Chapter Twenty-Three: A Meeting Of Foundlings

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Kazmere knocked on the door to his hideout with the specific cadence of the upper Foundlings code: one regular knock, followed by a pause of two, then three knocks, another pause of two, and finally one last knock. The heavy iron door creaked open.

A single dark blue eye peered through the narrow gap. The door widened further to reveal Sera, a hand crossbow aimed at Kazmere's chest. "That code is compromised; it's a gamble to keep using it." Her gaze shifted to Savere. "Oh."

Savere managed a meek smile. "Hey, Sera."

Sera's expression tensed. A fire lit in her eyes. She aimed the crossbow at Savere.

Kazmere stepped in between them and blocked the crossbow with his right hand. "Can we walk inside, please?" He offered Sera a disarmingly charming smile, and she rolled her eyes before relenting and stepping inside.

"Thank you," Savere said, her voice soft.

He grunted in reply, unsure of what to do with her or how to feel about her. Kazmere's attention turned to Zavan, who was seated near the fireplace.

Zavan leapt up, his mouth slightly agape. Moisture glistened at the corners of his eyes. "Kazmere... I'm so happy to see you alive. I didn't think I would see you again."

Kazmere gathered him into a hug. "Don't worry, young man. We will get justice for what was done to us." He could see Sera standing off to the side, smiling.

Zavan backed up, full of excitement. "So where have you be–"

He'd finally noticed Savere.

Pure excitement melted away into anger. "What is she doing here?"

Kazmere asked, "What do you know–"

"I filled him in," Sera interjected.

"What is she doing here?" repeated Zavan.

"I'm kind of wondering the same thing," Sera added.

Savere just remained quiet, looking at Kazmere.

"Alright guys, just give me two seconds to explain."

Zavan took a seat, arms crossed, his expression skeptical. Sera's eyebrow was raised, a clear sign of disapproval.

Kazmere removed his cloak and draped it over a desk, the weight of the concealed knives producing a solid thud. He turned around and faced them. "Savere has been hiding the fact that she's had a family this whole time."

Both Sera and Zavan had faces full of confusion.

"I'm still confused why we're keeping a woman full of secrets around us?" asked Sera.

"I'm sorry Se–" Savere started to say.

Sera put up a hand and stared straight into Savere's eyes. "I don't want to hear another word from you in my direction."

Savere nodded.

"As I was saying," Kazmere continued. He'd known this was going to be a hard sell. To Sera most of all. "Her family is being held in Fort Givo under threat of torture if she didn't sell us out." Savere winced.

"What does that have to do with us?" Zavan asked. Sera nodded her approval.

"Well, here's the thing. She's visited there over the past few months and she knows the layout. It's notoriously confusing in there I've heard for years now. She claims there are dozens of Foundlings prisoners there too."

Sera just stared back at him, saying nothing. Zavan jumped up and started pacing with his thumb pressed against the bottom of his chin.

Kazmere raised an eyebrow. "So, what do you think?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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