Draco whirled around in a flurry, eyes glittering dangerous and the boy on the bed tensed, holding his hands up submissively but before the blond could say anything there was a head peering around the door. "Everything alright babe?" it was Nott's sultry purr that he'd adopted towards Draco within the passed few days and the boy sported some angry scratches from the infuriated prince.

Blaise's eyes widened at Theodore as if he had just pranced in wearing sod all (Although Blaise had a feeling that step was coming soon enough). Draco let out a furious snarl, the harsh sound echoing off the stone walls, and threw a hex at the other boys who jumped up immediately and bailed from the room, knowing better than to retaliate currently while Draco was having some 'issues'.

As the door slammed shut, leaving him alone, Draco released another sharp sound of rage, knuckles white as he gripped his wand with frightening force.

He threw himself angrily onto his bed, wand clattering to the floor and his ears perked, following the small rattle that signalled it had rolled under the bed.

"Fantastic" the boy growled irritably, ears falling limp and tail twitching on the duvet, the soft plumes of blond looking almost white against the darker toned sheets of green. He huffed scowling at the stone wall of his new accommodation, or should he say old accommodation?

He had been reinstated his old head boy room, which, he had evidently lost due to certain circumstances which had fallen under the 'abusing the privilege of a private dorm room' category, figure out for your self how exactly that had come across, it had involved one major party, rivers of alcohol and more than a single accompaniment to his room for the night.

Sighing the blond closed his eyes, relaxing onto the soft bed with a bit more relief, he'd barely gotten any time to himself lately, he was constantly secured on either side by either Pansy and Blaise or Goyle, whoever happened to be present at the time. They were taking Draco's well being, much to the blond's surprise, very seriously.

They hadn't let Theodore make any physical contact for a while now, despite the other male's obvious displeasure and they were constantly around when they trailed the castle, so Potter had no chance of getting as close as he had before when they were on the floor.

The Slytherin bit his lower lip softly, eyes closing as he remembered the way the Gryffindor had looked at him and then slowly, agonisingly so, leant in, and when his nose brushed against his skin. Draco released the breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding, a small groan escaping his lips as he went over each little detail of the encounter in his head. The way Potter had sat, watching him with such an intensity in his gaze, he was sure he had seen hunger in his eyes and the thought made a shiver run down his back.

He replayed it over in his head once more, imagining what would of happened if Harry had been bolder, maybe even kissing his neck, a soft brush of lips like when his nose had skimmed his throat. He squirmed softly on the bed at the thought, he could almost feel the kisses on his neck. He arched softly, arousal pressed against the bed uncomfortably so.

"Like that, babe?"

Draco's eyes flew open at the purr in his ear and bucked sharply, throwing Theodore off of him and onto the floor with a loud thump.


Theodore looked up with a scowl, fangs bared at the rude disruption until both heads turned sharply as Pansy threw the door open, Blaise lingering behind her. The witch scowled darkly at the lion on the floor and stalked over, grabbing the collar of his shirt as if he was simply a disobedient pet.

"Sorry Dray, Blaise wasn't keeping an eye on him" she apologised, ignoring the indignant protests from outside the door. Draco could only nod curtly, hair mussed and eyes dark as they struggled to haul Theodore out, as soon as the door snapped shut the blond didn't hesitate to throw a few heavy sealing charms at it just to make sure.

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