Chapter 11: Castle Calamity.

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There was good news and bad news from traversing the tunnel to get to the Redcliffe Castle from the Mill on the hill. The good news was that they could get through completely undetected. The bad news was that they all had to go in single file.

"Does anyone else think that there's something fishy about all of this?" Ratchet asked. 

"You mean about Isolde?" Alistair asked. 

"Yeah. What kind of evil would tell a woman to lead a guy to come to the castle alone with her? Unless it was to set up a trap." Ratchet clarified.

"It was to set up a trap." Morrigan replied. "Any person with logic could see that." 

"Then it's a good thing we're doing this infiltration then." Jak interrupted. 

They had reached a dead end on the wall with rubble on the other side. "Oh great. Our friendly Bann forgot to mention that there was a cave in or something." Daxx grunted. 

"He probably didn't know." Talia countered. It presented a problem that was for certain. 

"Jak?" Sig asked. He knew what Jak was about to do. 

Jak stepped up in front of the wall. "You might want to stand back." He suggested to the others. The rest of the party had stood back as Jak had transformed into Dark Jak and released a shift of Dark Energy and blasted the rubble away. Jak had transformed back. 

"Well. Now we've got our way in. Let's go check it out." Talia said. 

"You realize that they'll have probably heard that right?" Alistair asked.

"Bring it on. I like a straight up fight." Jak replied taking out his Blaster Mod. 

"Oh please, Alistair. Stealth isn't exactly something I specialize in." Ratchet commented.

"Once again, our infiltration of the Castle has gone completely unnoticed!" Qwark announced loudly.

"See what I mean?" Ratchet asked. He then looked around to see where the tunnel had led out. It was a dungeon. "These guys seriously built a secret passage in the middle of a dungeon? No wonder they got suckered by Zombies." 

"Um, I don't think it's a good idea to announce that when we're in the middle of a Dungeon." Leliana pointed out.

"Oh, come on Leliana. It's not like there's anyone around to hear it." Jak countered revealing that the cells being empty, and bones scattered on the ground. 

"Time to clean out the garage." Ratchet said. "Or sweep the ground or something." 

That was when a group of corpses rose from the ground and started to move. "Oh great. More Zombies." Ratchet groaned. He readied his Tempest and shot a volt of the Zombies. Easy dispatch. 

"Come on. If the Zombies are as tough as that. This should be a cake walk." Jak bayed everyone to follow him. 

They walked past one cell to see there was someone in there. "Hello? Is there anyone out there? Who is it?" The person asked.

Talia turned to see a mage. And he looked the part as well given the Mage Robes. He looked like a young man and seemed like he'd been in a fire fight. 

"Wait. You don't look like the Arlessa's guards. Are you from outside the Castle?" The Mage asked.

"Yes. We're Grey Wardens actually." Talia answered. "You must be the Mage that Lady Isolde mentioned." 

The Mage lowered his head in guilt. "You've spoken to her?" He asked. 

"Yeah. Kind of a real pain. Definite miss high and mighty. That person." Daxx answered.

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