Twelve : Sybil

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Throughout the camp, I did what I do best—-hiding and running away, well, not entirely.

But yes, I hid. Especially from... Sybil.

"Hey, Lille. It's time for dinner. Are you coming?" Sarah yelled out to me. I share a room—well, a tent precisely with her.

"Yeah, sure," I replied, and we both exited our tent and went to dinner. Some fried fish and some other delicacies I never bothered to know. All in all, dinner was fine, and no Sybil in sight too.

Where could he possibly be?

"Lille, are you looking for someone?" I got my gaze straight at Sarah.

"What? No, no, I'm not looking for anyone! Why do you think that?" I said that quite a denial and aggressively, didn't I?

Why me? Me, looking for someone? That's just modest!

"Okay." She prolonged as if making herself believe I said those words with just one breath.

I didn't know what came over me... but I did—I did look for someone, that certain someone. My gaze roamed around the entire hall but not a shadow of him in sight.

After dinner, we gathered once again around the campfire. We have activities every night prepared by Senior Kai and the other officials. We would talk about ourselves, play games, having chats with our juniors; it was a lot of fun. But our actual activities aren't done yet.

"Song time! Who volunteers to sing us a song for this lovely night?!" Zedrick exclaimed, holding up a guitar and waiting for someone to take it.

"Hey, Zed! My good friend Sybil said he'll have a go!" It was Jamie who exclaimed a reply. Sybil?! Is he finally here?!

My question got answered when I saw that well-built figure of his and when his starry ocean-blue eyes held mine. It calmed me for some reason.

He took the guitar from Zed and came to sit at the stool in the middle. Sybil whispered something to Jamie that made his eyes sparkle.

"Uhm, Sybil said he'll need a partner," Jamie started smiling, looking for someone in the crowd until he found me—his smile widened.

"Oh, a duet! Who volunteers?!" Zed exclaimed again this time.

"Oh, Oh! Lille will volunteer!" Sarah exclaimed, and without realizing it, she had already pulled me into the center with Sybil.

I was going to retreat, but—-

"SybLil! SybLil! SybLil duet, whooo!" They started cheering and shouting—chuckling. I looked at Sarah and glared at her.

She started that shouting!

I sat right next to Sybil in the center.

He glanced at me and checked something in the guitar strings, and... he just started strumming. Of course, he knows how to play the guitar; I remember when I found him playing the piano. It was mesmerizing.

And it was also the day that I met him.

He hummed the intro, and once again, those starry ocean-blue eyes met mine and looked at me as if he's telling me... 'If anything else fails, I'll still be here.'

"You with the sad eyes," there was silence when he started.

"Don't be discouraged; oh, I realize."

"It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
The darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small." True colors—-he's singing True colors.

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