Thirteen : Confession?

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That's what I lacked last night—sleep. I'm bothered by what Sybil said and... and those look in his eyes. It felt somewhat like the eyes that carry a burden, booming, big enough as all waters combined. Much more suffering and pain.

Something touched my heart from the inside. Why was I feeling this all of a sudden? It's not even close to pity, maybe sympathy? But no... it's something else.

I was starting my stretching on my legs, arm, and hips. I told my group to do their warm-up together while I did mine alone. I'm not too fond of it when I'm with someone while doing my warm-ups.

Today will probably be the last day in camp and the day of the previous bodybuilding and team works.

I was doing it when one peace officer—that specific peace officer came running to me—-sweat all over him. He seems to run a mile or two.

"Lille, Lille! Please, help me!" One Jamie Liefa came to me panicking.

"Why? What happened this time?" I said, bored, still doing my stretching.

"It's Sarah!" I almost lost my balance of what he said. I hurriedly faced him.

"Why? What happened to her?" This time my voice is full of worry. Sarah's my best friend, for Pete's sake!

"She's been vomiting, and she says her stomach hurts. She might have indigestion, but the point is that she needed to rest! She needs me!" He exclaimed; I raised him a brow. Vomiting, ehh?

"Don't give me that look! You know me and Sarah, Lille!"

"Do I?" I teasingly asked. Looking at his terrified expression is a bit worrying.

"Lille, be serious! Can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it?" Hey, I'm generous.

"Can you look after my group throughout the bodybuilding?" My eyes widened. What the F*ck!

"You expect me to look after your group, which, remind you, contains 32 members! I have a group of my own, you know!" I yelled at him, hoping to scatter his eardrums and brain, if possible. That's just absurd and... and ludicrous!

"Let me make myself clear. I said to look after not taking over my group. I assigned someone to take over in my temporary absence."

"And Senior Kai knows about this?" He nodded, so I bounced back as if that was our cue to proceed with what we were doing. That lovesick fool, tsk, what people do for love. But I hope Sarah's okay, though.

But I, on the other hand, didn't return to stretching but went to check on my group and Jamie's group.

I confronted one junior student and asked, "Who's the one Jamie tasked to take over? I need to speak with him."

"Oh, looking for me?" I took my gaze from where the voice echoed. Oh, gosh! How stupid of me! Of course, it'll be him! If there's someone Jamie trusted, that'll be him!

I looked at him, bored, not affected by his presence. "Come with me." He followed me at a distance.

"Has your group done warm-ups?" I asked; we need it.

"Yes, done." After that, I told Sybil to make subgroups into his group in every category of this team building.

We gathered as Senior Kai started to talk.

"First two groups. Jamie's and Lille's. are five categories of people! The first one: is log hopping which only three members pass around the lake. Three members and those 3 are healers. We don't want it to be unfair to other groups of water magic. Second one: Boat riding, no paddles, of course. But they will be a sail, and it requires four water magic, three mixed with air, ground, and rocks magic. Third one: Vine hanging requires five members to swing across the lake. In 5, it includes flight and plant magics——-" That's the longest I could listen. It's new, and I was going to think of some strategy for my group. It's a new year; we might as well try our best again this year! Well, as long as they have fun, that is.

"Your goal is reaching the next end of the lake. But the whole reason for all this is for you to learn something. I hope everybody will acknowledge it at the end of the day. Places first ones." That's my cue as I took Pinky and Violet with me. They're both healers, yes.

I placed in front while next to my back, holding my hips, is Pinky and Violet at the end. At the other log, Sybil and the other two men have in their hips.

"On my cue, get going! One! Two!" Then we started as we heard a whistle in full force piercing into my ears.

We walked and balanced in the log, of course. I was looking at the water, concentrating on my healing magic. Cause healers can manipulate water, that's what we're using right now. But then someone decided we don't need concentration.

"Quite hard, ehh?" I rolled my eyes at him secretly.

"Remember what I told you yesterday?"

"Yeah, I remember! What?! That you know what I feel!" I exclaimed, never leaving my footing, slowly moving forward with Pinky and Violet helping me balance from behind.

"No. When I said I like you," I heard gasps around us as I almost swam through. The hell! I recalled what happened yesterday.

"Hey, hand off! What's wrong with you?!" I exclaimed, but he hugged me more.

"What's wrong? Would it answer your question if I told you... I like you?"

He hugged me and... I like you. Was that a confession? I smirked; it was time to work my charm.

"You call that a confession?" I feel gazes in my direction. Take that, Sybil!

"Hey! It was a confession!" He caught the bait; I chuckled at his expression.

"Well, well. It's a pleasure hearing your laugh, your majesty." I gasp this time. It's been so long since someone called me your majesty again. That's somewhat weird but eerily fitted as well.

I took little water from the lake and whisked it at Sybil's face. He did the same, but really, everything that happened next was quite a blur. Violet started whisking water in the other group, and I don't know—-it just happened, and do you know the funny part?

When Sybil and his team whack over from their log, we got the head start, and we won! Aside from our slightly wet shirts, we won!

I was about to get water from a nearby table when someone stopped me.

"Sybil, what are you doing?" I asked him because I wouldn't say I liked the grip he had on my shoulder.

"hsvdtudnxgaodnftxbdtxb," he whispered something and then left. I quickly took a bottle of water and drank it down.

Why do I feel hot all of a sudden?

The moment I moved my gaze, I saw a smirking Senior Astra.

"My, my. Someone looks flustered."


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