Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: The sun and the flower

"Kanao? Where's Kanao?"

Outside in the clearings, the ones with barely any magic helps the people who got injured. Even more so got injured thanks to the blast Tanjiro unleashed earlier. Giyuu was out and so was Saisho as he still can't regenerate his chest and heart. But Shinobu noticed that one of them was missing from the group.

"Has anyone seen Kanao?" She worryingly asked

"I don't know. She went to somewhere and then poof." Inosuke briefly said

"What do you mean by poof?" Uzui questions

"She's gone. Is there any other meaning by that?"

"Oh my. We need to find her!" Shinobu panicked

"Calm down Shinobu. I'm sure she's fine." Kanae calms her down

"Urm, not to be the bearer of bad news. But, where is the floating prince at?"

They all turn their attention to the man with yellow hair and then to the sky. They look around and finally they saw a storm of flower petals forming a bright pinkish white orb in the sky.

"Kanae nee san. Is that your doing?" Shinobu questions her

"No, I was still healing the injured." She said looking at the people

"Then, who else is capable of doing that?"

"The only other flower magic user that I remember is-" It suddenly came to them






















"A princess eh? This is gonna be interesting."

Inside the orb itself, the prince and the princess is staring each other in the eye. One shows deadly intent within while the other shows a worried expression. She knew it's not him, it was someone else controlling him. Somehow, she had to get it out.

"Tanjiro. I need you to wake up." Kanao began

"I'm wide awake woman. Maybe you should be the one to wake up."

"Sun magic: Explosive arc."

Tanjiro performs a set of movements and shot out an explosive shockwaves in a wide arc. Or at least, he thought he did.

"What is this? My magic is gone?" The redhead was confused

"You're such a fool thinking you could attack me inside here." Kanao got closer to him. "I control everything within my own garden space. Including your magic."

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