"Maybe if you reached out more instead of sailing the seas with your boyfriend, you would've been more involved in your family's life. But just like always, you played your part in isolating yourself from us."

I shook my head. "That's not fair."

"Life's not fair, Mils!" Dave threw his arms out in a surrender position. "I could count the times I saw you during the holidays or special times such as birthdays while growing up but I can bet on my life that everything Dad owns, will go to you. Mom, Eric, and I will get a fraction compared to you."

Where the hell is this coming from?

"Is this about money? Assets? Property? The business?" I asked, confused. "Because I haven't the slightest interest in any of that!" I took in a breath and refused to fight with him. "This isn't like us to fight over stupid, superficial things. Tell me what the real issue is."

"The issue," Dave said between gritted teeth and stepped closer to me. "The issue is, to Dad, there is no one that comes before you. Eric and I constantly have to live in your shadow and it's fucking exhausting. The only reason Dad treats you so differently is because every time he looks at you, he's reminded of how badly he messed up... how he failed you as a father." Dave paused and glared bitterly. "I just don't get why the rest of us have to pay the price for his mistake."


I gulped and it hurt to see hatred for me in Dave's eyes. I didn't know if he was just angry and drunk or if he truly meant those words. 

"I didn't ask for any of this," I whispered. 

"Yeah, well neither did we."

"I don't see how it's my fault but I can talk to Da-"

"Don't even try to play the good sister when you've already failed me," Dave brusquely cut me off. "Your priorities changed the minute you met Clarke, even before you dated him, he centered your universe. Because of him, you couldn't even be there for your mom when she was on her deathbed, I can't expect you to be there for me."

Dave not only picked at an old wound that had barely healed but he opened an entirely new one because deep down, I knew he was right. I failed Mom in her last days, she craved to see me but I was so selfish to live for once that I couldn't say goodbye. I'd made peace with that but it didn't mean, I wasn't haunted by that fact, and hearing Dave throw it in my face hurt like hell.

"Don't..." I glared.

"The truth is always bitter," Dave spat. "Anway, you're only Dad's daughter, stay in your lane and don't bother me. If I need to talk to someone, I have Mom and Eric, I don't need your concern."

My jaw dropped and my chest tightened at Dave's cold words. He didn't spare me another glance and stormed past me into the house. He had so many feelings built up that I felt he finally expressed his true feelings for the first time. I regretted not returning his calls, I should've known it was serious and had to do with how much he struggled with finding a path after high school. But I was an idiot who thought that he only called to ask for me to get him something like he always did. 

He's right, I failed as a sister too.


I did my best not to think about the fight I had with Dave as the week went by. Dave left the morning after before Dad or Mandy was awake. They never knew he was home and I didn't tell them. I wanted to call and try to fix things but I felt he wasn't ready to talk and needed some space. Besides, his words were cruel and I was upset with him for that. 

Friday, finally arrived and I clocked more hours than needed at the hospital just so I didn't have to be alone. After the altercation with Dave, I went back to my place and the silence got to me, so to beat that, I worked and worked until I was exhausted and had no time to do anything other than sleep. 

Sailing With DestinyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant