Chapter Twenty: A Town On Fire

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Ansel Narth crouched atop the wooden lookout tower, scanning over New Dawn for any indication of Zeer and the men. He became more and more worried for the other men with each passing moment. Why are they taking so long? Were they captured?

He slowed his breathing and focused all his attention on memorizing the town's layout. The cloudless night made the crescent moon shine brightly, giving him ample light to see. A couple of cobblestone streets away to his left was a three-story wooden building with a thatched roof. The place swarmed with Crimson Guards. They patrolled all around the building's perimeter and even had a lookout on the roof. I need to be wary of their line of sight.

Far on the other side of town, a large stone building with short spires on each side of the entrance towered over the buildings surrounding it. From his vantage point, he saw a stained glass window with the emblem of the Church of the Divines: a single hand reaching up with a dozen hands reaching down from above. He looked to his right over the square below. Even though it was night, people still made their way around the town. Sounds of laughter and music reach his ears from the various buildings around him. The smell of smoke from all the chimneys clogged his nose to any other smell.

Ansel's eyes examined each wooden building - looking for any sign of Zeer and the men - when someone distinct caught his eye. A familiar man in all black with a scar over his eye to his cheek was greeted by two Crimson Guards.

Celibrik. Maybe there's a chance he knows where Zeer and the men are. The Crimson Guards motioned for Celibrik to follow, and they all headed in the opposite direction of Ansel at a quick pace. This is my best chance. They have to be heading somewhere important.

He sheathed Keill's black blade and peered back down the ladder to see if any guards had emerged onto the roof. No one in sight. Climbing down the ladder as quietly as possible, he made his way to the roof below. He needed to hop roof to roof without drawing attention and follow Celibrik and the two guards. Sweat beaded down his forehead from the heat of the black cloak and from nervousness. Anxious thoughts threatened to cloud his mind but he focused all he could on the mission in front of him. You can do this.

The next building over was only a few spans away, much like back in Dawnsguard. He landed on the next building's thatched roof and paused. Sounds of alarm came from the building below. He continued hopping from building to building at a quick pace. Only paused for a moment on each roof to check the large three-story building to his left and the guards on the surrounding walls. He couldn't risk the guards noticing him and raising the alarm. After a few minutes, he could see Celibrik and the Crimson Guards below, moving at a brisk pace through the narrow streets.

They didn't slow for anything. Beggars occasionally came up and held out wooden cups, but the Crimson Guards yelled at them or kicked them out of the way. Ansel seethed watching them treat the citizens this way, but it was nothing new. This was how they acted back in Dawnsguard, why would it be any different here? He squatted low on each building's thatched roof while he stalked them, using the pitch of the roof to hide and peer over. We must be getting close to where they're going. Their pace slowed with each new street.

After only a few more minutes, Celibrik and the guards arrived at a two-story wooden building. There were torches every few feet, lighting the area, and Crimson Guards stood attention at all the entrances. Celibrik was greeted warmly. They led him inside, then closed the door behind them. Ansel could only see four windows from where he was perched. Two on the bottom level and two on the top.

Someone or something important is in there. Let's find out what.

Five Crimson Guards stood on the roof, scanning the area, so that wasn't an option. A two-story stone building with a chimney was to his left, in the perfect position to see into the top-level windows. He pulled his black cloak around him and hopped from his roof to the other, barely making the jump. Exhaustion crept into his muscles from all the jumping, but he ignored the feeling. He jumped up and grabbed the top of the chimney, and lifted himself up. A slight gust of wind brushed his cloak but shielded him from the chill.

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