to see Loki waiting for me. Rocking back and forth on his heels. He was wearing a completely black suit with a long tail bit at the back. I had to fan myself before walking down the stairs. Why did I have to have a thing for men in suits?
"*Cough*" Loki spun around and his mouth dropped.
"Thalia, You look, You... damn" Loki murmurs then and leans his forehead to mine "You look ravishing" He finally manages to get out, and before I can tease him, Loki leans forward to kiss me on the lips "It seems whoever picked out this dress, knows you very well"
"You don't look so bad yourself" I licked my lips "Yes, he does. I will admit, I expected you to come back with a green dress"
"I was under strict instructions not to use pink, light blue, yellow, orange or green" Loki listed "Though you will notice that I am not wearing green"
"You do look good in green" I whispered. It was true. Since being in Asgard, I have grown rather fond of Loki's Asgardian outfit. Loki growled as he grabbed me by the waist.
"Do we have to go to this ball? Can we skip it?" He pleaded. I knew what he was hinting at. I smirked as I walked away from him.
"No, Now come on" I wiggled my finger at him. Loki ran a hand over his face.

We walked a little further down the hallway before Loki grabbed me by the waist and dragged me into this little hideaway. I made a little squeal as Loki pushed me against the wall.
"Loki?" I said.
"Darling, I just need to speak to you. Away from prying eyes" Loki was still holding my waist. He put a finger to his lips. He looked to his right and we saw three dressed-up guests walk past.
"What is it?" I curiously asked.
"I..." Loki looked me in the eyes "Now that I have you all to myself, I am suddenly finding it very hard to find the words I need to say"
"I can see that" I respond. Loki was rather adorable all flustered. Makes changes from the confident man I knew.
"Do I really need to say what I thinking?" Loki pulled me closer.
"Yes, I want to hear what you have to say" I placed my hands on Loki's upper arms. Loki took a deep breath.
"Fine. Darling, You look ravishing in that dress. But I am afraid that your dress is ill-suited to my needs. I think we need to remove it. How would you prefer that to happen? Shall I slip the fabric from your body with my hands? Shall I make it disappear with magic? Or shall I remove it? Slowly, Intimately. Bit by bit with my teeth" Loki growled in my ear. I tried to steady my breath but my heart was going a million miles an hour "Make your choice soon, My sweet" I bit my lip as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Even in heels, I had to stand on tiptoes to reach his ear.
"Loki, All of those ideas sound excellent. However" I kissed his cheek "You can wait till after the ball" I smirked as I walked away. Knowing that Loki was still standing there.
"This going to be a very, very long night" I heard him growl. I do love to test his patience.

"Loki! Thalia!" Lady Frigga called as we entered the ballroom. Loki smiled as his mother hugged him and me.
"Mother, you are looking lovely as always" Loki bowed. Lady Frigga was wearing a gold high-neck lace gown with a matching cape.
"And the same applies to you, My son" Lady Frigga nodded her head. She then looked me up and down "My, My Thalia. You do scrub up well"
"Thank you, My Lady" I did a little curtsy, and Lady Frigga bowed her head. Loki lifted his head. Listening to the music.
"Thalia, May I have this dance?" He held his hand out and bowed at the waist. I looked around.
"Dance with me" He grinned as I took his hand. I can't dance.

Like a child at a candy store, Loki pulled me into the middle of the dancefloor. A grin plastered on his face. I could hear his mother sigh and her thought were ones of contentment.
"What are you listening to?" Loki whispered.
"There are so many thoughts. some are loud" I mumbled.
"Try and focus on my thoughts and mine alone. Don't worry about anyone else" Loki spoke in his head. He took my left hand in his and placed his other hand on the base of my spine. I shivered. I can't help it. My back is so sensitive "Ready?"
"Loki, I can't dance"
"It's easy. I can teach you" Loki chuckled lightly.
"Loki, this is ridiculous. We both know that I have no coordination. I have two left feet. I am like Bambi on ice. So why even try and teach me?!" I asked, exasperated. Loki grinned at me.
"Because I know you can do this" Loki answered, "Now, Keep your feet off my feet" I grinned at him, knowing that I wouldn't be able to do what he says.
"You mind your own feet!" I giggled. Loki spun me around. My dress flowed around me.

We tried to dance to several songs but I could get the hang of any of the dances. I only stepped on Loki's feet a few times. He didn't complain once.
"I can't do this" I groaned. Literally stamping my foot like a child.
"Yes you can," Loki smiled as we walked over to a pillar "You are trying too hard"
"Well, it's not easy to dance when people are watching" I hid my face in my hand "I should just go sit down" I went to walk away but Loki grabbed my hand, pulling me back to him.
"Hey, Just look at me. No one else matters" Loki whispered, I nodded as Loki placed a hand on the base of my back. Pulling me closer to him "You got this" He encouraged.

I took a deep breath and once again tried to dance, Only with Loki leading us smoothly across the floor. Our feet moved together with flawless timing.
"See, I told you can do this"
"I had you for a partner and somewhat of a decent teacher" I grinned as we spun.
"Somewhat? I thought I did quite well. Considering that said student has two left feet" Loki pretended to be offended. He glanced over at his brother who was sitting with some posh-looking elf people. I followed his gaze.
"Who's the pointy-ear dude that looks like he could fire daggers out of his eyes"
"The High Elf. About 300 years ago. He tried to best me in combat and Elfs are nimble douches and I might have used a little trickster magic"
"You played dirty?"
"That's why you think they want to kill you? Because you were dirty fighting?" I tried to reassure him. Loki shook his head.
"Well, The High Elf does. Which means his wife does too" He muttered. It was oddly strange seeing Loki like this. I know he was nervous about seeing them again but this wasn't just nerves. This was fear. I took my hand from Loki's shoulder and placed it on his face.
"Hey look at me" I forced Loki to look at me "It doesn't matter what they think. They will see the man you are now, Not who you was. They will get over it" Loki's eyes seemed to glisten for a moment. He leaned into my touch.
"How did I get you?"
"I ask myself that question about you" I smiled. We leaned our foreheads together as I wrapped my arms around Loki's neck. Both his arms wrapped around my waist "I love you, You silly old God"
"I love you too. My little dove" Loki kissed me "May I have another dance?" I smiled as Loki wrapped one arm around my waist and took one of my hands with the other. We began twisting and turning as the music began.

We both continued to look into the other's eyes, never breaking our gaze. The music finished once again, but we were too busy enjoying ourselves to care. It started playing a slow song. I noticed that people were pairing off in the corner of my eye. But that didn't matter, We were in our own little bubble, Our own little fantasy within each other's hold. Our heads rested against each other, still holding our gaze. My hand came to rest upon his cheeks, and I smiled, causing Loki to smile as well.
"Thank you for bringing me here" I hummed happily.
"You're welcome. It was worth seeing your little nerd side come out" Loki tilted his head at me as he smiled.
"You should smile more. It suits you"
"Well, I do have a reason to smile. I got the most amazing woman in my life. I can't picture myself with anyone else" Loki kissed my forehead, Making me smile "You should smile more too"
"Well, I found my reason too. I am in his arms right now" I stood on tiptoes and kissed my man (I hate being short) "Another dance?"
"I'll never stop dancing for you"

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