One : Onward

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"Your majesty, the king and queen would like to see you at the royal study." I dismissed the messenger. I wonder what they want to discuss now?

On my way to the royal study, I saw the minister of war.

"Your Highness," He curtsied.

"What was the minister of war came here for?" I asked as soon as I stepped into the royal study.

"Just some country affairs," father answered.

"Neveah, how lovely to see you!" My eyebrow raised seeing him here.

"That's princess Neveah for you, Prince Bryan," I emphasized, princess. I faced the king and queen of our country, Zion.

"What is he doing here? I thought this is a family matter?"

"We're here," I could hear that it was my brothers.

"What is this about?" My older brother Kloiro questioned.

"Is this some other lecture time?" Brendan questioned, bored. Like duh, he's always bored.

My father spoke, "Nox and Rafael, you're here to state your opinion about your sister's doings." Both Kloiro and Brendan gave me a questioning look. I say their resemblance is quite uncanny.

"She emptied the well for the reason that she was angry." My father looked at me; if only I could roll my eyes at him.

"Well, she could return it—" I glared at Bryan for even opening that mouth of his.

"This doesn't seem like a serious offense, father," Kloiro stated.

"She just went overboard with her emotions," Brendan said. Oh my, I love my twin brothers!

"That's the problem, Rafael! She should learn how to control her emotions and her magic!" Father exclaimed at Brendan.

"So, what are you proposing, father?" I asked this time.

"Princess Lille Neveah Esmeray." My mother spoke my full name. "You are the princess of this country if you would let your emotions overpower you... what could your magic do to this country?" No doubt that she's the queen.

"We plan to enter you into a magic school."

"What?!" I exclaimed at my father's statement.

"Father, I don't think that's even an option!" Kloiro exclaimed. The Crown prince of Zion Kloiro Ruston Nox, my brother.

"Have you thought that through?" Asked Brendan. The certified lazy prince of Zion, Brendan Asterin Rafael. For me, he's more of a bored prince than lazy.

"Rafael. Nox. As the princes of this country and a brother for Lille... What's the right decision?" Father seriously asked. It frightened me for a moment. What if they agree? I'm dead!

"Lille can learn to control her magic," Kloiro stated.

"If she doesn't want to, then let her be," Brendan said. My brothers spoil me too much.

"I know both of you would say that." I looked at Father. What's in his sleeves, this time?

"Prince Bryan Dean Zenobia, step forward." Is this some...

"Lille. You may choose whether you go to school or... marry Prince Bryan." My eyes widened. Some ridiculous options!

"Well, sweetheart?" Bryan said and winked at me. So, that's why he's here. Eww!

"I would never marry that stinking prince!" I emphasized 'never' in Bryan's face. "I'll go to school," I stated and walked out. Do they want me to marry? I'm only 15! And for me, I'm still pretty young to get into marriage.

"You don't like that, Bryan, huh?" I heard Brendan say just behind me. Of course, I don't! That's the first time I decided on something without even thinking it through.

"That was harsh, Lille. I know you don't like him, but it's inappropriate to say such things." I secretly rolled my eyes at Kloiro's words.

"Why did you even follow me out?" I asked. They could have stayed.

I felt an arm on my shoulder. "You know what? I didn't get bored at that moment!" Brendan said and ran ahead of me. I felt Kloiro's presence right beside me.

"Behave, okay?" He said.

"What am I? A dog? And noo, I won't behave!" I said and ran off to the royal garden of our castle.

"Darwen!" I called, and he hurried to went to us too.

"Sister! Brothers!" He called. We're siblings of 4, and he's Darwen Murklins Dave, our younger brother.

"How did the meeting go?" He asked as I pinched his cheeks. It's so soft!

I looked at Brendan and Kloiro and shook my head, saying I wanted to tell him myself.

"Come, let's go play here," Kloiro stated and took Darwen with him. Between Kloiro and Brendan, Kloiro's the one who nags and lectures me, while Brendan supports me in anything that I do. Nevertheless, I love them both.

Days passed, and the day of my departure arrived.

"Learn as much as you can, okay?" I looked at Brendan and nodded.

"Don't do anything foolish." I glared at Kloiro's words.

"Remember, I'm one call away." I smiled at Brendan. He could be sweet if he wanted to.

"Be careful, my princess," Father stated.

"Learn to control your magic and come home quickly." I hugged them one by one. Darwen's cry makes me want to forfeit, but I can't.

"Remember, your magic is healing." I nodded at mom's words. Yeah, right, I sighed—my magics healing. I could hope my real magic won't get discovered.

My good friend Brix went to this L.Q High too, so I'm not scared or nervous. He said he'd serve as my 'bodyguard,' I mean, I don't need him to protect me.

L.Q High has blue walls and stunning interiors. Even their uniform is the same color. It's the first school for magic in this forest. That's amazing.

Despite the thoughts of disagreement, I still went for it.

I discovered I had magic when I was ten, and recalling their terrified expression made me scared of it too.

I might have inherited it from my grandparents.

I am the princess of Zion. I have responsibilities, and now, controlling my magic is one of them.

Magic that could save a lot of lives.

Lille Neveah Esmeray Rune, Princess of Zion, is now turning into Lille Rune of L.Q High.

———————MissKjj07——————- 11/27/21

L.Q High [Book 2]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora