Twenty-Three : Time laps

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"The princess is so beautiful as ever, isn't she?"

"Indeed. Aside from being beautiful, the princess also has a very kind heart."

I heard whispers from the people. Since I had nothing to do, I visited the evacuation area, where Brendan found a safe place. He said it's better to be cautious in times like this. True, we'll never know if they ever try to invade the kingdom. They even attack a member of the royal family, so it's easy for them to knock the people of Zion in the process too.

I just smiled at the people. This place is small but spacious enough for all the people. After a month here, I realized this was the kingdom Kloiro wanted to protect and serve. He tried to make this place the epitome of peace. Speaking of Kloiro, up until now, he hasn't woken up but, fortunately, is showing signs of his awakening.

"Omg, isn't that Prince Bryan?!" Some teenagers giggled. Oh, so Prince Bryan is here too?

I went to the infirmary room here. I distributed the water I had mixed with my healing abilities. I put some healing magic in the water they're drinking since I can't heal them in an open space. People would freak out when they know that their Princess has magic—-which is they'll find it like I'm cursed.

"Neveah!" I took a glance at the person who had called me. Bryan was covered with teenage girls trying to get his autograph. How did I know? They were holding pens and books.

"What are you doing here?" I asked when he managed to get away from those girls.

"So, now, I don't have a right to be here? You're hurting me too much, Neveah." He was acting hurt in front of me as I shook my head at him.

"People might get the wrong idea. Synagogue and Zion are both powerful Kingdoms. It'll give false hope in people."

"Didn't you hear? Synagogue and Zion are uniting." My eyes widened. The only way for two kingdoms to unite is when one member of the royal families in different kingdoms joins in... marriage!

"Don't tell me... the marriage between us will still happen!" I shriek, omg, no!

I was about to panic; I stopped when I heard Bryan laugh so hard.

"Did I say something funny?"

"Yes, yes, you did!" He said, and after a moment, he exclaimed. "Our marriage was void. The union is about my cousin Princess Blaizelle and your brother Prince Brendan." I got relieved for a moment.

"Thank goodness," I exclaimed.

"You made it sound like marrying me would be the end of the world. Is that how you treat your friend?"

"Yes, you're right. If I married you, it would be the end of the world to make it happen." I laughed at his sour expression.

We teased each other a lot more, and after the work in the evacuation center, we went in our separate ways. I never knew I would get to be friends with Bryan. He was the most annoying and jerkiest person I have ever met. I even hated him the very first time I met him. But I guess...

"See you next time, your highness!" Bryan exclaimed when he went off.

Perhaps, I just had a wrong impression of him.

I was on my way to my room when I heard my name.

"Esmeray," As I said before, only a few people call me Esmeray. First, my mother, then...

"Brix!" I exclaimed. Why is he here?

"Why are you here?" I asked; school is not over yet--- it has a month left.

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