



"What?! Where am I?!"

"Ah finally, we're even matched now aren't we?" Shinobu giggled

"You! What did you do to my sister?!" Gyutaro shouted

"Daijoubu. She's in great hand. Now, we can finally fight fairly." Shinobu had a shine in her eyes. "Mono e mono."

"What the hell does that supposed to mean?!" Gyutaro is pissed off

"You don't need to know when you're dead honey."

"Insect magic: Flight of the dragonfly."

Once again, a swarm of insect, except this time it was dragonflies went to engulf the confused demon. True to it's name, these are just any ordinary dragonflies. They breathe fire as the name says and burn the demon alive in the center of the storm.

"What the hell?!"

"Slash magic: Thousand blood sickle!"

Suddenly, an explosion of red substances shaped into a crescent slashes the insects away and some even cut off part of the houses nearby. Shinobu frowned when she sees the houses destroyed just like that.

"You damn bitch! I will kill you!" Gyutaro shouted

"Tell me, Gyutaro kun." Shinobu gave off a dark aura. "How does it feel when you lose your own home, hmm~?"

"What should I tell the family of the house that you just destroyed?"

"You can tell them to f*ck off!" Gyutaro hastily replied

"Rough, and yet, straight to the point. That's no way to treat people you know?"

"F*ck off you stupid dumb bitch!"

"Slash magic: Rotating slash!"

"Insect magic: Dance of the butterfly, caprice."

Things are getting tensed as the clear skies are being filled with numerous amount of magic. Slash that was rotating through the air was about to hit the queen when the queen herself suddenly explodes into a million of butterflies. They all move in an evasive pattern in a group of four. They themselves looked similar to the slashes from earlier. And just like them, they moved in and slashed the male body four times before re-emerge back into a human being.

"How does it feel dear?" Shinobu smiles sadistically

"It felt, great." A vein popped on his head. "Felt like I'm gonna drink some fine wine made from a royals blood."

"Ara ara~ A bit young to drink aren't you?"

"Give me my sister back! Ume!"

"She can't hear you love. Only I can." Shinobu condescendingly spoke. "It's either your life or mine. Either way, you will still see your sister."

"I will f*cking burn you on a stake witch!"

'I hope you're handling the other one fine nee san.'









Destined TogetherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang