Three : The school

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Students greeted me with respect as they walked in my direction. Everyone knows the officials of every house, and it doesn't mean that you aren't from that house; you'll disrespect the officials of the other.

I'm here early in the morning in the boys' dormitory because I have to tour Sybil in L.Q High. The only thing I like about mentoring is that I can excuse myself from class. You have your advantages and disadvantages being one.

"What a surprise, my lady." I knew that familiar voice, and I saw Sybil walking toward me.

"C'mon, let's get to touring," I said, but he stopped me.

"Woah, Woah! Let's eat first, miss mentor. I'm famished!" He said and pulled me with him, but I took my shoulders away from his grip and walked towards the cafeteria.

I ordered some food too. After all, I forgot to eat breakfast because I wanted this tour to finish early. I'm a third-year college taking up the medical field. This school is like a complete set. It contains grade school to college and with chosen courses too. We have academics, but in addition, we study magic. That's the main subject since that's why this school is the best.

"Where are we going first?" he inquired.

"Mmm, I've been thinking. Maybe we'll start at the houses." I answered. We walked towards the Umi Building; the exterior is complete with paintings of vast, vibrant ocean blue sea.

"It's beautiful," I heard him state.

"It truly is. The Umi house is the one that observes and study-specific creatures under the sea. And their magic is too; it's like their way of practicing and learning simultaneously." I explained. That's what houses stand for.

After a couple of blocks, we arrived at the Yuuyake Building. Its building has orange mint, warm color that exemplifies the sunset.

"The Yuuyake house are the ones who take care of the surroundings. It may be to trees, waters, and air. All houses are likewise about the equilibrium of academics and the practice of magic."

Mostly the houses' building is a few meters away from each other. The next house we went to is Hanabi and Yama; he seemed to understand everything I was saying since Sybil was nodding his head each time.

"What about our house?" I looked at him while sitting here on a bench and stuffing ourselves with sandwiches.

"Hoshizora house specializes in academics and team body buildings," I answered and continued eating. Our building has black and stars drawn all over it, shimmering when dusk arrives.

I've been doing team body buildings for many years, but I still can't get enough of it. I have always liked the way our president prepared for our team building. We could undoubtedly train and have fun at the same time. Honestly, after all those years, I still haven't mastered my magic yet.

"Miss mentor, let me question you about one thing." He looked curious, and I wondered what it was.


"Every school has a story behind it. What's the story of this one?" That made me think. Indeed, I've heard of it.

"Mmm, there's a saying, it's something about water. Down deep in the heart of water lay riches you'll ever want." I keep hearing that saying. It seems to be the school's mark.

"Wow, that sounds deep and mysterious." I agree. I felt ineffable and eerie when I said those words.

Every school seems to have classified information that's limited for us to know.

After eating lunch, we visited the other building here at L.Q High. Our facilities are different from traditional structures; ours are wood and magic. It looks like a tree house but a much more modern type. Occasionally, Sybil will ask about something weird about the school. Some secrets are safer, unsaid, just like mine.

"It's about 4 in the afternoon, so I'll leave you to it," I said and walked away. We've visited chiefly everything. It's time to take a rest.

"Ahmm, wait! How am I supposed to find you?"

"You can find me in the Hoshizora's official office," I said and went. Woo, that sure was a long day!

I went to the library to study our history. I took the very first book written about L.Q High. It holds mostly everything that happened in the past and why our school existed in the first place.

I placed my hand on top of the vintage book I had taken. I gasped when the cut I made on my thumb stung. It's an ancient book; it takes one drop of blood from everyone who would hold it, recognizing if you are one of the students of L.Q High. Without the blood, the sheets of it would be blank. We wouldn't want it to get into the wrong hands. That's why it's opened like that.

Once peace and freedom reign in the world, both non-magic and magic folks live in harmony, the non-magic was happy and contented, likewise with us. But other occurrences were difficult for our people. They plotted to destroy magic and its people. The Great Locke Quintin Mist I protected and guaranteed the safety of our world.

"If magic will oblivion, what will happen to my family? Magic is something that can be tamed and can do much more in the world."
-Locke Quintin Mist I

Oh, I remember this! I recall our Dean, which is Locke Quintin Mist I himself. He had a past where he'd fallen in love with an average (non-magic) girl, they were happy in the embrace of one another, but that tragedy happened. They separated and never saw each other again; maybe their love was so powerful to know how to stop. Perhaps their passion had its time, but it didn't last that long. Why am I talking about love anyway?!

Their business is their business.

But. Why do the people who genuinely love encounter those tragic and unhappy endings?

And Once Upon a time always end with Happily ever after?

That's somewhat unfair.

Will happily ever after be possible in this school?

The theme song of this chap: goes;
If happily ever after did exist, I would still be holding you like this~

L.Q High [Book 2]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz