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Jalanee Tiana Ross
December 20th 2021


"So you recently posted on your Instagram story things about being in Jail. How is that for you?" The interviewer asked me.

"I've actually only been in jail twice in my life. I went to jail for the incident with Iyanna and I went another time." I told her.

"When was the first time if you don't mind me asking." She asked and I shifted in my chair.


"You don't have to talk about it." She reassured me I shook my head.

"I had just turned 17 like two days before this day. And I was hanging with this boy, he used to have this problem. Like he put his hands on women problem." I started

"And one day we were at his house and this other girl was there and I guess they were messing around with each other too." I said and stopped for a second looking down.

I don't know if I should talk about this.

"And the girl and I started arguing. Me thinking 'oh this my nigga he finna take my side' um he didn't." I said and my voice cracked a little.

"He held my hands as the girl was beating my ass. Then after that he beat her then had her lie to the police and say I beat her like that. Unfortunately she was pregnant." I wiped a tear.

"They charged me as an adult since I was almost 18. And Rick refused to help me out of there so I was in jail for about five months. And i get emotional about it because it's stupid you know." I fanned my eyes a little before sniffling.

"I get it, I mean as a women. Shit like that will forever be emotional to you. But hey look at you now, one of the biggest female artists out here. And your still gonna climb the charts." She told me tearing up too. I laughed.

"Actually no. You know what they told me? When I dropped that diss song my manager called and was like 'They said you are not able to get awards. Your talking about killing people, and being gang affiliated'. I don't care though." I shrugged.

"So with the thing with Rick, I've noticed your not calling him dad anymore. Why is that?" She asked looking at this paper.

"He doesn't want to be in my life. He made that clear to me when he took all my money from the bank account he had for me." I said and her eyes widened.

"So like he took everything?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I was at the mall about to buy clothes for my son. And I found out then. All I had was 50 dollars in cash for gas. Had to ask my little sister for money, that's embarrassing." I shook my head.

"Speaking if your son how is he? And is he seeing his dad?" She asked.

"Yeah, Kaell is actually still with his dad. I was gonna get him yesterday but fell asleep. But he's doing good, really smart. He says some words now." I smiled.

"Really? How is he learning fast? He's not even one yet." She asked.

"Cocomelon works, so for all the first time parents like me. Y'all better use Cocomelon." I pointed at the camera before laughing.

"Alright so this is it." She said and I nodded. Before we started the interview she told me I was signing out.

"Alright this is Jalanee Tiana and I approve of this message." I smiled and got up.

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