Chapter Ten: To Watch

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When (Y/n) breached the medical ward's doors she immediately felt a weight off her shoulders. The air seemed fresher and the leaves the breeze carried more liberating ; though they always appeared that way when subject to the confines of white walls. With a sigh, she relishes the pleasant atmosphere for as long as she possibly can. And like clockwork the moment is gone. A car lay parked on the road nearby, and upon identifying the young girl's presence the passengers sitting inside file out of it. Taking immediate notice of the suit-clad Commissioners, (Y/n) sees that Nezu had also tagged along.

"Good morning, (Y/n)! I'm seeing that the appointment went well." He greets and she gives a confirming nod.

"Yep. Just peachy," the response pinned a bit of concern within the principal's mind, but he quickly does away with the thought.

"If that's the case, then we can move forward with the remainder of today's plan." The girl lets out an inquisitive sound before being intercepted by Kayama exiting the building and joining everyone else on the pavement. As she gains proximity, the pro-hero pats her shoulder.

"Guess it's time to pass you over, kiddo." The girl makes the same inquisitive sound but a bit more emphasis. Her visible confusion incites Nezu to clarify.

"You're set to attend the hero course soon, correct? Wouldn't it be in your best interest to see what the students do?" As the question settles, her impending worry is smothered.

"Remember the conversation you had with the Commission about the Provisional License Exam? That event takes place today and with a little persuasion you now have a front row seat to spectate."

"Ah." Despite the explanation, the young ranger held her reservations on the decision. Surely, the so-called "persuasion" mentioned was mostly on part of the mouse principal, but the grip her new superiors held seemed very push-and-pull. In one instant they want to keep her and her companions at a distance, then that decision would change on a whim; wanting her at arms reach at a moment's notice.

"Everyone participating should be departing in their buses right about now. The Commission will escort us through their own vehicles," he says referring to the black car they had arrived in.

"So let's hurry along. This will be a good way to watch and learn, so I guarantee you won't want to miss it."

When they depart, the drive was relatively quiet. Under watchful eyes, the obvious ground rules were set: 'conduct yourself accordingly' and 'refrain from summoning your Pokémon during the session". (Y/n) had to stop herself from looking indignant. While she never enjoyed being spoken to like she didn't know left from right, she understood that they were just doing their job. Afterwards, the white-mouse principal chose to occupy the time with idle chat until they reached their destination. Peering out the window, her eyes read the signage that accompanied the grand stadium they proceeded toward: Takoba National Stadium.

Recognizing the name, (Y/n) could immediately piece together why the drive gave her a sense of familiarity. The foliage, the buildings, and the intersections they rode through may have already been areas she and her companions had previously traversed. Though, from gauging the size of the stadium, the young ranger thinks she would have noticed it in her travel. She wouldn't be surprised if it's stature were as large, if not larger than Wyndon Stadium in Galar. But now that she was up-close, she gauged that the surrounding area had an exorbitant amount of trees which led her to believe that the proprietors intended for the location to be rather inconspicuous.

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