Chapter One: The Foundlings

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Ansel Narth dashed down the sandstone hallway, late to the most important meeting of his life.

Torches lined the walls, dimly illuminating the shadows of Foundlings that filled the corridor. Whispered conversation filled the area. He pushed past them, apologizing, and arrived at the polished cedar door at the end of the hallway. He stood there for a moment, let out a big exhale, and knocked three times. If you didn't ruin your chance, this is it. Time to prove yourself. No matter what Kazmere offers, you're taking it. No backing out now. The door swung open, revealing Sera with her eyebrow raised and a frown on her face.

"You're late."

"I know, I'm sorry."

She gave a small smile and turned sideways, gesturing him into the room. "Come in." She walked over to the nearby wall and leaned against it.

Ansel smiled back, relieved, and walked into the room. He closed the heavy door and turned to face the man behind the desk.

Kazmere Vale, the leader of the Foundlings, sat in a maroon chair behind a desk stacked high with parchment. Behind him, a fire crackled in the ornate fireplace. His elbows rested on the desk. Fingers crisscrossed. Shoulder-length black hair tied in a ponytail. He wore a sleeveless shirt, making the black spiraling tattoos that coated his arms stand out in the firelight. The same tattoos that marked every Foundling. He stared at Ansel, his face unreadable.

"Glad you made it."

Ansel swallowed. "Sorry for being late, sir."

"Just don't let it happen again." Kazmere stood and sat on the edge of the desk, crossing his arms. "Today is an important day for the Foundlings. I've got a mission for you that will change everything if you succeed. Are you up to the task?"

Inside, he wasn't so sure. But he took a step forward, his fists clenched. "I'm ready."

Kazmere considered him for a moment. He looked at Sera. "What do you think?"

Sera didn't look back at Kazmere, she studied Ansel. A few moments passed. "He's ready, Kaz. He has been for a while." Kazmere nodded his approval.

Ansel smiled at her, nodded, then looked back at Kazmere. "What's the mission?"

The leader of the Foundlings strode toward him, parchment in hand, and held it out.

Ansel took the parchment and examined it. A picture of intricate jewelry was drawn in great detail.

"That's Queen Annamera's broach. I need you to steal it."

His eyes grew wide. He'd been waiting for months for an opportunity like this to prove his usefulness to the cause. But stealing directly from the queen herself? There must be a good reason. "I'll do whatever you require, sir. But may I ask why?"

Sera met his eye. "A man has offered us twenty thousand crimson marks for that broach."

Ansel's heart lept into his throat. Twenty thousand marks... With that kind of money, the Foundlings will finally have the funds to start our revolution. He examined the parchment. The broach was in the shape of a rose.

"It's a lot to expect of you, I know. Are you still willing to do this?" Kazmere asked.

Ansel locked eyes with him. "I've been waiting for a chance like this to prove myself since I joined the Foundlings. I won't let you down, sir."

Kazmere smiled. "Good. You're the best climber we have. Our sources say the broach will be in her room in the Crimson Palace. You will need to scale the wall and infiltrate the room. There's a balcony on the right side of the palace, ten stories up. That should be her room if our information is correct."

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