Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: The fall of a great leader


A black void was all I see. In the distance was a dark void. And in those black void, I see, myself. Broken into pieces. Whispering my own name.

"It's time to wake up."






















"Hah! Hah. Hah."

'Where am I?'

"Good morning your majesty."

Somewhere in some place, a redhead had just woken up from a deep sleep. He quickly realised that he was tied into a chair and his sword is now gone. He looks around and recognised the place he was in. He looked up to see the owner of the voice hanging upside down on the ceiling playing with some liquids.

"Did you slept well?"

"Muzan." He muttered

"Surprise surprise. You know my name already." The figure, Muzan casually put down his equipment

"Where am I?! Let me go!" He yelled

"Shout all you want. You're never gonna get out of here." He looks at him. "Unless,"

Muzan snapped his fingers and a door appears in front of him and the redhead. He casually walks out and were upright this time. The same orientation as the confused prince. He bowed down to his eye level and said,

"You join me."


"Isn't that perfect? Someone who inherited his magic gets to be on my side." Muzan cracks a smile

"Like hell I would!" Tanjiro continues to struggle

"You have no other choice, boy. Since you're the one who killed my right hand man." Muzan stood up

'Right hand man? Did he meant Kokushibo?' Tanjiro thought

"He was the brother of your founder. And even after all these years, he would still lose to him."

"Why are you doing this?" Tanjiro questions him

"Why?" Muzan stared into his pair of red orbs. "Immortality of course."

"It's beyond any kind of power or magic that a person could posses, don't you think?"

"What good will it be to be able to live forever?"

"To watch the world slowly burn. To be able to do whatever you want without the fear of dying. And yet," Muzan walks closer to the mirror. "That fears still remained."

Destined TogetherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon