Seventeen : His Beauty and Her Beast

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The next day, the bright and shiny morning greeted me.

As I walk throughout the campus, I felt the gaze around me. Why do I feel like some students are looking at me?

When I arrived at the class, my gaze directly went to the person I was with last night. It made me recall what happened.


After a few minutes, the crying subsided.

"Feeling better?" I asked; well, you'll feel a lot lighter once it ends.

He looked at me; no, let me rephrase that. He stared at me; he looked at me as if I was just from his imagination.

I raised him a brow. "Sybil, it is me!" I exclaimed. He didn't utter a single word till I pinched his cheeks as hard as possible.

"Ouch! That hurts! What's wrong with you?!" He finally uttered with his tomato red cheeks.

"What's wrong with me?!" I asked with disbelief in my voice. Now, the emotion earlier returned.

"You ran off somewhere, making your friends and me worried?!" I shrieked.


"Then, you would cry all by yourself when you have us! What are you—-"


"Don't cut me off!" I again shrieked at him as I let all my anger settle on him. He seemed to realize that he couldn't stop me. My nagging went over a few minutes when I was finally ready to listen to what he wanted to say.

"Explain," I stated.

"Well... today's my birthday," I wanted to say I know, but I'd rather listen to his explanation. "Well, it's not a pleasant day for me, m'lady." He seemed hesitant, so I vaguely smiled at him.

"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to. Take your time. I just wanted you to know that you can rely on me when the world feels so heavy." I gave him an assuring smile.

End Flashback...

I hope he took what I said seriously. I'm not new to this feeling, so I know. I like Sybil; I'm not in denial about it.

"You'll be playing the main cast, right?" Do some students ask the main cast?

"Ahmm, what play?" I asked, what's going on?

"The beauty and the beast, of course!" My eyes widened.

"What?!" I exclaimed. I hurriedly rushed into the Official's office.

"Senior Kai, this is not fair!" I exclaimed as I entered. Senior Kai looked at me confusedly and then, later on, understood what I meant.


"Senior Kai, I got nominated without me knowing! And the fact that I won without my permission!" I was fuming mad, alright!

"Lille, calm down. Sarah said she'd tell you, didn't she?" I scoffed in disbelief, Sarah?!

"That girl didn't utter a single word about that, Senior Kai!" We're going to have a long chat later, Sarah Maer.

"But Lille, don't you want to do it?"

"No, Senior Kai."

"Oh, too bad. Our team members expected you to go for it. A lot was so excited hearing that you'll be playing Belle. You know, you have a talent for it."

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