Chapter 9: Rock the Redcliffe.

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The next morning saw a trek from Lothering to Redcliffe. To do that, the group had to travel through a wilderness known as the Hinterlands. Which mostly consisted of a bunch of forests, farms, and dirt roads. And it was what the Heroes had to traverse through. For most of the time, Talia kept her sword in her grip. "Traveling through the vile parts of the Hinterlands. Captain Qwark leads the group through-" Qwark started to say.

"Woah! Hold up there Bucko!" Ratchet warned. "Who said you were the leader?" He asked.

"I did." Qwark answered. "I mean... you need someone as a Captain to lead this group of misfits and lead them on as heroes. And Captain outranks everyone. Everybody knows that." 

"I didn't know that." Alistair sarcastically commented.

"Well, you don't know a lot of things in particular." Morrigan said.

Alistair glared at Morrigan.

"Um..." Talia started.

"Oh no. Speak your mind." Qwark insisted.

"Actually, I outrank even Captains. I'm technically a noble and therefore outrank even you." Talia pointed out. 

"And I'm a Precursor! So HA!" Daxx yelled while riding on Jak's shoulder. "That means a God." 

"You're a God?" Leliana asked confused. 

"Sure am, sugar." Daxx answered confidently. "In our Universe anyway." 

Jak sighed. It was true. "Yeah... It's... true. Daxx is a Precursor." He vouched. Everyone looked at Jak confused. "Well if you knew that the Precursors were a bunch of Ottsels that look like Daxter? Would you worship them? Could they run the universe?" 

"Not really..." Talia admitted. It would be as crazy as if the Maker himself turned out to be an Ottsel. 

"So... there you go. We fluff up the myth a bit. And get the respect that we deserve." Daxx answered. "I'm a Precursor." 

"I'll follow the woman if I have to, but I'm not following the Orange Rat." Morrigan said. 

"Orange Rat?" Daxx asked in disbelief. "I'll show you, Orange Rat you harpie!" He leaped off of Jak until Jak caught him on his tail. "Let me at her, Jak! LET ME AT HER!" 

Jak groaned. "Go to the island. Let's ignore Samos. What's the worse that could happen?" He asked himself referring to his first adventure years ago. 

"Ahem." Qwark interrupted getting everyone's attention. "I will not tolerate arguing as your leader." 

"You're not our leader Qwark." Ratchet countered. 

"Captain!" Qwark gloated.

"And we're back to square 1." Alistair groaned.

"Shut it!" Sig yelled over the arguing. "Now listen. I don't care if you're a Captain or a Precursor. We've got bigger fish to fry and a crazy Doctor along with his Metal Heads to fight! We're going to find this Arl Eamon and tell him what's going on. Is that clear?!" He told everyone. 

Everyone shrugged. Except for Sten who was just looking at Sig liking his authority already. "I like this one." He thought. 

From then on the journey went even silent. Which was a blessing for Ratchet. Until the party finally set their eyes on the Reddish Cliffs that stood above the village of Redcliffe, and in the even further distance was the Island that housed the Castle. "So that's why they call it Redcliffe." Ratchet commented.  

"Well, we wanted to originally call it Bluecliffe. But it didn't make even the slightest bit of sense." Alistair sarcastically sensed. 

"They could've also called it Windmill Cliffe." Daxx suggested as he pointed to the Windmill being stationed near the bridge to the castle.  

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