Antfrost comes back with his usual tray of food, "Uhh Darryl... are you gonna eat something?" Antfrost questions. "Antfrost you know I don't eat the lunch here, it's gross." I lie through my teeth, "Here, come on you only tried it like- once. How would you know it's bad? Come on try it" Antfrost says while handing his slice of pizza.

"As how nice that sounds I have to say no." I rejected while pulling his slice of pizza back to him, he sighed "Okay, but Darryl if u ever change ur mind I have spare lunch money on me always." I smiled a bit.

"Darryl!" I hear someone call my name, it's Zak!

"Hi!" I call out, Zak makes his way to our table with his tray and sits with us.

"Uhhhh-" Antfrost said in confusion, "You must be Darryls friend, Antfrost!" Zak says while pulling out his hand to greet Antfrost. "Yeah that's me" Antfrost confirmed.

Antfrost looks over at Zak noticing that he is wearing my hoodie I gave him yesterday, "Isn't that Darryls hoodie?" My best friend asked. Zak nods while eating his food, "I gave it to him yesterday, he was cold." I explained. "Mhm.. alright." He nodded.

After that we just ate our food in silence, having minimal talks there and then.


"BASKETBALL PLAYERS ON THE LEFT AND CHEERLEADERS ON THE RIGHT!" Our basketball coach directed, we nodded and went to our directions.

We form a single straight line and face the coach, the cheerleaders do the same.

The basketball coach comes back with his hands full with our uniforms, the cheerleaders ones to. "You may change now In the restroom." He says.

As I am changing I realise people started to hide away from me, "Stop looking at my abs f@g!" I heard someone say. "What abs?" I say jokingly, "Shut up." They said back. "How about i suck your dick instead since I'm a hugeee f@g." I say back, I knew I needed to stand up for myself.

Suddenly they grab my shirt and push me against the lockers, "Shut up." They say for once then let me go. I didn't talk again, I didn't wanna start any drama going on.

Instead I move away from them and change somewhere else, at my new spot I noticed there was Zak! "Hey!" I wave, "Hi, oh my gosh I'm so nervous." Zak mumbled. "Why?" I ask him, "because I have to wear a skirt!" Zak says while holding the skirt up.

"Can't u ask coach to change it into shorts or something?" I suggest, "They have rules I guess.." Zak mutters.

"Must suck." I say, I take off my shirt and swap it with the sport shirt. I then notice that we had to wear shorts, I hoped for it to cover my scars. It did, it was like just some long baggy shorts.

"Do u mind if u can turn around when I put on the shorts?" I ask Zak, "Yeah sure." He says. Zak turns around allowing me to have some privacy when I change, "Welp, I have to go now. I'll see you later" I tell Zak, "Later!" He says.


Sweat droplets covered my face, my body started to heat up. This was my first time actually playing basketball, we were only learning and they are making us complex tricks.

The cheerleaders had it easier, they just had to practice their cheer and practice how to dance.

The period started to slowly come to an end, so did my energy. My stomach felt so empty, I felt like I was gonna faint.

I did.

I opened my eyes slowly, I could hear my ear ringing really loud. The basketball coach and some other people surrounded me, I was on the floor.

"He's awake!" I heard one of the cheerleaders say, "Darryl!" Someone called out. It was Zak, "I'm fine guys, you can go." I assured them while trying to sit back up.

Some of them left but 2 of the stayed, Zak and coach.

"You need to go home now, get lots of rest and eat properly." The coach recommended, i nod letting him know I'll do as he said.

Zak held out his arm helping me get up, I gripped on it and eventually stood up.

"Thanks." I mumble, "Your welcome" he says back.

I let out a little chuckle and started to leave, "Darryl! Wanna hang out tonight?" Zak asks. "Sure!" I say, I had no plans tonight.

"Okay! My house 7:00?" He says, "Sure! Text me the address." I say. He nods and waves goodbye, we both seperate and make our ways home.

(I don't have my glasses on so I can't read properly)

all my fault | skephaloDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora