"You two are perverts" he growled. His friends merely smirked, taking the blond's insult as a confession that he had indeed had a rather aggressive wank in the bedroom.

"Poor Draco" Pansy sighed, knowing that a good fuss over the blond would satisfy his natural need for attention and the drama queen inside him.

"I just can't believe you got the hots for Potter though, it's like the ultimate irony" Blaise chuckled, ignoring the icy glare he received from the lion.

"I think the whole thing is ironic really" Pansy admitted, "On Draco's part most of all, I mean, not only is he turning into a lion, the trademark of Gryffindor, but also he's got his rival after him, who is a Gryffindor no less, and Draco happens to prefer Potter instead of his own Housemate" she chuckled lightly, earning a sulky huff from the blond who's head was now resting in her lap, fingers absently threading through his hair.

Draco's expression darkened at the mention of Theodore. "I still hold you two responsible for that fiasco I hope you know" the teen scowled. Oblivious to the astounded looks on their faces. "If you had been there like you promised Theodore wouldn't have had the opportunity to jump me, bloody bastard" he huffed. "And then Potter wouldn't have had to intervene" he added in a matter of fact tone.

"Please, as if you didn't like the attention, Draco" Blaise smirked. "I'd say, you actually liked the attention from Potter more than you should have" he drawled, amused by the indignant sound from the opposite couch.

"I do not like Potter!" he snapped, a little more loudly than intended, when he realised he was gathering unwanted attention, a murderous glare sent in that general direction sent the nosy serpents scurrying.

"Well, I dunno Dray, you have spent a lot of your time thinking about him, spying on him and most of the years was spent plotting ways to humiliate and taunt him than anything else. It's a possibility it was all just to get his attention..." Pansy offered with a small shrug.

Firstly enraged at her suggestion, by the time she had finished, the blond had calmed and had his brow furrowed in thought, contemplating her words, and he found, much to his chagrin, she was correct. He had spent a lot of his time finding ways to get Potter's attention, of course that hadn't been the intention at the time, it was simply to annoy him, but it was rather obvious that Draco had indeed, wanted the Gryffindor's attention. Of course, that's where his good friend, Denial, came in.

Closing his eyes the tailed serpent released a sigh of aggravation, as he stared at the ceiling, their conversation giving way to silence. After a short time of this Blaise pushed himself up. "C'mon then, we better get to dinner, I'm starving" he complained, rousing the two others who gave a few mutters and pushed themselves up, Draco brushing his hands through his hair to fix it again before the three trooped out of the entrance with a few other of the younger years.

By now, as was the way of Hogwarts, almost everyone knew about the incident that had occurred between the three males. As they trooped into the hall, eyes turned to him and the blond felt his body tense slightly at the attention even though he didn't cast anyone a glance. He knew full well he wasn't viewed in a very dignified light in this gossip. Hell, he probably sounded pretty damn pathetic.

With a scowl the blond sat at the far end of the table, Pansy and Blaise sitting either side of them. A few whispers travelled down the hall but the blond proceeded to ignore them, there was nothing that could be done, much to his annoyance.

His eyes however, lifted up and peered across the hall, and sure enough his eyes locked with familiar green, once more trapped behind those ugly glasses.

'He looks so much better without them...' he shook his head, dropping his gaze back to his food, proceeding to ignore the Gryffindor for the remainder of the meal.

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