Chapter 1

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Pairings: Harry/Draco

Rating: M for Later chapters

Warnings: Yaoi, boy/boy and explicit sexual content in later chapters.

Summary: Due to a potion gone wrong, Harry, Draco and Theodore have acquired a new set of attributes and...desires? What happens when the boys lose control of their libidos and Draco is the object of their affections? How will Harry cope? And how does Draco intend to go against instinct?

Pukey, Glowy, Thick and Sludgy Failure

Harry stared at the oddly glowing concoction which was a rather unpleasant shade of puke-green. Dejected, the Gryffindor sighed and looked at the blackboard where the instructions were written for the seventh time and frowned at the description that the properly brewed potion should have replicated.

A soft shade of lavender with a faint scent of lemon and slightly watery texture...In short, nothing like Harry's pukey, glowy, thick and sludgy failure. He sighed in annoyance, why was potions so difficult?

Ok, so maybe his newts' tails hadn't been precisely cut to fine dice, or his dried 'whatever you call it' plant bashed to a fine powder but did the truly have to be so accurate? Apparently so.

Harry tutted, staring at the frantically bubbling mixture with dismay. It didn't take long however, to notice a presence nearby and his back stiffened, able to perfectly picture the all too smug sneer that was no doubt aimed at his back.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" specific force pushed into the blond's name with distaste. The response however, was calm and snide as his six year rival stepped forward into his line of sight, eyeing his cauldron with a smirk.

The brunet's breath caught in his throat however, as soon as the molten grey eyes flickered up to meet with his startled emerald. One articulate, perfect eyebrow arched delicately while the smirk held fast on the male's delicate lips.

"Well well Potter" was the silky drawl. "You've really outdone yourself this time" the other sneered, blond hair brushing just above his eyebrows.

'Except where it just parts, just to the left...'

Harry sufficiently throttled that line of thought almost immediately. He had no problem keeping a close eye on Malfoy, the stupid git was probably up to all sorts of things, but that was not the kind of close observation he was meant notice.

"Sod off" was the snippy response, irritated to see amusement flit across Malfoy's eyes at the -even in his own opinion- pathetic come back.

"Oi! Draco" both boys looked over to see a third boy approach, the green trim on his robes establishing him as another Slytherin, fantastic...

"What you doing over here talking to Scarhead for?" the male enquired, standing, Harry noticed, in rather close quarters to the Slytherin Prince, which seemed to have caused a frown to replace the infamous smirk of his.

"Not that it is of any business of yours, Theodore, but I was merely seeing how badly Potter had botched up one of the simplest potions we've done so far"

Harry grit his teeth in annoyance, locking his jaw to stay quiet while he glared at the sickly looking potion before him, Snape would either go spare at his incompetence or have a field day slating his incompetence. It was no win it seemed.

Out the corner of his eye, Harry watched Theodore Nott reach over to the table to pick something up, although by the way he leaned across Malfoy, it didn't really seem like he was paying attention to what he was groping for on the table.

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