Chapter 1

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Brittany squinted as she lined up the ball with the goal. Rachel, the teams goalie , mirrored Brittany in a slightly mocking manner, which only made the blonde more focused than ever to make this goal.

If Rachel wasn't there, it would've been an easy goal. Brittany could easily shoot the ball for the half field mark, but she knew better than to get over confident. Most girls on the team tend to do so when they see the smaller Jewish girl standing in the goal, but Rachel was faster than most and she had great reflexes.

Taking a step back, the blonde quickly stepped forwards as she brought her right foot to the ball, making a perfect arch as the ball landed into the goal without a problem. She smiled turning back to the other girls as she made her way to the benches.

She watched as a few other girls took turn shooting the ball into the goal, most of them either missing the goal or getting blocked by Rachel. The only other girl she saw make it in was an asian girl named Tina.

Tina was a great player, from what Brittany could remember from the last time the girls played together. Today was the first day of practice for the soccer team, and after having a perfect season the girls were driven to be better this year. The coach really didn't tell them to do anything, they all already knew the drill. So, the coach sat on the bench and watched intensely as the team did everything he had told them to do.

"You ready for this season, Captain?" He asked Brittany after a few minutes of silence. She smirked, nodding her head before taking small sips of water. He didn't say anything else after that, so Brittany guessed he was either satisfied by what he was seeing or he was really pissed at them for not doing better.

Practice soon came to an end and every girl went back to the locker room, taking off their cleats and shin guards as they trudged towards the showers. Brittany listened as the girls moaned and groaned in pain, giggling lightly when she heard someone mutter 'Guess I have to get used to this again.' As they waited for a shower to open up.

About 10 minutes later, she realized that most of the girls were still waiting for showers, which was odd because nobody is supposed to take more than 5 minutes to shower. The blonde was about to get up and see what the problem was when a group of Cheerios walked out of the shower area, towels wrapped around themselves as they glared at the soccer team.

She continued to watch as she saw Santana Lopez, her biggest enemy walk out.

"I knew there was a reason it was taking so long for the showers to open up. You and your stupid ass cheerleaders don't have a clue on how to count time." She spat while putting her cleats up in her locker.

"Oh, I forgot it was that time of year where you soccer junkies think you own the school. Hint, you don't, so get the fuck over it." The Latina said, placing her hands on her hips as other Cheerios walked up behind her.

"What the hell is this? Are all of you lackeys standing behind her supposed to make me scared? the girl over there looks like she has no idea what the hell is going on," she pointed to a small blonde girl with hazel eyes, " You all look like harmless all white penguins and you just look plain retarded Lezpez."

"Wow, the blonde girl forgot that the letter 'o' and 'e' make different sounds." The Latina stated furiously before turning on her heels and walking away. Brittany rolled her eyes as she picked up her gym bag. She waited in the parking lot of her mother to get her, only to receive a text about thirty minutes later from her mom listing reasons why she was making Brittany walk home. She groaned as she looked up at the sky. She was told it was gonna rain and it looked like it could happen any second now.

About a minute later it started to pour down rain. Cursing, she started to slowly jog towards her house. Brittany accidentally stepped off of the curb, causing her to slip backwards and hit her head on the concrete.

"Shit!" The blonde hissed, placing her hand on the back of her head as she sat up. It took her awhile before being able to pull herself up and start walking again, carefully to make sure that she wouldn't fall again.

Brittany arrived at home about an hour later, glaring at her mother as she walked in.

"What the hell did you do?" Susan Pierce asked.

"What did I do? You're the one who made me walk home!"

"If you wanted a ride you should've texted me."

"We talked about this! I waited half an hour for you to come when you told me to walk home!"

"Don't raise your voice with me! I'll throw you back out into the rain if you don't stop!" The older woman threatened. Brittany gritted her teeth before rushing up to her room.

Tossing her stuff at the edge of her bed, Brittany rubbed her head as she started to gain a massive headache. Concussion, she thought, quietly going downstairs to get an ice pack. She heard a strange noise coming from her parents bedroom as she walked by, but thought nothing of it. When she got downstairs the noises grew louder, making her headache worse. She pulled out an ice pack and grabbed some aspirin before heading up to her room again.

That's when it hit her.

Well, the ice pack slipped from her hands and hit her foot, but something else also hit her.

Her father wasn't home yet.

She slowly walked to her parents room and pressed her ear to the door.



So I randomly got the idea to write this. I know it's not gre

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