Chapter Fourteen: The Drunken Hound

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Kazmere's rest was interrupted by the sound of a dozen armored footsteps above him. He jumped up out of the covers and scanned around for Sera. She had just awoken as well and was staring at the ceiling.

"Sera, it's the Crimson Guard. We have to go see what's happening."

Sera sleepily looked over at him, nodded, and stood up. "This is really bad. You think they're here for you?"

"What else would they bring a dozen guards for? Come help me with this."

A large wooden dresser was to the right of the fireplace. The dark chestnut dresser stood tall, passed down from generation to generation in Kazmere's family. He motioned for Sera to help him push. They both shoved the dresser a few steps forwards. She whispered, "By the Divines."

Behind the dresser was a carved nook. A large wooden chest was set in the area.

Sera shoved him playfully. "Always with the secrets, Kaz. I guess that's part of the reason I always liked you. It was never boring."

He chuckled. "I can't have everyone knowing where my stuff is Sera. Don't take it personally." He reached underneath the wooden dresser and pressed the small wooden slot that held the key.

He inserted the key, unlocking the chest. He reached in and grabbed his favorite weapons, his twelve blood daggers. The twelve daggers contained vials of his blood, set into the hilts. They allowed him to use Viberium powers without cutting himself. They were why the common people called him The Orange Blade.

He set the blood daggers to the side and grabbed his familiar black cloak. Equipped with a hood, the cloak had other tricks. Twelve spots were lined along the inside, allowing him to easily use the daggers without revealing much.

He put on the black cloak and slid the twelve blood daggers into their spots. He put his Relic into the cloak pocket. All it took was my weapons and a bath to feel like myself again.

He pulled the black hood up to cover his face in shadow. "Let's find out what's going on upstairs. Better wear a cloak yourself. We can't show our tattoos around here or risk people turning us in. They raised the price on my head to five thousand crimson marks."

She equipped her dark green cloak and slid two plain iron daggers into her pockets. She turned her head. They locked eyes. " Don't cause a commotion. We have to keep this place secret or we're done for."

He gave a mocking bow with a sly smile. "You're right as always. I'll follow your lead."

She rolled her eyes and moved for the entrance. He followed.

They both walked out of the cellar door. Kazmere scanned left to right and listened to get his bearings. It was still night, sometime before dawn. A cold wind blew against him, hitting his warm cloak. Sounds of armored footsteps and screams broke the silence of the night. The commotion came from within the Drunken Hound Inn.

He whispered, "Follow me. I know a spot where we can listen."

He grabbed her arm and pulled her into a dark alleyway adjacent to them. He scanned around to check if anyone could see them. No one could. He pulled out his Relic and flared his Viberium powers. His orange pulsating aura lit the dark alley. Sera looked at him and smiled.

Her eyes reflected his orange glow. "I missed seeing you like this."

He grinned at her. "Me too."

He spread open his cloak and flared his Viberium powers. The twelve blood daggers lifted out of his cloak, into the night. He shoved through his blood to insert the daggers into the wall of the inn. Each hilt was sticking out of the inn in a vertical line to the roof.

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