Chapter 10 Vampiric Help

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I was starting to wake. I felt that I was on something soft. I started to open my eyes. It was burly at first then I could finally see fine. I saw a kind of fancy ceiling. I found myself on a bed. It was a nice bed. It felt comfy being on this. I looked around more and saw I was in another fancy room. It was darker than the last one and also more black stuff here. I tried to get to but I felt pushed down.

???: stay down young man

I got scared that someone found me. I looked at who was pushing me. I saw a woman with black hair, pale skin, and red eyes.

 I saw a woman with black hair, pale skin, and red eyes

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I panicked a little.

???: It's okay I'm not going to hurt you

I calmed down a little. I notice my arm had a bandage.

(y/n): what happened? Who are you?

Selina: I'm Selina the vampire here. I won't hurt you. I saw you fell through the ceiling in the hallway. You were out cold. I carried you and brought you to my bed. I took care of the cut on your arm. What's your name and are you in pain?

I had a head ache.

(y/n): I'm (y/n) and I have a head ache

Selina: I see, wait here

I saw her get a bottle of something.

Selina: drink

She made me drink it. My head ache was starting to go away. It did taste gross.

(y/n): what was that?

Selina: medicine I had to help

(y/n): thanks, it's starting to go away. How long was I out?

Selina: like around 20 minutes

I slowly got up. Rest of my body was fine. Selina helped me off the bed. Even she is a vampire, she helped me and might have saved me from being a wereleopard's mate.

(y/n): thanks for your help. Do you know where the exit is to the mansion?

She showed me the doors.

Selina: the door on the right was where I found you in the hall. The left door is another hallway. You go through the library, then you will find yourself in a hallway. Keep going through it and you will go through a room of mirrors. After you get out of there, then one more hallway and you will find yourself on the upper part of the front room of the mansion. That room is the room you probably entered in.

(y/n): wow, thank you

Selina: your welcome and...

She seemed like she really wants me like what I have already seen. I became very concern with my safety. She pinned me to the wall with incredible speed and strength. She was about to bite me then suddenly stopped and let me go.

(y/n): what are you doing?

Selina: I'M SORRY! I feel attached to you and want to turn you. I'm trying to fight it. Just go before I lose myself.

I was going to the door then.

Selina: GO!

I ran through the door. I felt bad I had to leave her, but she is trying to protect me from herself. Now I know what to do to get out of here.

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