Tails entwined, the Gryffindor stroked the baby fine blonde hair contently, slowly drifting off into unconsciousness himself.

It was Draco who stirred first, an hour or so after dropping off. The blonde, body arching slightly, groggy mind becoming more aware of his surroundings, such as the fact he was lying on a bed of leaves and was pressed up against something hard but undeniably warm.

Sighing and shoving his thoughts away briefly to relish to the security he felt he slowly roused himself, ears twitching and his body stretched, looking over his shoulder to find it was Harry who was spooned up behind him.

He took a second to gather his thoughts, frowning at the fact he'd allowed himself to fall asleep and slowly wormed his way out of the Gryffindor's clutches and disdainfully brushed the dirt and leaves from his robes, looking up to the darkening sky and clucked his tongue irritably, turning to leave.

How the rustle of leaves made him pause and he looked back to the Boy-who-lived, arm stretched out over the warm area he had just vacated and watched the slumbering teen for a few seconds, debating whether to wake him or leave him to wake on his own.

With a heavy sigh the blonde turned on his heels and approached the body on the ground, crouching down he gently shook the brunette. Harry awoke with a startled grunt, head rolling and his body stretching before relaxing again. Eyes blearily opened to gaze sleepily at the pale face hovering above his own when the shaking stopped .

Harry was delighted that Draco hadn't simply left him, but more surprised to find a small smile on the blonde's lips as he pushed himself up, dusting the leaves roughly from his trousers and shirt.

"Thanks for waking me" he grinned, reaching up to adjust his glasses, before remembering he no longer needed them and hastily lowered his hands again, Draco merely perking an amused brow.

"Well, I couldn't leave you out here to freeze could I? Who would I shack up with then? Nott?" the blonde sneered, turning to thread through the trees, followed by a now frowning Harry.

"You wouldn't really go to Nott, would you?" he queried, trotting up so he was in step with the swift footed blonde. Draco turned a cool calculating gaze on him, smirking.

"Potter, you worry to much" he drawled in the usual tone, eyes flickering over the ruffled clothes but he knew well enough the sinful body that the baggy clothes hid from view. "Now you better head back to your friends" he smirked as they entered the large door of the school. "They might think someone done you in" and with that said, the blonde waltzed off in the direction of the dungeons. Leaving Harry standing alone in the middle of the corridor, thoughtful of the fact that Draco had not refuted his question.

With a heavy hearted sigh, the messy haired Gryffindor forced the thoughts away, muttering half hearted reassurances under his breath as he made his way back up to the common room.


"Harry there you are!" Hermione's pronounced voice reached the perked ears as Harry raised his head and smiled at the girl.

"Hey 'Mione" the boy greeted, slumping down into the armchair beside the one Hermione sat on. He caught sight of Ginny and Ron on the other side of the room, their eyes only for the chessboard set between them.

Hermione sat with a book to her side with a bit of parchment supported by a second book on her lap, quill scratching softly on the course surface. It was a few moments of silence before Hermione glanced up at her strangely quiet friend and watched him stare broodingly into the fire.

This striking her as odd, she set her quill down and reached over, gently tapping his shoulder causing the boy's head to snap round in surprise.

"You ok Harry?" she asked tentatively, eyeing the boy with concern, the silent nod he gave her as a response done nothing to reassure her.

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