Sixteen : Hide and Seek

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For 24 hours, I wonder if they have decided what they want to have. I can't help but smile the moment I wake up. Isn't it a wonderful day?

I stretched a little and started my morning routine.

As I took my backpack, my eyes landed on the wrapped box on the side of my bed. I even bought Sybil a gift!

I shook my head and exited my dorm room. I have many classes today, and it's just frustrating! Maybe, because it's almost the end of the first semester.

"Let me get that for you!" Someone said that, and at the same time, my bag had already detached from my body. I'm no longer getting surprised.

I stared at Sybil—-he's not that ugly after all. He's smiling at me as his starry blue eyes glisten. I don't know if it's just me, but... he looks at me like he found his home with me. Staring at him, I could feel the thumping of my heart. I took my gaze away from his.

"Where to?" I heard him ask.

I looked forward and didn't mind the crazy thumping of my heart while Sybil was beside me.

"Hoshizora building," I replied. We were walking down the corridor in our building when I felt a vibration in my pocket.

Brendan calling...

"Hello?" I answered. I could feel Sybil's curious eyes, so I gestured to him that I'll make the call. I moved away just in case he wanted to eavesdrop on me.

"Lille? Are you doing okay?" I rolled my eyes at Brendan's remark.

"My dear brother, it's still so early in the morning, and I don't think you called just to ask if I'm okay." I frankly exclaimed; that's pretty obvious.

"Well, ahmm... you know. Kloiro! Just come here and tell Lille yourself!" I raised a brow; I could even hear Brendan's yell in the other line. I heard noises in the other line and waited for a few minutes when I heard Kloiro's voice.

"Lille! Are you doing okay?" I shook my head, and their resemblance was indeed evident.

"Spill the tea already!" I'm getting impatient with this two.

"Darwen. Darwen is there."

"What do you mean 'there'?"

"In L. Q High. He's there... this morning." I felt my body stiffen, I closed my eyes, and I took a few deep breaths. It was quiet in the other line and waiting for my response.

I took a few more deep breaths and then cleared my throat.

"Ahmm, yeah. I'll go to the dean's office to see if he's still there." I said and didn't wait for Kloiro to say anything as I ended the call.

I feel hyperventilating, but I choose not to show it as I walk back to Sybil.

"Sybil, you can go first. I have something to check." I exclaimed and went directly towards the dean's office. If I haven't left yet, I'm sure he'll ask questions.

My heart is pounding like crazy, and my palms are getting sweaty. Am I ready to face my fears? Accepting myself is very hard to do, and I'm getting there.

I swallowed hard when I stood at the entrance of the office. I slowly stepped in, and it didn't take long when I saw a familiar building sitting in the nearby lounge. I'm pretty sure it's my little brother!

"Darwen?!" I exclaimed, going nearer. That familiar built turned around-shock.

"Lille? Lille!" He seemed confused at first, then ran to me. I opened my arms wide and hugged him back. Oh, how I miss this brother of mine.

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