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Jalanee Tiana Ross
March 13th, 2022

"So yall talk about how yall had bad childhoods what's the worst memory yall have of each other.?" I caller on the radio asked Tyquian and I.

I chuckled lowly already knowing my makeup finna be messed up.

"So I was 11, and Tyquian quian was 13 we was back in Savannah..."


I walked down the street with my food in my hands with the biggest smile on my face.

As soon as I hit our block two men were running away making me get a little scared.

I walked quickly and dropped my food bags when I seen Tyquian laid out on the sidewalk with stab wounds. Everyone was just standing around.

I took off running down the street to my mommas house and opened the door.

"Mama Tyquian laid out on the ground with stab wounds we gotta go help him." I said with tears. She took a puff from her cigarette and chuckled.

"Leave him, if he a real man then he'll get up." She said leaning back and singing along to some R&B songs


"So then I run up to my room, grab my phone and call my grandma." I said in tears.

"I said 'momo Ty out on the ground and he not moving. Mama said to leave him." I said trying to stop from sobbing.

"Take your time." Tyquian said rubbing my hand.

"Grandma said 'Stay calm ladybug I'm on the way I wa- I want you to go to Ty and I want you to sing that song that he like so much to him'." I said but stopped wiping my tears and sniffing.

"So here I go running out the house ignoring my heart beat and my lungs cause I used to have breathing problems. I'm running and it's like the closer I get the more drousy I'm getting. But I'm still going and going and I get there pushing my way through the crowd of everyone in the neighborhood and get to my brother." I said with a small smile.

"And I get to singing this song that we had wrote together. How is go?" I asked Tyquian.

"No city in the world is big enough sister." He sung horribly and and laughed.

"No walk from my house is too far away brother, cause no matter what happens just know I love ya." I sung tryna remember all the lyrics.

"And then you had that part that go I mig-

"Oh yeah! I might have the smarts but you sure have the heart, oh and together we don't worry about being apart." I said and laughed cause that's all I remembered.

"I wasn't a 90's baby but I had the voice like I was supposed to be in a kids group like the girl version of New Edition." I said and Tyquian rolled his eyes.

"She lying, every fuckin time you seen Jalanee. She was singing, and it was so annoying. But she was proud of it. She used to introduce herself be like. 'I'm lil Lan and I dance but I can sang too' and she had that Atl accent so everyone everyone would laugh at her. " He said laughing.

"Oh my god yes they did and I would give them a lil piece from Annie with my It's only a day away ass." I laughed hard.

"And they was all fake, man this lil girl was sounding like the kid from Different Stokes. Ole 'whatchu talkin bout Willis'." He said and i mugged him.

"Okay don't do too much, cause yo ass still can't sing and look at me now 21 years old and one of the biggest." I popped my imaginary coller.

"Periodt." The radio host laughed. "But that's all we got for the night, it's yo girl Ridiculously Ryan and I'm signing out." She said into the mic before pressing some buttons.

Ooh so that was her name

(🤢 stupid red head bitch, her wig wasn't even cute and she was on fucking national television. Ole dumbass. Didn't wanna fight the girls so she picked on the set crew talkin bout some "Fuck you and this Mic" then gone threaten the producers like bitch please)

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