Chapter 77: Diversion (2)

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, the battle continued to rage on the ground. Humans were cut down mercilessly, with only the most skilled swordsmen and several beastmen managing to hold their own against their more powerful opponents. Alas, no amount of skill or strength was enough to overcome the difference in power between the two armies. The kingdom's men lost their numerical advantage, the gaulus helping to expedite their culling.

Eventually, only a tiny handful of survivors remained. Ten men stood valiantly, battered yet defiant. To their surprise, the demons ceased their actions, standing by as their leader approached them.

Heavy footsteps heralded the arrival of the gaulus, upon which Bahara issued a final ultimatum to the survivors, "You have fought admirably, but certainly you see the futility of your continued defiance. Open the gate, and your lives shall be spared. Refuse, and we shall return to raze this district after we complete our objectives."

The commanding officer stepped forward, spitting toward Bahara, "You demons will be smitten by the Emissaries, and I pray your entire kind is extinguished!"

Bahara frowned, although the gesture wasn't visible to the defenders. The mention of the Emissaries rattled him, but the feelings dissipated as the gem around his neck glowed brighter. "You, nor any of your pathetic kind, will live to see that day."


Amidst sounds of battle, a small platoon of guards stood outside the Plaze district, barricading it with items pulled from nearby abandoned buildings. On the other side, fighting continued to rage with the demonic cries of orc kings blending in with the death throes of human and beastman knights. They ignored the suffering of their comrades, focusing on their orders to hold the vital choke point and prevent the enemy from breaching the third layer.

One of the knights suddenly stopped what he was doing, his attention drawn to something in the distance. A cloud of dust approached them, originating from the direction of Hurst. He placed a jar of oil down, informing his commanding officer of the unknown arrivals. "Sir, do we have any more reinforcements coming?"

"I don't believe so, but thank the heavens if those really are reinforcements," A gray-furred wolfman said, turning to squint at the figures in the distance. "Those look like... metal carriages?" He began to grin from joy, feeling blessed, "The Emissaries! They've come to aid us!" He announced.

The commanding officer walked forward, ready to greet the carriages, which spread out in a semicircle around the gate before coming to a stop. He walked toward the center vehicle, from which emerged a burly man dressed in a camouflaged uniform and another man with a familiar face – Knight Captain Mortes.

"Sir!" The wolfman saluted.

Mortes held his hand up as he walked toward the wolfman. "At ease, commander," Mortes said. "What's the situation here?"

The wolfman responded, "We have continued to barricade the gate, as instructed. Our brothers still fight on the other side, but I fear they are losing. The sounds of battle have since died down."

Mortes looked at the gate with sorrow-laden eyes. "I see. Commander, have your men fall back to the vehicles. Let the Emissaries handle this."

The wolfman nodded and brought his men behind the JLTVs.

Meanwhile, a drone flew over the wall, scouting the battlefield.

"What do you see?" Baker asked Nakamoto.

Nakamoto shook his head. "Not good. They've got about fifty Oni and a hundred orc kings, plus some sort of giant wolf..."

"Giant wolf?" Mortes asked, overhearing the conversation. He walked over to Baker and Nakamoto, his eyes widening once he saw the creature on the video feed.

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