Harry's eyes shot open as he sat up sharply and cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I...um...I'm just gonna head to bed for a nap" he told the conversing group, he waited until they each nodded before he stood, walked across the common room and promptly hurled himself up the stairs.

Yanking his curtains across the bed, securing him in darkness, his hand delved down into the suddenly tight confines of his pants.

This obviously wasn't good.


"What are you looking at Potter?" Draco drawled, his voice nonchalant, almost bored as he frowned at the Gryffindor who was intently glaring at him. His head was rested comfortably on his arms, which were folded on the desk top, and he was simply glaring at the blond as if the entire situation was his fault.

"Tell me the name" was the blunt reply. Draco blinked and looked at the brunet, perplexed.

"Excuse me?"

"The ingredient, tell me what it was" Harry responded, scowl deepening. Draco rolled his eyes and proceeded with the painful process of writing down notes about some civil war between Giants in some stupid year while trying not to fall asleep or get distracted. It seemed twice as hard, seeing as he could feel Harry's gaze burning into him and his brow furrowed irritably.

Now simply bored, Harry took Draco's distraction in writing to survey him once more They hadn't undergone anymore changes for a little while now. They were now fully equipped with ears, sharpened claw like nails, short thick fangs and tails. Harry had even come to the conclusion that his senses had heightened; his eyesight had improved, although he still wore his glasses. His hearing was much keener and his sense of smell still boggled the teen's mind by the all the curious new things he could smell.

Including a particularly new smell he hadn't picked up before. It tickled his senses and smelt fairly nice, sweet yet he couldn't really describe it other than that.

With a sigh, his gaze drifted to Theodore, and frowned to see the Slytherin avidly eyeing the Prince of the Serpent house. His tail immediately flicked in aggravation, catching Ron's attention.

"Something up mate?" he frowned, not noticing Draco glance at them from the corner of his eye and his ears perk with curiosity.

"No" he grunted lightly in reply. Tail flicking in annoyance, he glanced to the side again, startled to see Malfoy's eyes set on him intently. His perfectly shaped ears perked forward and he was doing nothing to hide the fact he was now openly staring.

His gaze flickered to the side and Harry felt a smirk grow on his lips as he saw Nott looking at him furiously at stealing Draco's attention. And then he realised what the hell he was doing and snapped his gaze away from both of them, forcing himself to listen to the mind grating drone of the Ghost's voice at the front of the class.

What the hell was going on? Harry had not idea.

Why was he suddenly so pleased that he could get Malfoy's attention better than Nott could? His brow creased, he may have to talk to Hermione very soon if this kept up. He just brushed it off as annoying the Slytherins, they could be so easy to mess with sometimes; surely that was just it?

The scraping of chairs brought it to Harry's attention that class had now ended and he blew out a sigh as he stuffed his still blank parchment into his bag and stood, keeping Draco in sight out the corner of his eye. He hoisted his bag over his shoulder followed Malfoy out of the classroom, he reached out and touched the Slytherin's shoulder and stepped back as the blond jerked round with a scowl. Obviously he wasn't used to being touched so openly like that.

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